a quest is just about sitting on a square with 200+ alts and everyone hitting one retarded monster and one person getting lucky and getting a drop worth 5m+ or hitting some box with a spade and getting one of the most expensive accounts ingame
the other way to get a expensive account is just sit around and wait to take advantage of old friendships and steal someones account this game isnt half as good as it used to be and the playerbase just blows now
I am tired of it really I wont be active training or anything else or going to bosses or any future quests either (unless its of course sit at sgh and win some questie worth 50m like 90% of this playerbase has then maybe I will come back
I am tired of this
no one is getting any free stuff go and work for your own like I did
every week maybe I will log to chat and keep up to date with what ryan can sell and the chances of me changeing my mind are very slim
Keep the language under control.
Edited by Trevayne, 26 December 2005 - 01:05 AM.