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I've Had It

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#31 Sublime

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 08:04 AM

Look at the rest of the staff though Jared, i know Emma/Scripto/Amy/Elf didnt get a ton of votes, and not many people even knew who Elf was until she was made staff.
Sublime - 1a.

#32 Thunderja


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Posted 09 August 2006 - 08:16 AM

So 50/50 lol, I claim a draw ;).
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#33 fallen

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 08:52 AM

I was gonna post this huge ass post repling to what u said but I am pretty much sure everything u said I ve posted, in a long ass post b4 so ya....Also spoke to john b4 about most of the things you spoke of with no reply, or any meaningful one anyway.

In any case your right on the ball with the staff/player base comments and take care, talk to you soon man.


Edited by fallen, 09 August 2006 - 09:16 AM.

we will pass judgement on the day of your doom

#34 Raylen


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Posted 09 August 2006 - 09:09 AM

lol if someone annoys you just wait until they log mains and go to a boss then tp in there and pk all their crits ;)

Btw I coulda stole jared's staff spot imagine that!
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

Crane said

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#35 Perfection

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 12:56 PM

*shrugs* I was voted to be staff, I did not ask for it.. my mortals are what I like about the game, to play and get away from "real life" for a while.

Mortals and staff position never get mixed up in fact I give up a lot of things having being voted in as staff already i.e having to wait to explore areas, one of the main things I like about the game.

Never use staff position to "cheak out" areas before hand either, spoils the fun of it.

As staff most of us have very limited "powers" so the development of the game just takes a huge step back now with Gareth leaving us.

/t players Stupid twats!!!
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#36 joanna

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 02:28 PM

Staff dont need to spawn monsters for themselves to kill, create items to pick up on mortals, spy on players using staff alt then pk em on mortals ect ect ect to 'gain an unfair advantage'. In fact they dont need to use staffalts at all.

From what crane sed, there are staff-only forums that all details of a new area are posted on. Obviously these are of great advantage to the mortal crits of people with access to said forums. Remember the 'Nightmist Development' forum basically died a death and became a magnet for joke ideas, the simple reason being that you had to give out publically all the details of the new area, making any secrets utterly worthless!

Not sure if its still there, but there was a rule that staff members and anyone helping on a new area could not enter it for 1 month. this was fine when new areas were relativly small, and uncomplicated, where after 1 month most players knew the ins and outs of it anyway.

With the new more detailed areas comin out, imo 1 month is insufficiant. After the time passes players who have access to dev details of these areas are at great advantage. May i suggest these 2 things:

1) Only the player(s) designing the area and JLH get to see the development of the new area. Other staff are banned from entering it with staff alts.

2) All staff members are banned from entering a new area until 5 unique players (different account, different clan) have obtained the main drop from the area (ie sov sword for harabec)
and yes, 'crafting' should be considered as an 'area' in this respect.

#37 Exodia



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Posted 09 August 2006 - 04:57 PM

crane will be back.... u kinda sound like a lil kid crane, juss cuz nm isnt how u want it and u cant get ur own way... doesnt mean u have to make everyone feel sorry for u
Primex ingame

#38 Amy

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 05:07 PM

I am not going to make a long drawn out post here. Gareth, sorry to see you go. However, the insinuations made about all other staff members are NOT TRUE. First of all, we do not have the option of exploring an area nor of getting an item until it is discovered by another player first. We do NOT use our staff crits or staff knowledge to gain an unfair advantage. We were players, and as Joe said, most of us did not ask to be staff. We were asked by JLH and accepted. As far as us "not doing anything" as some players have stated, i will say that the moment a staff member becomes visible, they have no time to do anything but run events, answer moans about "he said she said" and basically act like a principal of an elementary school in an uproar. I am not complaining about this, as I accepted the staff position to help players in any way I could, including entertain them with moshes/games or anything that amuses them and helps the morale of the game. I have NEVEr cheated as a mortal player or as a staff player. Also, since I have become staff, I have had to gather almost all of my mortal crits from the inactive list simply because I do not have time to play them. When I do play, yes, I explore and play like everyone else. We are supposed to still enjoy the game. We should not cheat nor share staff secrets with anyone. That should include bringing mortal players that are not on staff to new areas that have not been released and showing them all the ropes. That includes tping someone somewhere just because they want to get there fast. I have been asked for help as a staff member, I will get on a mortal, and help someone travel. I do that without TP powers, without any assistance at all from my staff crit. If I can not help someone, I ask another who can possibly. By stating that we are all basically cheats Gareth, I am definately offended. You act as if you are so willing to help the player base honestly, and yet, 99% of the time staff hear comments from you, is about how much you hate being staff and despise the player base. I apologize for being so blunt here, but the truth is the truth. Now.. I wish you the very best of luck in whatever you decide to do. You have some great talent, hate to see you go.

