I've Had It
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:12 PM
Accept it or not, this game has gone to the dogs, and I for one have had enough of it. Until some things are changed, I have no desire to help on this game any longer.
1) The general attitude of the players is getting worse and worse. The community is now nothing short of anarchistic; the good, honest players are being harassed out of the game, and the bad players... well let's see... they have absolutely no respect for the staff and do not accept punishment - if anything, they try to bypass it and get back to the staff member, down to harassing their mortal crits. Let me get this straight in your idiotic minds... we are not your servants... we are not there to serve your every needs and we are not there to come crying to when you yell an insult at someone and the person you yelled it to decides to throw one back in retaliation. We police the game for no charge, and what do you do? You manipulate, bribe and abuse us, and are totally ungrateful for any small action we might do to aid the game.
What disgusts me more is that you morons are willing to steal, trick, cyber, manipulate and bribe to get other people's account details or equipment just for a few extra digits on the numbers listed next to "Gold" and "Bank"... if you are willing to commit such fraud, manipulation and trickery for stuff that does not exist, I dare to think what you are willing to do for real money.
2) Staff/player divide. At first, I was okay with staff having their own mortal crits, but now I want all staff, including myself, to only have their staff crit and test crits. Why? Because so many of the staff are top players, and what frustrates is that I am forced to reveal every shred of information about a new area for new feature, including secret passages, meaning those staff players can use the information to gain a significant advantage and inflate their non-existent bank balances. If staff are not happy with losing their mortals, then they should really decide if they are better suited to being a staff member or a top player.
3) Being staff. I am concerned that too many of the staff do not do anything with your staff crits apart from yell things and use your position as a status symbol. Being staff is a privilege, but it isn't a reason to show off, and we are supposed to be unbiased; if someone commits a crime, we should not treat them differently because they are a friend, and even if a friend has been hurt by another player or even a staff member, the other party should have the right to say their side of the story and be heard - to pass judgement without hearing both sides and then demanding it to be dropped is very unprofessional and something I do not easily forgive, because it is warped justice, even if the other party is guilty. What annoys me also is that many staff barely use their staff crits at all, and are more than happy to run around on their mortals, even during times when multiple staff members being present would be extremely helpful.
4) Administrators. It is fair enough holding most of the power because of past incidents with staff flying off the hook with their limited staff powers, but to not care for the game you created and to not be professional in how the staff team is organised is almost unforgiveable... we are meant to look up to you as leaders, yet you give us almost no training when we first become staff, no reinactment so we can practice how to respond to common incidents, and you are hardly around to check if everything is okay. I do not know how you are unable to see it, but the playerbase is collapsing into anarchy and it is just sheer horror, but rather than try to nip it in the bud and become stricter with the crimes that go out of control, you leave us with very limited powers to deal with it ourselves... I'm not surprised a lot of the staff hide away now, even myself, because the players are just there to abuse us... if we /mute or /lock them, they just log off and on again; if we jail them, they wait until they starve to death so they are at their local tavern again, if we /dayban them, they bypass the ban with a different computer or with leaked copies of the anti-banning tool (such bans should always be server-side anyway, that would prevent many problems), and if we /account ban them, they just use crits from another one of their accounts. Even if we use more unorthodox punishments, players do not learn and only strive to inact their revenge by doing something worse when we're not looking, humiliating us or harassing our mortal crits. I will not stand for this any longer.
Until the players are taught that their behaviour is unacceptable, I refuse to be around... I cannot police this game by myself. The staff need to know what it means to be staff... it is position of authority, responsibility and honour and not a status symbol which gives us the right to do whatever we want in this game and treat people however we want. And with the way things are with the current Nightmist, I have little faith for Dark Strata too. Have a nice day.
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:17 PM
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:20 PM
Edited by Isolated, 08 August 2006 - 11:21 PM.
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:23 PM
Main crits:
Don't kill the
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:26 PM
Have fun Gareth, add me on freddo231990@hotmail.com
I suggest a full reset again <3
Edited by Piggy, 08 August 2006 - 11:32 PM.
Piggy Or Derlok ingame
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:28 PM
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:31 PM
EDIT : Im not saying that your complaints are not valid, and that changes should'nt be made. I just wish you wouldnt give up take it to the forums like this.
Edited by Shaginator, 08 August 2006 - 11:33 PM.
Existance - Main
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:32 PM

