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Archmaster Plushies

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#1 Shapeshifter

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Posted 25 February 2007 - 01:49 AM

Ok this is my idea, and it has a few chaining things that will make nightmist a better game for all..

The Archmaster Plushie Series

When a crit hits Archmaster or those that are there or above, they can pay 10 mil gold and submit a Decent descrip for a plushie that is similar to the others, with the flair of the original flavor text.
for creating the plushie for 1mil gold they get a copy of it... but what is more, to increase the outflow of money in nightmist. there should be a store set up to sell the plushies after creation at 500k apiece...
But to allow for them to keep their value, only a certain number of them, preset by staff, or by montly rotation.... can be bought

10mil gold + descrip for Shapeshifter when he hits Archmaster


/library Shapeshifter Plushie >> Your very own mini Shapeshifter! Great for cuddling and snuggling up to or for bopping the Nightmist citizens if you feel bored! He guards your heart with the spirit of the forest, hold it close and cuddle with it when your upset, and turn it inside out and attack others with his furious but cuddly grizzlybear form if they try to hurt you.

This chains to cause higher game interest and activity as everyone scrambles to hit archmaster to create a plushie of themselves.... furthermore the overwhelming gold amounts in game that people have worked hard for will actually have something to be spent on.... and those that are up that high wont have too much trouble coming across that much gold either...... hence still furthering the training and activity motife....

Thanks for your interest..

~ Tommy ~

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#2 Penguin


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Posted 25 February 2007 - 03:23 AM

Supported. It's a very neat and original idea.

#3 Gaddy

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Posted 25 February 2007 - 04:57 AM

Well, players cannot create the item either way; thus it would have to be done via request to staff...and only certain staff really.

It would almost definately have to cost quite a bit less than the suggested price, possibly drop it down low enough to where people might get one each time they arch characters they like...and have it simply be the desc of their character with a bit of modification and comments.
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#4 deadman

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Posted 25 February 2007 - 05:34 AM

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#5 Tyler

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Posted 25 February 2007 - 05:37 AM

Not Supported. I personally don't really like the idea. Would be a lot more items in the game as time goes by.

If they are created, make them cheaper or given when you get to Arch.

Descriptions could be the same expect for the name.
(E.g. "This is a plushie of *username* to remember the event of achieving Archmaster status. A small momento to hold on to and cherish as your own.") or something :)

Edited by Tyler, 25 February 2007 - 05:46 AM.

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#6 Sleeping

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Posted 25 February 2007 - 12:09 PM

I'd say that coliseum winners should be allowed to make plushie of themselves (But I'm biased as only coliseum winner so far :))
Does not play well with others.

#7 Redheart

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 12:08 AM

No thanks Im not into cute, cuddly items :)
(Id rather spend gold on good equips and weapons)
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#8 EzPk

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 04:27 PM

Not Supported. I personally don't really like the idea. Would be a lot more items in the game as time goes by.

If they are created, make them cheaper or given when you get to Arch.

Descriptions could be the same expect for the name.
(E.g. "This is a plushie of *username* to remember the event of achieving Archmaster status. A small momento to hold on to and cherish as your own.") or something :)

why bother posting if your not supporting it? its a cool idea.. if you dont like it then dont buy one simple as that.. no point contributing your negative points to a decent idea...jez tyler lighten up the guys jus trying to show some creativity.. shame on you -.-

also .. " given when you get to Arch? " .. considering the amount of crits that are arched wouldn't it be almost impossible to make sure everyone gets one if infact staff have to make them..

anyways supported.. cool idea.. would be a good idea for those who quit and want to be remembered.. leave some plushies of rememberance around :) FUN

#9 Scripto


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Posted 27 February 2007 - 07:26 PM

I accually like this idea.. its different.. which I like...

But the cost.. seems alittle much.. I think most people would rather spend 10m on something like a Cobalt or something rare then a stuff animal.. but you have to make sure you keep the price high enough so people aren't taking Archmaster Bob_the_Builder making a pushie outa him and the n/c him to Dora_the_Explorer and making another pushie and etc.. this way with don't have 3000 different pushies of the same crit with a different name.

Other then that.. Supported. :)
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Scripto (Staff)
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#10 Dark


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Posted 27 February 2007 - 07:46 PM

so thats what a plushie is lol....

#11 Shapeshifter

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Posted 28 February 2007 - 07:53 PM

I do see what everyone is saying about the pricing... it is a little high, forgive me... it was a starting idea...

