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#1 shomer

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 10:21 AM

well i wanted to get this on here before i actually leave so i can talk to some people. i plan on returning after i get back, but who knows..maybe i won't get the chance. if i don't have comp access or if something else happens after boot, i just wanna let you guys know that there's a chance i won't be back so i'm posting this. i'm going to miss a few of you very much, some of you even more than my irl friends (you know who you are). i wish everyone in Üñþrêdíçtêd Rêtríbútíøñ the best of luck while i'm gone, and hopefully you're all still active when/if i return. i'm still going to be on up until the night i leave, so i'm not quitting immediately. if you don't know, i leave march 5th and will be gone for three months. i guess i'll write a few things about my friends just cause i'm bored and it's almost four in the morning right now. it'll be in alphabetical order so i don't have to deal with people saying they're not first on my list :)

Speedy (Abuse): i wish you could have gotten active again before i left, but who knows maybe you'll be out n' about still in three months. was fun training with you and killing bosses

Andy (Andy): wish you wouldn't be so damn lazy lol i miss the old days when we'd both be at gregg's house runnin around killing people/bosses all night..that halloween quest was a lot of fun. on a more serious note though, we gotta party when i get back :wub:

John (Black_Mage): i know you've been pretty inactive lately from school and such, so dunno if you'll see this at all. if you're not active when i get back though, i wish you the best of luck

Gregg (Chemical): all i gotta say is soon as i step off that plane back in michigan, we're gonna terroize my mom the entire time i'm back lmao

Tom (Crazytaxi): dude it sucks with you never getting on anymore, i miss those all night zeum runs we did. those were fun times, nothin but cuban jokes and cracks about my sister haha i'm gonna miss it for sure. hopefully we'll still keep in touch. i'd like to come see you sometime and we can hang out. no, i won't bring my sister though lol, sorry to disappoint ya :o

Cait (Demi): i'm sure you already know how much i'm going to miss talking to you all night. you've been a great friend to me. i know i've told you this before, but you're one of the few people i would actually pay to go visit, and i hope that day comes sometime soon for obvious reasons :wub: i'm sure this is getting repetitive, but i probably would have quit by now if it wasn't for you being on at night for me to talk to and complain to lol, and i'm really glad that i didn't

Kieran (Disaster): it sucks ass that you had to come back just now, we could have done so much if you had better timing lol. you better be playing still in a few months so i can come back and we can own some more moshes and just sit around looking pretty at the end hahaha

Di (Dizzy): it would be cool if i got stationed down with mike in nc and we could go hang out some time. how cool would that be lol. just don't quit again before i get back or i'll have to hunt you down haha

Matt (Drizzle): i've known you for some time now, been in a few clans together and had fun times. gonna miss you man

Bri (Drought): well i didn't really talk to you a whole lot until just recently, but we really make a good team in moshes lol. kinda wish i knew you earlier too cause you're a cool guy

Jai (Enzyme): it's gonna be weird not talkin to you all the time. always good for a laugh when you get on, especially when you're drunk lmao such good times. i realize you're prob gonna be pretty inactive after i leave too, just make sure you come back when i do lol. who knows, maybe i'll get lucky and end up in scotland sometime so dave, you, and i can hang out and maybe play a gig or two

Tony (Fearless): as with Bri, i've just started talking to you recently. had a few good battles at cg and in racks. even though i came out the victor in racks, we both know you'd rape me in a straight up duel where we had same number of alts :P would like to wish you a early happy birthday since i'll be gone when it comes around

Joe (Holocaust): known you since i first started, and now that i look back on it i was quite generous when i trained crits for you lol. i don't even really care about the spyglass deal with you and david anymore though. i wish you were more active now though, miss training with you

Chad (JphattyJr): CHEESE DIP! haha had to say it. don't stop with the one-alting when i leave, it's your job now man. btw, we gotta set aside some time to figure out where UPS girl lives *wink*

Kelly (Katja): i still remember the first time i met you..you and dave were training on ogres and i joined in just cause i was bored. i'm glad i did though because you're usually on if i want someone to talk to

Josh (Kuniva): you're one of my best friends on nm, gonna miss you while i'm gone. soon as i get back though, we're gonna tear stuff up. i wish you luck in getting rid of that problem you have now though lol, hopefully it's gone when i get back. i want to thank you for the advice you've given me and also for putting up with my crap all the time. had a lot of great times when all of us are on at the same time

Paul (Melancholic): still think you're a homo for leaving Üñþrêdíçtêd Rêtríbútíøñ but oh well i guess i understand lol. i'm kinda looking forward to seeing how your zerk and ranger parties have come along when i get back. take good care of eamon for me

