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Should This Be Added To Library?

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Poll: Should This Be Added to Library like /library Zanitos (32 member(s) have cast votes)

Should This Be Added to Library like /library Zanitos

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#1 The Unholy Newt

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Posted 21 November 2005 - 03:10 AM

The Spider King – Lord of the Arachnids

In the early days of Nightmist, there lived a great and evil sorceror by the name of Ezrael. He reigned supreme over a large portion of the Nightmist world and the mere mention of his name struck fear into the hearts of the bravest warriors.

But one day, a group of valiant and courageous adventurers decided it was finally time for the reign of Ezrael to come to an end. They fought their way through great trials and difficulties in has land and eventually achieved entrance to his keep. There they faced a great many puzzles and challenges all through which they came through to face the great sorceror.

Thus began the greatest trial they had ever faced. Ezrael himself. He proved to be the true test and though a few of their comrades fell under his might, they eventually defeated him. However before they could land the killing blow to the great terror of Nightmist, he was able to escape, leaving the heroes greatly dismayed, but victorious nonetheless.

There the sorceror disappeared from all knowledge . . . or so they thought. He had withdrawn into the dark forests to regain his power and eventually reap his revenge on the heroes. In the dark forest he came upon a nest of giant spiders that dwelt in the forest. There were a great number of them and he was almost overcome but them, but in his dying moments he managed to focus all his power and absorbed himself into the body of one of the great spiders, becoming one with it.

From then on he took control of the spider colony and drew them into the dark caves north of Nightmist to gather himself a great arachnid army to exterminate the human species.

The Spider King Continued – Enter Elshira

Some time later still in the early days of the land there lived a simple village girl named Elshira. Elshira wasn’t the hardest worker and always had her head stuck in the clouds. She loved spending most of her time in the darker parts of the forest near her village, observing the wildlife. She had a particular affinity for the insect world and especially spiders. She was fascinated by the eight legged little creatures and would watch them all the time. She often captured them and brought them home as pets. Her parents were a little worried, but they didn’t take too much notice of it.

When Elshira grew older she made friends with a rather reclusive member of the village that nobody really knew much about. Some days she had caught glimpses of him in the forest and tried to follow him but ended up losing him. One day she finally came across what the man in the forest and saw what he was doing. He had his hands raised up high in the air and they were glowing with light. He brought them down and a hole appeared in the air which he stepped through and disappeared. Elshira stood fixed to the ground, staring in disbelief. He had been doing magic.

Elshira was fascinated also by the concept of magic and made her mind up that she would get the old man to teach her. She managed to get the man to let her into his house and there she coerced him to teach her his arts. Her parents grew more worried at their daughter’s new friendship but there seemed to be no harm so they let it continue until one night they discovered something.
A year or so later her father was walking outside their hut when he noticed a faint red glow from behind it. He slowly crept up and looked around the corner to see his daughter huddled over a spider which was rapidly growing bigger and bigger. He shook his head in disbelief and snuck away back inside.

The next day Elshira’s father forbid all contact with the old man and she was given much more work to occupy her time during the day, and at night she was not permitted to leave the house. But despite her father’s instruction she left the house that night and went to the forest to return to her experiments in magic. It so happened that one of the villagers was in the forest that night and came across Elshira and her magic. When he saw what was happening he rushed away back to the village.

A meeting of the village council was held and a decision was made. Elshira was to be burnt at the stake for witchcraft. The old man was present at the meeting and ran to warn Elshira before the villagers could capture her to take her to her death. Elshira grabbed up all she could and ran. The villagers managed to spot her fleeing the village and took chase. As Elshira ran through the meadow close to her village she noticed a small crack in the ground. She took a deep breath and dived in. Moments later she heard the feet of the villagers thunder past.

She mumbled a word and her hand lit up with a dim light. She looked around at her surroundings to see she was in a great network of tunnels. She noticed a trail of spiders leading off deeper into the tunnels so she followed. They came to a great room full of spider nests and crawling with the little arachnids. She fell to the floor and wept for her persecution. Then she heard a deep voice from the shadows, “Why do you weep little girl? What in the world can trouble you so?” The voice was low and almost like hissing, but she felt comforted by it. She explained her situation to the voice, which listened patiently. He then revealed himself to Elshira. The voice was not that of a man, but a great spiderlike creature, yet had some traces of human left in him as well. Most would be afeared at his appearance but Elshira was not. She was fascinated by spiders and even more by this strange creature. He told her too how he was forced from his home by confused people who were unfairly afraid of him, and that he too knew what she was going through.

She spent many days with him, learning some of his story and also his skills and powers and slowly she grew in power herself, and also the evil of the spider creature slowly seeped into her, and she began to share his hatred of the human race.
She only had one small remainder of compassion left in her, which was reserved for her spiders. The creatures that were her only comfort, she loved them as one would love their own child. However she noticed something of the strange spider creature who had taken her under his wing. While she loved and cared greatly for the spiders, he only seemed to treat them with disdain. Although he was more or less one of them himself, he only seemed to feel bitter and hateful towards them.

