Revised And Balanced Countering
Posted 22 February 2004 - 10:33 PM
________________________________________________THE POST
On another thread, that I believe was due some attention:
on 15.02.04 at 03:44:36, Everlast wrote:give them counter on physical attacks. Not all physical attacks ofcourse, just those involving open close in physical attacks, as in not covert assassinates or bow attacks.
Allowing them to counter some monsters attacks without having to use stam would also be an idea.
Fair call, this could work. Counter could be introduced, where for every attack (NOTE: Attack, not skill), there is a chance that the attack is countered. Working the same way that an attacked is dodged, absorbed, fizzles etc etc. The counter would only do 1/4 of what would have been the opponents initial damage, and ignores armour. Ideally, the chance to counter would be influenced by the characters dexterity, thus mixing up fighter worth amongst the races.
A full hit would read as follows:
Deval attacked you with his 'Blade of Time' for 60 points of damage.
An attack that is countered would read as follows:
Deval attacked you with his 'Blade of Time', but you countered the blow for 15 points of damage.
15 being 1/4 of 60, it's not a massive amount of damage, but the chance to counter would help to push fighters up out of the 'Retarded Basket'.
I like the idea.. But only normal attacks? What about uncovert assassinate? The fighter will see and hear the person coming, and so give himself a chance to counter.
What's berserk counted as? Smite? All mage spells, druids attacking from morph..? They're all skills, but may be done at close range.
Each attack type should be decided, rather than overall.
Didn't mean to sound that badly.. Tired.. Got dragged put of bed this morning I love the idea.
In my opinion, assassinate should not be included, 1/4 of an assassinate is too much damage to the thief for it to be considered, and including the round of damage that the fighter will actually do normally, I can imagine it would cause an assassin serious amount of grief, and overbalance the fighter versus the theif. I also feel this way about smite, however, it should apply to beserk and rapid fire, as they are simply an extremely fast series of attacks, with each attack doing only reasonable amounts of damage. A druid attacking from Morph is fine, it's still a regular attack, whereas mages actually do not engage in close range combat, and I feel that the counter should not apply to offensive spells cast on the fighter by said mage.
I like it, even though I dont have any fighters anymore. Might make me wanna train one up.
I agree with this except one thing. You seem to have forgotten that the ranger would be using rapid fire from a long way away. How do you intend to count that? Pull out the arrow and throw it back?
Posted 24 February 2004 - 07:01 PM
Posted 25 February 2004 - 03:37 AM

Posted 25 February 2004 - 03:45 AM
Posted 25 February 2004 - 04:43 AM
Posted 25 February 2004 - 08:52 AM
Trained to kill.
to destroy.
Posted 25 February 2004 - 06:58 PM
Creator of All Things Fluffy
Evil Zoloft King of Un-Certain Insanity
Posted 27 February 2004 - 03:54 PM