Before I post more on this I must take a few really deep breaths. Good day, Amy
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#39 Dark


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Posted 09 August 2006 - 05:19 PM


#40 Momba

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 05:46 PM

Your right Rappy. And has been true since the day more then 1 staff was added to the game. Staff have always had an advantage over the rest of us hence the reason JLH and Simon tend not to have to many staff at one time. What makes his rant any diffrent from any other exstaffs? We asked for staff we got them. Only this time e got alot of them and as a result the same probl;ems that have been here since day 1 are now magnified and because this we should listen to him cry?

I think not. Let him quit. As proven in the past the game won't slow down at all. His absence only offers 1 thing. Another staff member ;). That means new ideas and new areas. It's a vicious circle, but someone has to go round and round.
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#41 Piggy

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 06:04 PM

Doubt JLH gonna hire more staff

Piggy Or Derlok ingame

#42 Scripto


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Posted 09 August 2006 - 06:18 PM

All I can say is Crane man... I'm sorry to see you go.. I like ya, you were a good person to chat with and very smart, and will be miss'd and hope you return.

To all the crap about staff, what they do, and thier mortals: Everone who knew me before I was staff, and while I've been staff know.... I don't do much, I mainly just sit around and chat with people in the vault, and I told JLH thats just what I did 95% of the time before I was even hired before as staff. And 98% im on, im on Scripto, and un-cloak, incase anyone has any problems they can page me and and I will help them to the best I can, and what I can not fix, I will try to get another staff member that has the power to fix it to help me out with it. As for my Mortals... I hardly ever use them, anyone that knows me can tell you that.. even before I was staff.. all I did was sit on Scripto in the vault and talk, about the most I do on my mortals is log on Kannabis for Moshes, and now and then Kannabis, Charm, and Huff for 3v3 with clannies and friends..all the rest of my crits I usually only log on to keep active...
For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

Scripto (Staff)
Kannabis (Mortal)

#43 Hansol

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 09:24 PM

Well.. Something I won't get warned to say for once.

Gareth, you take things personally, and you're quite unpleasant... Towards me i should say. I was removed from your friends list, for using the word son... Obviously not calling you my son... As i dont wish to have children... But going off your rocker.. Has made me chuckle.

I think things will be the same as the always were with or without crane.

I would also like to see the list of people who have annoyed you.

Staff Comment: (Crane on 07-26-2006) Account-banned for bypassing previous ban multiple times. (Crane on 07-26-2006) Bypassed ban by using different computer. (Crane on 07-26-2006) Argument or not, language like that isn't acceptable.

In my defence, i think you were very unfair, seeing as being provoked gives no defence to anything but murder... You didn't even warn us to stop bickering. And he's the one who used another computer to bypass an Ignorepc. *claps*


Have fun. I hope things don't change. Means you won't come back ;)

#44 Isolated

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 10:09 PM

the real topic is why chris/ste post nonsense where its not needed kthx

on a brighter note:
sad to see you go crane at least you were a good staffer only one like you left is aeryn cya soon bro
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#45 combusta

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 10:34 PM

i never thought i would agree w/ Bill/Cor on anything, but theyre right, sometimes crane can be like a lil kid and cry when he doesnt get his way, noticed how he "quit" like 3months ago?

jesus he'll be back....i say we make a big pool on which day he logs back on, 50k entrance winner takes the whole thing, contact me ingame on professional.

JLH, on Oct 8 2005, 06:13 AM, said:

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

Exodia, on Jul 7 2006 04:26 PM, said:

o shut up tony

#46 Guest_Starwolf_*

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 10:57 PM

Not sure how many of you remember, I used to play a pacifist. I read the forums unregistered after I left NM due to having a child that is at the top of my priority list now in life. I read this post and I couldn't sit quiet any longer.

Player base gets worse and will continue to do so. It's not just NM, it's any online interactive games out there. The players gets younger and younger and with less adult supervisions in their young lives, no one is teaching what's really important, such as morals, how to play honorably, fairly and all that good jazz. This is why I chose to quit NM to take care of my daughter. The world is changing and unfortunately not for the better. One battle at a time, I start with my own child and hope for the best.

For staff/admin, it won't get better, the player base. My sympathy and best of luck to you. NM gave me many a good times and friends in the past and I hope it stays alive forever.

For all those guilty players, yes, it's a game, but from little things like a game in one's life you choose to play this particular way, what do you do in real life, I have to wonder. Imagine, as an older player, that you all will be running the world when I'm old. That's the thought that keeps me up at night.

Play nicely or take your toys elsewhere. Ruin a free online game that started off so great, you'll have no where to hang. Sure, there's WoW, but pay to play. There's Conquer, which have gone to pieces as well thanks to player base that's same as this. The complaints I've heard from players/friends that I kept in touch with all over the map in all different games, these guilty players are the reason why online games simply isn't fun any more. Would you rather pay high prices for games like X-box and Playstation and such? Maybe you got rich parents, but majority of us come to games of such because it is free, because some have really great creativity behind it, and we made great friends and would like a place to call home from every day crap.

Give us all a break. Quit being asses. There's no need to play the way you do to get to the top of the ranking list(s). For those that remembered me, I started long after NM existed and managed to become #1 ranking in Pacifist catagory and top 10 in over all. I played it the honorable way, slow and steady. This isn't the type of game to play over night like some Playstation games written out there. If you haven't the patience to earn your way to the top, then pick another game, this isn't the one for you. Impaitence in a game...well, imagine all the time you have to look forward to in real life that require patience that's in front of you yet.

