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#1 Pandilex



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Posted 16 December 2005 - 02:10 AM

Get your suggestions posted in the new suggestions forum for Nightmist 2.

Development is rapidly picking up speed, and some suggestions can only be implemented now before most of the game is in place.

It's your chance to make a difference. Good luck!
If you build it, they will come.

#2 Flower

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Posted 16 December 2005 - 02:19 AM

I think there should be other ways of getting the portraits than by donating like unlock them by killing a monster of somesort.

For ideas on this page me on Swordflower.

Edited by Flower, 16 December 2005 - 02:21 AM.

#3 The Unholy Newt

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Posted 16 December 2005 - 02:21 AM

Wow . . . profound.

#4 Ganja

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 12:30 AM

I personally think this game is far from ready for nm2

#5 fallen

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 12:36 AM

wow nice
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#6 JLH



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Posted 17 December 2005 - 02:38 AM

after 5 years, it's well ready for a nice new version with pretty much everything changed, lol
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#7 Momba

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 06:38 AM

Wow Wow Wow...and no that isn`t World Of Warcraft.

Very nice. Pandilex are you going soft again? Are you turning into the Pandilex we loved way back when. Very nice responses. Very encouraging responses. Even the ideas you didn`t like you shot down with class.

Man I am so looking forward to this new game. moose the XBox 360. Master (Pandilex) and Blaster (JLH) are back and Bill Gates you better watch out.
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#8 Final Universe

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 09:35 PM

Well ok, if clans are going to be in the new game, how about a different name then clan. Along with that clan house's should have a comand to make a room ally(open to all clan ally's), public(open to anyone), or clan (open to only clan members). Have the default set to clan only. This would allow people not in a clan veiw some of the clan house and get a drift of the clan. Along with allowing clan allies to meet at one house to discuss things. Id like to see alliances more about an alliance instead of a nopk list.

Clan respect, id like to see ways clans can gain "exp" or respect and have this shown on site in a seperate colum. A example of this is if, a clan goes to kill a boss the person who killed the moster can type /kill tribute clan where the drop and or gold be sacraficed and in return you clan gains respect. This could also have level's like 5 levels of respect. This would decide where your clan house is placed, each level allows you to move your clan house and also adds a special room that can only be earned in this fashion.

level 1(clan)=500 points (100-500 boss kills)
level 2(kenship)=2500 points (500-2500 boss kills)
level 3(brother hood)=5000 points (1000-5000 boss kills)
level 4(dynasty)=10000 points(2000-10000 boss kills)
level 5(legend)=50000 points (10000-50000 boss kills)

A boss would be worth 1-5 points depending on how hard they are to kill and access.This might take 1-2 years for a clan to get however would be a long term goal and would give good reason to stick to your clan. Along with that /kill tribute clan would take items out of game because it destroy's the drop in turn to gain points. This might be far fetched so maybe you could have the boss automatically add points to your clan however add triple if you tribute the drop.

I hope clan type things are in a game where teamwork is required.
Brutus of Compton.
copywright ggthxbai co.

11-28-2005 00:31:20 Paralyze Pages You from (Hidden): young yosha in da makin

#9 Final Universe

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 09:45 PM

Somthing else ive noticed about this game is that it is VERY pk oriented. This might not be a big problem from first glance however in a game with alot of solo-competition where people have alot to gain from killing someone players are going to be more upset at one and other instead of wanting to work with them. The easy way to fix this is make alot of the game kill to pass. This would make it so if you want to go kill someone you would have to gather up your friends and go on a 30-40 minute trip through a winding trail just to get to a person. That would make it atleast theres some teamwork involved instead of logging on a character invis'ing and running through the forest to kill someone.
Brutus of Compton.
copywright ggthxbai co.

11-28-2005 00:31:20 Paralyze Pages You from (Hidden): young yosha in da makin

#10 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 09:48 PM

I'm sure it will all balance out.

#11 Final Universe

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Posted 04 February 2006 - 10:34 PM

Weapon/Armor improvment

have 3 parts to each item...



plate=Find various npc's that can change your items apperance.
/give black smith blade of time, lump gold ore, 10,000 gold
desc In one hand he holds a golden plated blade of time
/give shop keeper blade of time, pouch of silver shavings, shop hammer
desc: In one hand he holds a silver banded blade of time
/give dragon slayer blade of time, glass of molten lava, dragon's beak
desc In one had he holds a Fire Toned Blade of Time

This would allow the item to be customized, having certain black smiths do
certain customations for certain cost or certain items. Each customation would make the items description change.


The items would be like they are now.


enhancments=find various npc's that can change your items stats and description .
/give black smith fireleaf tunic, oak branch, 10,000 gold
desc He is wearing a enhance fireoak tunic +2 armor

ill add more examples later got caught up iin somthing
Brutus of Compton.
copywright ggthxbai co.

11-28-2005 00:31:20 Paralyze Pages You from (Hidden): young yosha in da makin

#12 alone

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Posted 05 February 2006 - 09:58 PM

Most people clicked the link and posted in the DS dev. forum...
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#13 eclypse

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Posted 28 May 2006 - 07:31 PM

deffently takeing this from wow but there should be Good vs Evil 2 sides... certin races on 1 sider and certin races on the other side...

another idea is that certin jobs you can do... such as leather working, crafting, blacksmithing etc... it would be great if players had something other to do then train on 1 thing...
Adultery/Pistol Ingame

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