sad to see you go

Edited by Spectra, 08 August 2006 - 11:34 PM.
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:33 PM
Shaginator, on Aug 9 2006, 12:31 AM, said:
You knew what you were getting yourself into when you signed up for the job. You dont take a staff position and then constantly complain about this or that. You do things to assure that whatever is wrong is changed or made better. And if you dont have the authority to do so, then you have to decide whether or not the BS you have to put up with is more troublesome than the amount of desire you have to make things better. In other words.......people suck. You know this. For every 2 nice people you meet, there are 3 a-holes to ruin it for everyone. Thats life in general...not just in this game. Either be a staff member or dont. But accept the job for what it is and make the best of it. Otherwise quit wasting your time and effort on something you cant commit to.
EDIT : Im not saying that your complaints are not valid, and that changes should'nt be made. I just wish you wouldnt give up take it to the forums like this.
He dosn't want to be staff on here now, he cant take the bs, thus hes leaving

Piggy Or Derlok ingame
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:37 PM

Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:40 PM
I know I've stated my opinion earlier today with the NO DONT GO pages, but I didn't get to fully explain how I feel. In my opinion, you are on of the best staffers NightMist has ever seen. You've created lots of wonderful areas *which I never go to cause I suck*, but people go there and enjoy them. I'm suprised you put up with this for this long really and I admire your courage of saying it like this so everyone gets to know that not only the players are stupid, so are some of the staff members *please this is just an opinion, I am not harassing*. The game goes far beyong us players, it goes to the staff and admin, and as the admins lost they're love for their own game, so did we. It is falling apart, but I know nightmist will always be here. Yes, it needs to improve, but till then we're stuck with it this way.
I also agree with your idea of staffers only having one character, it would stop some of the problems, but then we are left with the players who will never change. People get greedier and greedier by the minute, I admit I am to in a way, but aren't we all?
I've always admired your skills as a player, even if you don't believe me or think you don't have them. I wanted to be able to explore like you do, or have such motivation to train characters. You never gave up. And the PK part, I never knew how you did it, I don't actually PK but I do have a big mouth and I have to back it up sometimes, but you never got yourself into wars and thats what I always admired about you. You're one of the most nicest persons on nm, if someone doesn't step on your tail, and even if they do you still try to be as nice as posible to an extent. You're also a trustworthy person, which nm is lacking atm, anyone could have given you items/characters or even their acct pw and you wouldnt have touched it. I mean if you found a cobalt on the floor you'd probably wait for someone to claim it. I doubt anyone else would do that, I mean.. I wouldnt lol.. :/
What Im trying to say in this long boring post is that nightmist needs more players like you, who aren't selfish greedy fake and stupid. I've had a great time playing by your side and I still remember when you took me to tirantek, even though it took us about 40min to get there then 40 min to go back. It was fun. I hope some day you will return and I can take you on trips. Till then you will always have a place on nm and in my heart.
Thank you for being an awesome player, an almost perfect staffer, and last but not least, a great friend.
With love,
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:43 PM
Either way it's a shame to see that the attidtudes of players and a cumulation of problems have lead to gareth hanging up his boots so to speak. Hes contributed what I am told is the best and most complex area nightmist has (tirantek - i have to admit ive never been) and hes run the events that the players demand on a daily basis. His contribution to nightmist is priceless.. I hope he can one day return when and if the game ever returns to what it once used to be.
On 1a Azure, Melody, Faith, Solstice, Wylow, Hope in game.
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:46 PM
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 08 August 2006 - 11:59 PM