Bob (Minooka): don't think i ever told you but i'm sorry for jumping to conclusions awhile back and taking you off friend. am glad i added you back though cause we did some cool stuff together. kinda used to not talking to you now though cause you've been sorta inactive lately. had a lot of fun with you though when you were on

Dave (Muse): you were my first actual friend on here, i still remember training on ogres with you when i was a complete noob. can never thank you enough for letting me use your stuff when i had to restart from scratch. if not for that, i dunno how long it woulda taken me to build back up

Scott (Nismos): i know you won't see this for awhile since you don't have internet right now, but you better have that druid arched by time i get back or i'll have to slap you :wub: you're a cool guy, had a lot of fun training with you

Josh (Numb): we had some fun times over the years man feels like i've known you forever. good luck with that girl, hope it turns out well :)

Gaz (Piggy): haven't known you that long but you seem pretty cool. hope you have all those zerks arched by june :wub:

Juan (Rave): man am i glad tom brought our alts into Üñþrêdíçtêd Rêtríbútíøñ when i quit back in may or so. i doubt i would have joined if not for that cause i didn't know anyone in there. but it's been the best clan i've ever been a part of, we've had a lot of great times. someday maybe i'll stop in and see you and tania :wub:

Dj (Reggae): lmao i have you to thank for giving me the idea for my zerk party hahaha someday maybe i'll arch them. who knows, maybe you'll come back eventually and we can play that game where we pick out a party and see who can find them and kill first lmao great times

Jen (Sayeh): i know you don't play anymore and i'm not on WoW much now to train with you, and i apologise for that. i've just got a lot goin through my head, but i intend to be more active on there when i get back. still can't believe that present you sent me lol. gonna miss talking to you. you've been a great friend to me, even though there was that incident awhile back

Mark (Scripto): man i still remember before you were staff, i always saw you in SS pub when i was training. you're not the real vault keeper though, i know where you really were :wub:

Rj (Sociopathic): wow dude i still remember back when you were sorta still a noob and had a huge party runnin through desert on dialup, using adept clerics to heal yourself haha. strange how we became friends though lol. it's been a great experience since you joined me and tom, and i owe you one for keeping the stuff active once i leave. if you happen to quit or something while i'm gone, just log on the crits once more and hopefully they won't delete from inactivity

Rach (Valentina): well i'll never understand how we became friends lol but it's been fun. seems like all we talk about now though is the weather haha. cali gonna feel nice compared to michigan. eh i doubt i'll feel the same when i get there but oh well lol

Doug (Vex): you're another person i wish would be active again, seems like all my old friends are inactive now...argh maybe it's just a sign i should leave too

Zach (Zapatak): by no means do you deserve to be on the bottom of this list..i'll figure out a way to get you back playin nm again though. wish you wouldn't have given your stuff away, i made same mistake once and had to restart with nothing lol. i'll help you out though WHEN you decide to return.

wow that took a lot longer than i thought it would..i'm sorry if i missed you, i mainly just put the people on there that i've known the longest. had to do it alphabetical though cause there's no way i could rank all of my friends, i have too many good ones. a lot of my close friends know that my head's been spinning within the last few weeks and i've had a lot on my mind. to those of you that i told, i thank you for listening because i really wanted to get it off my chest. it was bothering me too much keeping it to myself.

i'll still be on for another week or so before i leave. hopefully i can continue this war when i get back...even though i've talked a lot of trash to you, it's still been fun (i'm sure you know who you are, i don't wanna name names). well take it easy everyone, i'll miss you
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#2 Piggy

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 10:26 AM

Well theres still a few more days you leave Jay, and yea not known you a long time but your cool, gl with bootcampzorz

Piggy Or Derlok ingame

#3 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 10:52 AM

yeah. what he really means is that if he ranked all his friends it'd put you all to shame because i'd be at teh top ;]

kidding bruv. ugh. dont go. bootcamporz suckszroz + 0rz.

and god, so many questions going around my head now..

hows paralyze going to get arched?
how am i going to stay even slightly sane without my jay :x ?
how am i going to win moshes without my partenar in crime who always dies first with grenades <33

and so many more.

i'll easyy talk to you on MSN dude. good luck and that with life :).
Disaster ingame.