Gareth, I'm sorry to hear you're leaving, little bro. You've attributed in new areas in NM and for that you should be proud of. Pat on your back for standing up for what you believe. Regardless of what responses you read in this post thread, remember, you can't win in everything in life. Not everyone will like you and you will get flamed by those that didn't care for the way you do things in the game in the past. There are those that knew what you had put into the game and agree with you on the points you've made, staff having mortal crit(s), for example, and so on. I am one of those and I for one appreciate you.

As always,

#47 Isolated

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 12:58 AM

EzPk, on Aug 9 2006, 10:27 PM, said:

Isolated, on Aug 9 2006, 11:09 PM, said:

the real topic is why chris/ste post nonsense where its not needed kthx

on a brighter note:
sad to see you go crane at least you were a good staffer only one like you left is aeryn cya soon bro

no, my post was COMPLETELY ontopic and made complete sense...and your one to talk.. look at your first post it was a personal attack, your the reason cranes leaving, people like you.. can't push aside his feelings towards someone else and bid a farewell to someone, honestly your making yourself look like a complete moron, get a life.

and i know, for a fact, you will reply with something idiotic, its soo predictable.. thats all you can do...

you want me to tbh? i wasnt even reading thru i juss thought id post that because you make good people, quit games. your some loser who thinks he's a hard (instert naughty word here). when you really think about it ste, your a loser, thats all youll ever be you never leave your house, you never leave your computer *oh d2 calls im afk with my gf /eyes*.
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#48 Tyler

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 02:04 AM

To get back on topic, how about I leave a lil post.

Crane, I didn't get to talk to you often after you quit putting most people on your friend's list, and couldn't catch you on Europa (or didn't notice), but you were always a good staff member. You made the game fun for me to play, and probably one of the reasons I'm still here. Sorry to see you go, but hopefully you can stop back and give us a shout someday.

CEO & Founder of Twisted Tactics.



Multi: Veles or Elixir

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#49 Isolated

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 02:40 AM

yeah didnt mean to bring off topic see ya crane
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#50 EzPk

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 02:58 AM

Isolated, on Aug 10 2006, 01:58 AM, said:

EzPk, on Aug 9 2006, 10:27 PM, said:

Isolated, on Aug 9 2006, 11:09 PM, said:

the real topic is why chris/ste post nonsense where its not needed kthx

on a brighter note:
sad to see you go crane at least you were a good staffer only one like you left is aeryn cya soon bro

no, my post was COMPLETELY ontopic and made complete sense...and your one to talk.. look at your first post it was a personal attack, your the reason cranes leaving, people like you.. can't push aside his feelings towards someone else and bid a farewell to someone, honestly your making yourself look like a complete moron, get a life.

and i know, for a fact, you will reply with something idiotic, its soo predictable.. thats all you can do...

you want me to tbh? i wasnt even reading thru i juss thought id post that because you make good people, quit games. your some loser who thinks he's a hard (instert naughty word here). when you really think about it ste, your a loser, thats all youll ever be you never leave your house, you never leave your computer *oh d2 calls im afk with my gf /eyes*.

oh so, sorry i didn't know you stalked me and knew everything about me... if you knew me you'd know that i go out with mates all the time.. and play football basically everyother day.. you can sit behind your pc and say all this stuff, and thats fine.. but lets face the facts man.. your nothing, worse than nothing and you always will be unless you sort your attitude out, im not sure what your problem is, but you tend to quote and reply to EVERYTHING i say on this forum.. if its that your jealous of me, then i can understand that, i know your angry, and thats cool.. but you should really stop zippin on that hateraid cause its got ooh soo boring, most of the nightmist population can probably back me up that your always on my back for reasons which i don't know.. its time to grow up mate, stop hating and be happy, cuz thats the way to be :wub: once you come down from that big ego tree, gime a shout and we can talk, id like to know what your beef is with me..

so there it is, nightmist has seen that im trying to sort out things and cause less drama ingame, if you don't wana meet me half way with this then you'll be looked down on. :wub:

<3 josh ;)

You have been added to Saint's friend list.
Saint has been added to your friend list.

thats a new record, after 3 pages we were mates.. :wub:

#51 Trevayne

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 03:22 AM

I have no doubt that the playerbase is spiraling out of control and I also have my doubts about what the admins are doing.

Even though I disagree with your idea about the staff/player divide (I happen to agree 100% with Emma), it is an interesting idea and worth discussion.

However, the rest of your post only serves to further incite drama in the community and potentially push away more of the remaining players. If you have accusations to make about particular staff members, then you of all people know that the right thing to do is to email the admins, not to post vague accusations on the forums.

I've been traveling for work for the last few weeks, so I'm not quite sure that triggered this. Maybe this is a last-ditch attempt to get the admins to notice. If it is, then I hope it works. In any case, I wish you the best Gareth. May you find the things in life that make you happy.

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