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Morph Abilitys?

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#1 .?.

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 01:29 AM

I thought of this idea when i was on my druid earlie,maybe they can have certain abilitys when they morph into certain animals

like a bear...You morph into a bear, And gain the ability Maul, maul your enemys, with the bears strength..

A wolf would gain Hunger, maybe 0.1 vamparic for 10 seconds

A Cheatah would gain something like Evade add 3 dex cause of there agility in the wild and so on..

Lion..maybe Savage, chance to wound the targets neck causeing bleeding

A Tiger would have Claw ability, chance to open wounds again,

Just post your thoughts/ideas...was just something what popped up
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#2 Wind


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Posted 07 January 2006 - 01:33 AM


Wouldnt this be something which was going to get added in to nightmist 2?
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#3 .?.

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 02:08 AM

Bad Boy, on Jan 7 2006, 01:33 AM, said:

Wouldnt this be something which was going to get added in to nightmist 2?

I Don't know. :(
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#4 Perfection

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 02:27 AM

nice idea but this would involve changeing the code for each of the druids morphs? if so JLH already said on previous post these type changes won't be happening
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#5 Scripto


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Posted 07 January 2006 - 03:50 AM

still a cool idea, id support it.
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#6 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 08:46 AM

Yeah V nice Idea, well done Dev lol. I reckon it'll work well in NM2, but I can't say that for sure because we don't know if there will be druids in NM2, lol
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#7 Eternyte

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 11:03 AM

It used to be like that a long time ago before they changed the morphs. There were Bear, Gorilla, Cheetah, Lesser Wurm, and 1 or 2 others which I never used.

What happened was when you morphed it cost a varying amount of mana per animal and each gave varying stats.

i.e. Bear +5str, Gorilla +2str +1dex, Cheetah +7dex, Lesser Wurm +10 str +5dex, or something along those lines.

After the initial cast, every 30 secs or so more mana would be used to sustain the morph. When mana ran out, you morphed back into your usual form.

That method of morphing was brilliant, the problem was the mana cost was terrible, hence why at the time arching a druid was something special.

*Read First Post now*
Adding additional benefits to a morph I dont think is needed, the morph is the benefit. Giving a morph an increased chance to hit, more damage, mana leech with talon, and a vamparic hp leech ability or a poison/hp drain = too good.

Edited by Eternyte, 07 January 2006 - 11:07 AM.

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#8 Squee



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Posted 08 January 2006 - 04:57 AM

Which means adding in penalties starts to make things interesting. It balances out in a min/max way which is good so long as that isn't the basis of balancing.
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#9 Dracon

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 09:26 PM

Now lets talk about an overpowered class.....
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#10 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 10:14 PM

Wow nice i like it. Supported.

#11 Dark


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Posted 24 January 2006 - 12:13 AM

Eternyte, on Jan 7 2006, 11:03 AM, said:

i.e. Bear +5str, Gorilla +2str +1dex, Cheetah +7dex, Lesser Wurm +10 str +5dex, or something along those lines.

lesser wurm <3 used to love that cant remember the stats it improved but i remember it gave you more hp for time during the morph

#12 .?.

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Posted 25 January 2006 - 02:59 AM

Dracon, on Jan 23 2006, 09:26 PM, said:

Now lets talk about an overpowered class.....

not really, if this was considered putting in, i'd remove damage increase from gaea's blessing , and reduce damage when in morph but gain abilitys, well thats how i would see it
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