#4 Horny

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 11:45 AM

Dear jj,

I will miss you dearly, and something is telling me YOU WILL end up with mike.. and if thats the case I cant wait to see you... I'm glad we ended up being close friends in such a short period of time, but I wouldn't trade that for the world and I am SO happy that I've got to meet you. I'll never forget you jj, no matter what you think about that.. I WONTTT!!! and I cant wait for the 1alts again ;p HAHAhaha.. that was pretty much fun.

eh this is so hard and I don't know what to say... I wish you the best of luck and... be careful.. don't break yourself... I'll miss you.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#5 Outlaw

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 02:33 PM

i can honestly say that ill miss ya jay, im pretty sure the whole UR clan will feel the same way. It sucks that you gotta go, but life begins at some point, so maybe FAT camp is the kick start you need, lolol. Your honestly half the reason i play this game. So hopefully the other half dont leave to, or maybe ill find another half to keep me company while your gone, lol, you know who im talking about?? lmao, DND doesnt even work.

btw, to add to your " putting up with my crap " lol, are you serious man?? why wouldnt i help out a friend when hes got stuff on his mind?? make it seem like it was a burden for me...pfff

anyways since imma guy, and i hate having a feeling like this..im going to go watch sports and drink beer.. lolol

peace jay

#6 Scripto


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Posted 24 February 2007 - 03:38 PM

Well man... I really hate to see ya leave. :) But some stuff just has to be done. I should still be around when you come back.. maybe you can try and get me outa the vault when you return. :)
~teh Scripto
For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

Scripto (Staff)
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#7 staria

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 05:10 PM

Lol, I say a re-enactment of the football game where you broke your collarbone is in order. You're a
great person Jay.I know you're ambitious and have dreams and goals and I wish you luck as you take
the next step in achieving them. I've had some great and fun times with you and I'm gonna miss you
sooooooooo much. People you can call friends are few and I'm glad I can call you one, a very special
friend at that. Special friends you keep in your heart so when i'm missing you all I have to do is look
there. I only hope the next 3 months go by as quickly as the time I've shared with you. How lucky was
I to meet such a sweet person. Hurry back Jay, I'll be anxiously awaiting your return. :)

Missing you already,
Veritas Lux Mea


#8 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 05:27 PM

Lol, I say a re-enactment of the football game where you broke your collarbone is in order. You're a
great person Jay.I know you're ambitious and have dreams and goals and I wish you luck as you take
the next step in achieving them. I've had some great and fun times with you and I'm gonna miss you
sooooooooo much. People you can call friends are few and I'm glad I can call you one, a very special
friend at that. Special friends you keep in your heart so when i'm missing you all I have to do is look
there. I only hope the next 3 months go by as quickly as the time I've shared with you. How lucky was
I to meet such a sweet person. Hurry back Jay, I'll be anxiously awaiting your return. :)

Missing you already,

that was beautiful. :)
Disaster ingame.

#9 Throwback

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 06:02 PM

gl with btw are u in army/national guard because fort benning gets freaking HOT

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#10 shomer

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 06:05 PM

nah marines
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#11 Trance

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 08:18 PM

What can I say? I knew this was going to happen eventually, but just tried to ignore it thinking you'd hurt yourself again like cait said :). Since I started this game years ago....I've many very few great friends. Ppl that helped me out back when I was a youngin'. I always remember tom talking about you but had never gotten the chance to meet you. From day one it's been an esteemed pleasure having known you, and to have you now as a friend is even more of an honor. I don't necessarily write huge goodbye threads but en exception MUST be made for this. I can usually talk to friends who quit on msn, but that's obviously not going to be an option with you. I wish all the best of luck. I have an incredible amount of respect for what you're about to do and I can only and pray we all get to see you a.s.a.p. I won't say goodbye because I know we'll see you again. But I will say see you later....take care....and may all you dreams be fulfilled.

¡Que dios te bendiga y que tenga todo el suelte del mundo!

Con mucho amor

All cars should come equipped with cleanse. Screw drunk driving!
ingame Irl

#12 Dark


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Posted 24 February 2007 - 08:40 PM

Awwww man, as juan said knew it was coming, ignored the fact lol.;

ima miss ya man, ya like my random talk buddy always on CC to talk nutse to, specially when im spaced out my nut hahahah,

ima miss ya dude in most hetro way :), Later man, have fun at boot camp haha
PS: i dont log on drunk that much....

Edited by Dark, 24 February 2007 - 08:42 PM.

#13 Outlaw

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Posted 24 February 2007 - 11:41 PM

/t juan and cait, ive already got a hitman on it to take out his foot, cant go to boot camp if he cant put on a boot...err, something like that.

#14 Tyler

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Posted 25 February 2007 - 05:40 AM

Jay! Sad to see you leave for awhile! When you come back we're going training! :) Have fun at boot camp!

CEO & Founder of Twisted Tactics.