(v)îNN€§ØT@ TïM߀®WØ£V€§
Posted 29 February 2004 - 03:04 AM
Posted 29 February 2004 - 03:09 AM
________________________________________________THE POST
On another thread, that I believe was due some attention:
on 15.02.04 at 03:44:36, Everlast wrote:give them counter on physical attacks. Not all physical attacks ofcourse, just those involving open close in physical attacks, as in not covert assassinates or bow attacks.
Allowing them to counter some monsters attacks without having to use stam would also be an idea.
Fair call, this could work. Counter could be introduced, where for every attack (NOTE: Attack, not skill), there is a chance that the attack is countered. Working the same way that an attacked is dodged, absorbed, fizzles etc etc. The counter would only do 1/4 of what would have been the opponents initial damage, and ignores armour. Ideally, the chance to counter would be influenced by the characters dexterity, thus mixing up fighter worth amongst the races.
A full hit would read as follows:
Deval attacked you with his 'Blade of Time' for 60 points of damage.
An attack that is countered would read as follows:
Deval attacked you with his 'Blade of Time', but you countered the blow for 15 points of damage.
15 being 1/4 of 60, it's not a massive amount of damage, but the chance to counter would help to push fighters up out of the 'Retarded Basket'.
I like the idea.. But only normal attacks? What about uncovert assassinate? The fighter will see and hear the person coming, and so give himself a chance to counter.
What's berserk counted as? Smite? All mage spells, druids attacking from morph..? They're all skills, but may be done at close range.
Each attack type should be decided, rather than overall.
Didn't mean to sound that badly.. Tired.. Got dragged put of bed this morning I love the idea.
In my opinion, assassinate should not be included, 1/4 of an assassinate is too much damage to the thief for it to be considered, and including the round of damage that the fighter will actually do normally, I can imagine it would cause an assassin serious amount of grief, and overbalance the fighter versus the theif. I also feel this way about smite, however, it should apply to beserk and rapid fire, as they are simply an extremely fast series of attacks, with each attack doing only reasonable amounts of damage. A druid attacking from Morph is fine, it's still a regular attack, whereas mages actually do not engage in close range combat, and I feel that the counter should not apply to offensive spells cast on the fighter by said mage.
I like it, even though I dont have any fighters anymore. Might make me wanna train one up.
I agree with this except one thing. You seem to have forgotten that the ranger would be using rapid fire from a long way away. How do you intend to count that? Pull out the arrow and throw it back?
[QUOTE]A full hit would read as follows:
Deval attacked you with his 'Blade of Time' for 60 points of damage.
An attack that is countered would read as follows:
Deval attacked you with his 'Blade of Time', but you countered the blow for 15 points of damage.
Get it now Steve!!

It's a percentage of normal hit: like 1/4

--OMG i didn't realize unitll now how stupid i really was

Edited by Zapatak, 29 February 2004 - 03:11 AM.
(v)îNN€§ØT@ TïM߀®WØ£V€§
Posted 29 February 2004 - 11:39 AM
Posted 29 February 2004 - 06:56 PM
and how well the counter is done depends on how well the fighter is trained... which is basically... the fighters.... LEVEL. And it might have to do with the fighters natural ability...
Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:52 PM
Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:55 PM
It would be neat if, in the case that stances were added, certain stances would raise or lower your counter-attack %
Epic @ July 17 2004, on 04:46 PM, said:
Posted 29 February 2004 - 11:25 PM
Posted 29 February 2004 - 11:40 PM
buying an ability would be like paying for a guildmaster to teach you the ability
Edited by green_mantis, 29 February 2004 - 11:42 PM.
Posted 01 March 2004 - 05:43 AM
Moving on...
Posted 01 March 2004 - 01:15 PM
"i own 3 Master fighters"
"that would be awesome since 3 of my mains are only expert fighters"
It only comes across that you're out for your own, which isn't always bad, just it won't do the idea any help.
If you like the idea, support it with positive feed back, rather than how it'll make you better.
Everything Deval has said makes sense, and I'm sure his future posts will reflect my views also.
Posted 02 March 2004 - 04:56 AM
(v)îNN€§ØT@ TïM߀®WØ£V€§
Posted 04 March 2004 - 12:02 AM
Posted 04 March 2004 - 05:14 PM
wuold also give the fighters someting of a one up against zerkers too which is needed

Posted 04 March 2004 - 07:35 PM
Posted 07 March 2004 - 01:34 AM
Edited by Shadic, 07 March 2004 - 01:34 AM.
Posted 07 March 2004 - 08:01 AM
Posted 08 March 2004 - 10:34 PM
green_mantis, on Mar 7 2004, 07:01 PM, said:
Yes you should, why in that case can someone dodge without stamina? It wouldn't overpower it at all.you shouldnt be able to counter any more thatn your total stamina though or this skill would become off balanced
Posted 10 March 2004 - 03:14 PM
Posted 10 March 2004 - 09:46 PM
'You could say the same for dodging'.
Posted 11 March 2004 - 01:02 AM
green_mantis, on Mar 7 2004, 08:01 AM, said:
then dont attack the same fighter more then 6 timesyou shouldnt be able to counter any more thatn your total stamina though or this skill would become off balanced
Posted 11 March 2004 - 02:50 AM
The idea of it taking stamina kinda defeats the entire purpose.
just my opinion *shrug*
What the what?
Posted 11 March 2004 - 09:11 PM
but yeah i think that i have changed my mind about that
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