Looking more into it I can see it should lie somewhere around (correct me if im wrong) 1mil gold.. something that someone at Archmaster can make in about 2 weeks training off and on.... i hear about people making that in a day on crits that are expert and below. so its not impossible...

so far i havent seen anything on the buying price though, just the creation price... but ive adjusted that as well.

So here is my rethought prices..

1mil gold to create the plushie, but dont forget the descrip as well

200k to buy from the store.. if the store is implimented... and make there a limit as to how many can exist in game.... after say 5 - 10 are bought, it leaves the shelves.

i figure that way its more costly than the Teddybears on site... but i still dont see them needing to be at 10 times the cost (at the original setup of 500k)

i still wonder if there is a way to eliminate the staffer side... so staff arent overflowed with people asking for plushies when they hit arch..

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#12 Scripto


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Posted 01 March 2007 - 06:37 PM

I personally was thinking more in the range of like 1.5-2.5m to create, of course upon creation you would get one.

If the store is added so other people can buy them after I was thinking more in the range of 500-750k to buy from the store. And keeping the price high from store would stop people from overly buying them so you wouldn't need a limit on how many can be bought.

Other then that.. stilll would have to make sure you have a staff that can create items is willing to for fill orders of the custom ones, which could be complicated.

Just my 3 pennies...
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#13 Shapeshifter

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 04:41 PM

Good point... and that is something i agree with... sorry for the confusion... its my first shot at items so bear with me....

final standpoint on prices: 2mil to create, and 500k to buy from the store... if made...

that brings me about to the next focus...

how to make them...

staff are going to be hard pressed to make a plushie for everyone.... especially those that are already arch or above.... but that number is already cut back by those that dont have the gold to afford it.... at 2.5 mil to create....

my wonders are if there is a way to make a command... you give the 2.5 mil to XXXXX and you get presented with a command like the trade command.... you fill in the command and send it to XXXXX and he gives you the plushie with your flavor text.

something like /plushie <flavor text> XXXXX

other than that maybe there could be someone inducted for a short period of time to focus only on making Plushies

then for the store to sell them..

would make sense for it to be in nightmist, because its the primary location for anything.... but where... maybe north or south one somewhere on Fizzbang Street as you head towards the mages guild...

Alrighty let me know what you think. thanks for the input thus far.... hopefully this goes into effect after all the opinions that everyone has made...

Edited by Shapeshifter, 05 March 2007 - 08:50 PM.


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#14 deadman

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 08:45 PM

I like the idea any word from JLH?
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#15 Shapeshifter

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Posted 13 December 2007 - 05:24 AM

Ok so this is a severely old post that im bumping, but i still like working the idea, and ive been tinkering a bit more with the schematics of it

ive got the prices fixed above, 2mil to create 500k to buy from store to stop the overboard buying

now to focus on the other aspects, the store, and a way to eliminate staff involvement

the store can be tossed somewhere in nightmist, north or south off fizzbang street, or in one of the empty squares in market square

Eliminating Staff involvement

Button on Square will prompt to click to create plushie, taking the 2 mil from the user and giving them the created plushie.

the button will use a command, that will in turn make the plushie and give it to the player, and make it available to buy for 500k in the shop, under the buy button, like in any shop. (not knowing the coding of NM all i can do is make a blueprint)


command will grab user name, user class, and character gender information and store them in variables, for this example, USERNAME, USERCLASS, and USERTYPE.

command will use USERNAME to fill in the item name, and the beginning of the flavor text.

>> USERNAME Plushie --> Your own mini USERNAME! Great for cuddling and snuggling up to, or bopping the citizens of Nightmist over the head when you get bored!

command will use USERCLASS to set other variables, and fill in the last bit of flavor text and will use USERTYPE to fill in the proper 'he' or 'she' pronoun.

for example USERCLASS =

Druid >> a setting of the variable MORPHSET to be filled with the druid's chosen morphset, then fill in the last of the flavor text with >> USERTYPE guards your heart with the power of nature, cuddle up to it when you are upset, or turn it inside out and attack others with his furious but cuddly MORPHSET form if they try to hurt you.

all other classes would yield a set of the variable WEAPON to be filled in with the current equipped weapon. then fill in the flavor text with:

Fighters >> USERTYPE guards your heart with his sheer strength and determination, cuddle up to it when you are upset, or its ready to come to your defense with its WEAPON if they try to hurt you.

Berzerkers >> USERTYPE guards your heart with its raged fury, cuddle up to it when you are upset, or its ready to strike with all its might with its WEAPON if they try to hurt you.

Thieves >> USERTYPE guards your heart with the shadows, cuddle up to it when you are upset, or its ready to strike from the shadows with its WEAPON if they try to hurt you.