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#15 Redheart

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Posted 25 February 2007 - 06:50 AM

Jay :)

You will be missed greatly !!

On one hand Im glad you will have the chance to get out of this hell hole
and experience life outside of boring Michigan.
On the other hand I hope that you will not have to experience the hell that is war
in a foreign country that does not want U.S. troops there.

In a perfect world we will have a democrat (not a war mongering imbecile) in the whitehouse soon and all our troops out of that godforsaken desert.

Will miss ya Jay !
Have fun !
Dream wild !
Be safe !!

Rach :)
" For lunch we can have cupcakes until our little fairy tummies are content. We can all stay up to watch the sunset, then go to sleep in our little fairy beds.”

#16 speedy

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 12:10 AM

wow i feel special to be mentioned first anyways good luck with boot camp jay and ya hopefully im fully active again in like 2 months the way things are looking

I think all classes appart from pacifists should be removed, then we can all be hippies and play nice together

Inappropriate Avatar - Crane

#17 minooka

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 04:50 AM

Take Care Jay yeah we had so good trips together when u get playing again after boot we will cause some havoc lol good luck and take care
Page or Memo Minooka in game

#18 Zapatak

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 04:59 AM

Bye Jay! Glad we ended up being friends. /cry.....Fire season is suppose to be a bad one this year so i'm hoping for lots of work, and that means less time sitting here. So yeah, don't let bootcamp kick your ass man. and as for me playin nm its still iffy, especially since your leaving.... So i hope to talk to you when you get back for sure. GoodBye Bro.
Zapatak ingame -zAcH-
(v)îNN€§ØT@ TïM߀®WØ£V€§

#19 Isolated

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 05:08 AM

cya soon
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#20 Eamon

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 04:29 AM

Got me all worked up, and now we got another two weeks til you gotta leave.

This means I have two more weeks of knowing which bosses are in as soon as I log on after work.

Edited by Eamon, 27 February 2007 - 04:30 AM.

#21 Yellowcard

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Posted 01 March 2007 - 04:31 AM

oh jay oh

where to begin
your the person i got closest to when playin this god forsaken game. one of the few that could handle all my jokes, whether they were actually good or bad. it was akward sharing the account w/ you at first since it was all cause of david, not knowing each other at all except that i talked to much and you didnt. but good thing david did, there have been alot of good memories. you were there when i needed you, even if it sounds lame that when i felt down i ran to my game. you imaginitive cuban jokes gave me a challenge when we trashed talked each other while dualing clerics ((no matter what you say, im pretty sure that you had the higher lvl/dwarf cleric- lol :) )). way to many inside jokes to count, your sister (i definitely mean "inside" about that one), mana crystals > adv mana, druids.... dont get me started, you_hate_underscores_hah, your gay dial up, cuban racist jokes, your understanding of protecting your country by shooting the cubans as they try to make it to land, museum, CHRONOS IS GAY, dessy, me buying things 2x their worth value and sellin them for half of that worth value, etc etc etc.

your a great guy, i definitely look forward to being able to chill w/ you irl if possible, and just stay exactly the way you are, cool, laidback, funny, black, and a good friend.

if we do meet up in the future, bring a pitcher of cold water because all this typin has fried the feeble cuban brain of mine

#22 shomer

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Posted 04 March 2007 - 10:35 AM

well i got delayed two weeks, so i'll still be here..til the 19th at least
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#23 Piggy

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Posted 04 March 2007 - 10:39 AM


Piggy Or Derlok ingame

#24 Pureza


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Posted 11 March 2007 - 11:48 PM

Much <3 for teh jaynubz. And more than likely, I won't quit b4 you return so everything should still be alive and active. I definitely won't be on as much, but we all knew that was coming.
Jaded ingame.

#25 Jphattyjr

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Posted 17 March 2007 - 06:56 AM

God dammit, I read this whole damn thread just to find out that what I thought I had typed...Doesn't even mooseing exist. Gay =/

But yeah, if you hit Washington ever, you'll have to hit me up. It'd be worth a drive to go chill and blow nuts up <3 And it's MY CHEESE DIP!!! Hit Washington and you can come to the factory in my backyard ;P Hell, just go have one of your friends run your foot over and you'll be good haha

#26 shomer

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Posted 18 March 2007 - 03:03 AM

well i'm finally leaving now, this will be my last time on until i get back peace
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#27 Isolated

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Posted 18 March 2007 - 04:42 AM

love you!
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#28 Trance

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Posted 18 March 2007 - 07:08 AM

love you!

/nod :) :) :o
All cars should come equipped with cleanse. Screw drunk driving!
ingame Irl

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