Posted 09 August 2006 - 12:38 AM
I'm glad someone finally said something.
I would really hate to see you go. You're the only one that I know of that has done anything as far as creating lots of areas and running events go. Not to mention you're super nice as far as I can tell. ^.^ You're probably one of the best staff members we've seen throughout this long time ran game. Without you around the game will slide even further down the gutter.
Way to go Nightmist assholes. You've ran off another great staff member. Proud of yourselves yet?
Hump in game.
Posted 09 August 2006 - 12:38 AM
I'll be sad to see you Gareth, but you do what you have to. It's good to see you're putting yourself first.
Might also be an eye opener for a certain JLH.
Posted 09 August 2006 - 01:09 AM
but I have a announcement to make k
<<<<<<< Rappikins for a language/player prob staffer prz
1. my staff crit would be called Platypus
2. I am online 24/7
3. I dont play so there is no danger of me uber haxing 4 ez itamz
4. hawt Rappi areas like the duck billed platypus and birr the dog etc
5. I am good at hit/running people at mayor
6. I have more cappy kills than anyone who currently plays
7. I am the sexiest person in nm
/t JLH page me ingame when my acct gets staff powers k
Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 09 August 2006 - 01:18 AM.
Posted 09 August 2006 - 01:18 AM

but supported so we can have mosh prizes such as: platypus tails a weapon tha does poison damage for 75-250
Edited by Spectra, 09 August 2006 - 01:20 AM.
Posted 09 August 2006 - 01:27 AM
copywright ggthxbai co.
11-28-2005 00:31:20 Paralyze Pages You from (Hidden): young yosha in da makin
Posted 09 August 2006 - 02:54 AM
and rappy supported too why not. lol
Gnarkill- Multi and 1a
Posted 09 August 2006 - 03:21 AM
#1 It is obvious and completely makes sense that NM Staff should not be allowed "mortal crits".
#2 Staff harrasment should be automatic Ban.
#3 Demote those Staff members that aren't productive and give the position to someone who can/will be.
People on here need to stop pointing fingers at others. I notice alot of regular players that don't help the new players. I have seen numerous times new players give up due to the fact there is no one to help. There is only players that will take the time to harrass them, pk them, and ridicule them into quiting.
Thank you to the Staff that are doing an outstanding job !

Thank you to the players that are helpful, polite and those that do not Steal and cheat !

Posted 09 August 2006 - 04:16 AM
Redheart, on Aug 9 2006, 04:21 AM, said:
People on here need to stop pointing fingers at others.
Reading that was the only reason why I posted, noticing the comment that josh made about me, kind of backfires with the quote above ^.
I know for a fact im one of the reasons that Crane is leaving and I apologise..but I can assure you all that Ste won't be a problem in the future as ive simply learned this from recent incidents that staff just don't care anymore, and take little action when a crime is commited..I no longer ask for staff help,I ignore what happens , because I just don't get it so why waste my time..whether its just me, i don't know.. but when i used to page staff with insults they would tell me to get a life.
I agree that all staff members should have no mortals, and if they need monsters/bosses tested then perhaps they can do what zephie did, yell for some people to test monsters..
I think that the rules should be updated, as the old rules no longer suit the new playerbase, for example..alot of people bypass bans and get away with it.. even when they are reported..a rule should be made clear that bypassing bans will result in something serious.
Everyone needs to stop caring about other people and take more notice to themselves and what they can do to improve the problems we have ingame...and as i said, im different, all the crap you say about me will be ignored, and im hoping eventually all the haters out there will get bored after a while..as it stands, some people who didn't like me.. now do..

Also, Crane if you see this..I think you should name and shame the people who are making you leave, knowing that I am there doesn't bother me, but i'd like a chance to set it right

