Honestly, I have to say that the Show No Alts option would be a positive addition to the game. I don't think it is very fair for a fight to come down to the character order. If this were a game like Diablo for instance, character order wouldn't matter, nor would it matter in a real life battle, so why should it be a handicap for pkers? I don't even pk that often, but I think it would be fair to the pkers to have this option. And to those who want to keep from being pked...
Edit: This would also be very useful in moshes, heh...
'Nuther Edit: (note to JLH) If supported, I could outline every aspect of the command, from mosh options to other things, would be no trouble, this idea is rather vague as is.
Edited by Lowlife, 08 May 2006 - 06:16 AM.
Things would be so much easier if people would only see them my way...