There built a great amount of tension between Elshira and her protector, she grew to hate him for his hatred towards the spiders. She one day confronted him and demanded he cease his mistreatment of them or he shall regret it. She was told to keep to her own and struck her down, to which she could do nothing. She was vastly weaker than he.

Eventually Elshira could no longer tolerate his treatment of her and her beloved creatures. She then began to plot against the creature who had sheltered and taught her and little by little she began to turn his spider army away from him, which was not difficult as they could feel her compassion and his hatred for them, and turned them over to her until eventually she gained enough power to rise against him and drive him from his domain, taking what loyal spiders he had left to find a new home, vowing to have his vengeance on her. And so Elshira succeeded in gaining her own army and place of power.

Yes, she thought to herself. This would do very nicely to take her revenge out on those who had wronged her. She had learned much from her friend the hermit and of her banished protector, great things. They would all regret the day they wronged Elshira, Queen of the Spiders.

#2 The Unholy Newt

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Posted 21 November 2005 - 11:25 AM

Oh and also, if you want to add any comments, or suggest any changes, feel free to do so, I'm open to criticism. (constructive criticism that is)

#3 Perfection

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Posted 21 November 2005 - 12:17 PM

could posible be writen up as a Scoll item, found somewhere in the enchated forest.. somewhat like the Diary and other *useless* journals and scrolls in the game that explain the areas somewhat
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#4 The Unholy Newt

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Posted 22 November 2005 - 07:34 AM

Possible, but whose diary would it be? On that note I'm not sure how the story would be known either . . . any ideas people?

Also I'm interested in writing some other stories for other areas, any thoughts on what areas that need to be written about?

And the votes seem to be good so far, a few more would be good though.

#5 Perfection

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Posted 22 November 2005 - 10:48 AM

Possible, but whose diary would it be? On that note I'm not sure how the story would be known either . . . any ideas people?

Also I'm interested in writing some other stories for other areas, any thoughts on what areas that need to be written about?

And the votes seem to be good so far, a few more would be good though.

An example would be /library tattered journal, the Tattered Journal is a useless scroll found *somewhere* south of Resthaven
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#6 Squee



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Posted 23 November 2005 - 12:50 AM

I believe The_Unholy_Newt is pulling for his story to be under a /library elshira much like there is a /library zanitos.

It'd be a diary entry but under the name of some character. Zanitos' entry was written by Bishop Dragontongue, for example.
Posted Image

#7 Perfection

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Posted 23 November 2005 - 01:36 AM

I believe The_Unholy_Newt is pulling for his story to be under a /library elshira much like there is a /library zanitos.

It'd be a diary entry but under the name of some character. Zanitos' entry was written by Bishop Dragontongue, for example.

ahh right on .. still good idea either way
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#8 The Unholy Newt

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Posted 23 November 2005 - 03:31 AM

Yes that is more or less what I'm going for, but I still haven't had any response from staff, I've contacted both JLH and Pandilex about it but neither have replied. That was a couple of weeks ago I think, I think it would have been nice to at least have got a response.

But yeah, whatever.


#9 The Unholy Newt

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Posted 25 November 2005 - 12:44 AM


. . .

. . .

. . .


#10 The Unholy Newt

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Posted 29 November 2005 - 02:20 AM


(I would really like some staff comment even if negative.)

#11 JLH



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Posted 06 December 2005 - 04:26 AM

I'll add it to the library as it is well thought out
the only thing to be aware of with user-submitted info is to be sure it doesn't clash with something else that is mentioned in game already.
Anything i post on here is subject to change at any time without notification to the board.

#12 The Unholy Newt

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Posted 06 December 2005 - 06:39 AM

Thank you very much, that's awesome. Thank you :(

#13 The Unholy Newt

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Posted 13 December 2005 - 06:47 AM

Sorry to be annoying. . .

Just wondering when it is getting put in and what it will be put as? (eg /library Elshira, /library spiders, etc.)


#14 MessiahX

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Posted 03 February 2006 - 10:59 PM

good job man. Really entertaining.

#15 §møké

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Posted 06 April 2006 - 11:59 PM

i give you great credit for that was well written....but i do got like two very stupid questions as i am a fairly dumb person

first in the story elishra got the king out of her tunnels by geting the his army to take over...ok so if he was so mean to them spiders and they did have the power to turn on him then how does he even have a army anymore at all?

and second well..i forgot ill jump in later if i remember and say it lol

sry to be negative...i just was curious

#16 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 20 April 2006 - 11:51 PM

Great idea dude.

Thank you for putting this into the game JLH - this shows that if the idea is good enough stuff DOES get put into the game ;)
Disaster ingame.

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