Posted 09 August 2006 - 04:26 AM
He really was as good of a staff member as there could be, aside from being quite stingy as far as moderating what people say and how people voice their opinions. However, he was just enforcing the rules that JLH/Pandilex had set.
That though, is besides the point. It really is about time that we, the player base, wake up and realize what the staff members (Those who actually better the game), put up with on a daily basis from us, so that we don't drive the few good ones that we have away.
Several drastic changes do certainly need to be made! A lot of them Crane touched on, and one major one was brought up by someone earlier in this thread. (Whoever you were, sorry for not giving you credit!)
Crane, hopefully changes will be made, and you will return to your spot as a staff member.
Posted 09 August 2006 - 04:52 AM
I'm not gonna blame the game's problem solely on JLH either. JLH isn't around as much as he used to be. Can you blame him? Sometimes people just need a break and that's owners included! It's up to us players to make the game great and if we can't do that, then no one else is gonna care. I'm just curious to see what would happen if JLH ever got so fed up that he took NM down for awhile cause I honestly think, that is the only way these idiotic people who love bypassing bans and harrass people and steal all day long will wake up. Sure, it's punishing us good people that work hard, but then again, we aren't all doing are part to help staff out any better. I've seen where staff will ban someone and people just jump all over staff for doing it just because it's their friend. That itself is rediculous.
So a lot of changes do need to be made to this game. Crane, I just hope that you honestly and 100 percent tried to talk to JLH before posting all this. You are one of the best players and one of the best staffers in this game and I just can't see JLH ignoring you on most of the issues presented.
Posted 09 August 2006 - 05:01 AM
Firstly the positives.....
Tirantek is the greatest area ever made on this game. Before I was staff to this very day it is all I do on this game when I'm not on Omega. You have always had more staff powers than me and are just about always helpful when I need something done.
You have vision for areas and ideas that I could only dream of, a real smart cookie. As a person you grew on me also. You are smart and can also be funny, I enjoyed the time I had with you.
I really do wish you all the best, but certain attacks on this leaving post will result in a more negative reply following.
The only problem I have ever actually had as staff was my war on The Crypt turning into a hate Omega campaign... And the unnecessary overreactions and totally random bs between you yourself and somebody who actually constructively disagrees with you.
Just because other staff don't punish, think, create, agree, associate with players, yell, moderate or play the game the same as you doesn't mean it's a personal attack, or wrong.
You then mention the staff/mortal crit debate. I don't know the specifics or basis for this, maybe you can kindly memo me what you mean. I personally use my mortals for Tirantek, and events only.
I'm fairly sure the top part of #3 is directed at me lol. As staff I'm the same cocky arsehole I was as mortals. For some reason I don't have as much powers as most others. Maybe because I've never asked or maybe my d1ck-head rep followed me. Either way I ENJOY AND LIKE THE PLAYERBASE and like to entertain and run events when ever I'm on this game. That's pretty much all I can do. I'm not showing off it's my way of having fun and I rarely get complaints.
Lastly to the idiots posting crap on here, you've lost my respect. Staff are the same people you voted in a year ago, go jump off a cliff they haven't changed and suddenly become scumbags and cheats, you have. You're just having a pregnant dog because it's the cool thing to do on this thread you lemmings.
All the best Gareth, I know this turned into more of a defensive reply than a goodbye.
Posted 09 August 2006 - 06:10 AM
Outside of that, dude, all uve done since u became staff is pregnant dog and moan. And if ur quitting cuz people pk u on mortal alts cuz ur a staffer, live w/ your decisions my god. If its between Jared/Emma/Gaddy and every other staff(some of the last active players mind you) being able to go on alts, or you, then peace. Staff are not here to govern, for god sake its a free game that will mean nothing in about, 4 months or so? so jesus make it fun for us, if your not up for it then leave.
Once again, thanks for tirantek and the effort you put towards making the game better for us mere mortals. GL in life
Edited by combusta, 09 August 2006 - 06:14 AM.
JLH, on Oct 8 2005, 06:13 AM, said:
ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...
Exodia, on Jul 7 2006 04:26 PM, said:
o shut up tony
Posted 09 August 2006 - 07:11 AM
The only thing i can think of, COMPLETELY EVALUATE ALL CURRENT STAFF, there are a few who rarely log on, and has anyone seen Stotic since the situation with Elf, when her account was jacked? (this is not an insult towards Stotic, i think he's a great staff, with wonderful idea's, he has just become inactive)
But, i really think, it's time to look at who you have patrolling this game... i'm not suggesting that any of them aren't qualified for the job, because i honestly think they all have been great since they got their powers, but if someone as useful to this game as Gareth, is telling you that you have a problem, you honestly have a problem... he has always been an easy-going person, and to see him make a post like this honestly makes me wonder what direction this is heading in.
Posted 09 August 2006 - 07:33 AM
Sublime, on Aug 9 2006, 07:11 PM, said:
I'm honestly not trying to start a flame war with this post, but Jared, our votes didn't really count in the poll for new staff members, JLH said that in the post, and made it perfectly clear.
JP, not trying to go off topic but Trevayne/Gaddy got the most votes, then Joe followed by me waaay back.
Fairly sure from the results they meant something, JLH didn't even know who the hell I was before the votes.
Posted 09 August 2006 - 07:40 AM
Posted 09 August 2006 - 07:57 AM
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