Rangers >> USERTYPE guards your heart with its keen eyes, cuddle up to it when you are upset, or its ready to shoot anyone down with its WEAPON if they try to hurt you.

Clerics >> USERTYPE guards your heart with its restorative magics, and is ready to defend you with its WEAPON if they try to hurt you.

Paladins >> USERTYPE guards your heart with its battle ready magics, and is ready to jump to your aid with its WEAPON if they try to hurt you.

Mages >> USERTYPE guards your heart with its powerful arcane magics, and is ready to resort to its WEAPON if they try to hurt you.

Pacifists would not fill WEAPON because of the lack of equipable weapons so would just prompt filler text of >> USERTYPE guards your heart with its pacifistic healing magics, and is there by your side to treat your wounds and defend against any attackers.

I dont know how much else i can pour in, or how much more i can tear it open to simplify implanting it.

Thanks, leave your thoughts...

- Shapeshifter -

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#16 Jumpsteady

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Posted 13 December 2007 - 05:33 AM

umm i have mixed opinions about it... i thin it should be for grandmaster and on up... anyone can get an arch crit and what not... plushie should be of acheivement... like corey and jordan getting 9439402904902 xp on 1a in the short time its been open... if its just for arches... NO is my answer...

#17 Trevayne

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Posted 13 December 2007 - 05:34 AM

So your plan is to require less staff involvement by requiring significant programming effort from admins?

Not really a good tradeoff...
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#18 Shapeshifter

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Posted 13 December 2007 - 05:38 AM

The original idea was added far before the bump to lvl 40, but yes, i do suppose that it should now be switched to grandmaster, as that is the top achievement now.

And yes it is significant programming, but its a 1 time deal, instead of having staff be hounded ontop of their already full plate for someone to get their item.

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#19 Trevayne

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Posted 13 December 2007 - 05:49 AM

While I somewhat like the idea, I don't think you realize that anything that requires coding changes is almost certain not to be added.

It took us 3 months to get JLH to change a "4" to a "40". I don't think there is going to come a time when we can get him to sit down and spend hours coding something that is not making the server burst into flames.

If you want to promote this idea, drop the coding changes and rely on the staff.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#20 Shapeshifter

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Posted 13 December 2007 - 05:56 AM

I was just looking out so staff didnt get hounded by players, its bad enough that they get badmouthed after putting together awesome events and seasonals, all without thanks.

I was just looking out for you guys, but yeah, it can still be implimented with staff involvement instead of exiling staff.

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#21 Angelus

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Posted 13 December 2007 - 11:43 AM

A plushie is a stuffed animal/doll? Like the one Elf has?

What would be the stats on it? I don't really get it I guess, and a 'plushie' is nothing without a picture..
Angelus ingame.
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#22 Shapeshifter

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Posted 09 October 2011 - 12:35 AM

Talk about bumping a topic that's older than dust. But Im doing it because I think it could be something interesting to add to either server. Recap for everything would be much to long to put in a bump post, but I'll grab the highlights.

- Would have to have staff involvement, because getting anything coded into the game is near impossible.
- Could grab from what is written above, with maybe a minor alteration or two, and use to make the plushie description.
- Pricing is still an issue, will let other people hammer that out, Ive done my best to no avail.
- Would have to tweak it for something different than Archmaster, since thats none too difficult

Optional Changes:

- Set number per user, meaning that you'd have to determine which crit(s) to make the plushie(s) out of.
- Setting the store would be near impossible for coding reasons, but could be something added somehow, if an NPC could sell them or something via a money order.

Thoughts, opinions, and maybe more ideas?

Again, sorry for the dated bump, but I just stumbled on this again and thought it might be interesting to revisit.

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#23 Adultery

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Posted 09 October 2011 - 12:10 PM

good idea! support! however i hope your not set on that price... im sorry but 10 mill gold for anything that doesnt return hp when you hit sht with it is redonk!

maybe 100k? maybe less?

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#24 Shapeshifter

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Posted 09 October 2011 - 08:16 PM

Im definitely not set on the prices, thats something Im going to have to deliberate over when this gets closer to being implimented.

Though I would like to see positive suggestions, and reasoning behind them (Like Adultery's post above) that may help when it comes to trying to decide on a reasonable price. Also, people going back through could also look at whats been posted above and try to come up with other positive suggestions as well.

Negative feedback isnt necessary, I can understand criticizing something above and trying to re-tool it, but if youre going to just flame the topic, take your fires elsewhere.

Lets get those thoughts working people! Maybe we can draw staff attention too!

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

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