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Christmas In Chicago, Il (usa)

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#1 Wolfgang

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Posted 04 October 2005 - 08:37 AM

I apologize for the length of this. I get a little off topic, and I ramble a bit. But I think it might all be worth reading. Maybe?

So uh... I don't know how many people are from the chicago area. And I don' know how many of you would even be remotely interested in this. But uh... I'm organizing for a group of people to get together and go to Chicago, and deliver food to the homeless.
The food being distributed would be filling, preferably nutritious, and hopefully of a decent quality.

Project: Christmas in Chicago

But like... I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I hop on the train, and I'm in the city in an hour. And on the way to wherever I'm going, there are homeless on almost every corner. And everybody ignores them. Nobody even takes the time to do anything. Earlier this week, I stopped and started up a conversation with one of the homeless people sitting outside the train station. He'd was living on the streets, having recently had his dissability run out. He had been a factory worker until he lost his leg in an accident, and was no longer able to supply for his family. He is uninsured, and relatively uneducated, With work as hard to find as it is, in the city, he's pretty much out of luck. His wife works at a temp agency, and but has been out of work for almost a year trying to take care of their infant child who has recently fallen ill due to their substandard living conditions.
I was the first person who had said a word to him all day.

He told me about how he was worried that his baby would die this winter, and that he was worried about his wife as well. I gave him the 3 dollars that I had and the remainder of my french fries.

And I talked with the guy for about an hour before my train came in, and it made me think. He told me about how he doesn't like the homeless shelters, because as agnostic-athiest, it made him uncomfortable the way that they made him pray before he ate. About how if he didn't, they wouldn't give him or his family food.

And it just made me think even more about what kind of society centers itself around weatlh and the money, when one in ten have none. When we have corperations who would like for someone to have rights to the air, the earth, and the water?

And this man, this 35 year old man who was born and raised in the United States, who had been tossed aside, shunned, forgotten, and denied by the very people who used him.

Getting back on topic...: Getting by is hard enough when you're gainfully employed, and in any range of the working or middle class. Its even harder when you're homeless.

Even if you're not in Chicago or in Illinois, or even if you aren't from the US, you have the power to do something as a member of society.

When I was in Washington D.C. volunteering at the Center for Creative Non-Violence (CCNV, the largest homeless shelter in the nation, possibly the world), I met a man there. He ran the place, and made no money. He was a brilliant man... a doctor in Chemistry, and a qualified nutritionist, who was living among the homeless. He was making $0 a year, running a government funded non-profit homeless shelter. And every day for that week, I gave him all the pennies I could collect (around 5 a day), and he was satisfied. He was greatful for five cents a day.

The whole point of that story is this:
You don't have to give much. You can give a couple of pennies, you can give a couple of dollars. You can give a blanket, or a slice of bread. You can give a blanket, a sweatshirt, a couple of t-shirts. It doesn't matter.

"When you condition people to expect nothing, the slightest something will throw them into hysterics".

Anyway, I've made my point I guess, and it may have taken me quite a while.

Project: Christmas in Chicago

Especially with winter, with December, with Christmas being just around the corner, I cannot stress just how important it is to give what you can, even if its just a thought, a hello, a handshake or a conversation.

Edit: I'm not trying to sound overly preachy, or like I'm trying to force my opinions or beliefs on anyone, or like I'm trying to force anyone to give anything they don't want to.

But still. You should. >_>

Edited by Wolfgang, 04 October 2005 - 08:39 AM.

What the what?

#2 Thunderja


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Posted 04 October 2005 - 10:16 AM

However bad it is in Chicago there are millions of people 50 times as worse off. Money is better off elsewhere.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#3 Wolfgang

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Posted 04 October 2005 - 11:41 AM

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't give what you can where you can...

What the what?

#4 JadedSoul

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Posted 04 October 2005 - 12:11 PM

Wow. It is really great to see that some of the NM community are aware of the things going on around them,(not to say that most aren't) and are wanting to do something to help. I think the best thing to do would be to look into how you can help out in your local area. Everywhere in the world, no matter who or where you are there are people living on the streets homeless and hungry.

You may walk past them and think, they need to just get a job and quit being so lazy, I admit I have been guilty of that a few times, but in reality with the job market so closed and scarce alot of people lose everything they worked hard for and fall into a pit of despair and helplessness that is hard to climb out of.

I thank God every day for the things that my family and I have. Our health, love, our home and the food on our table. I try to help out where and when I can, donations of clothes, canned goods, etc.., and it helps.

You don't have to give your life savings away, simply a few minutes of your time and you could be making a huge difference in someone else's life.

Ok off my soap box. Didn't mean to rant, it just touched my heart to see someone actively doing something to help their community.

~Erica~ :(
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#5 Wolfgang

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Posted 04 October 2005 - 12:32 PM

You don't have to give your life savings away, simply a few minutes of your time and you could be making a huge difference in someone else's life.

:( excatly!!

>_> You don't seem so Jaded to me.

What the what?

#6 Lappa

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Posted 19 October 2005 - 01:47 AM

im from chicago, im just in 29 palms cali doin my thing for the country and serving in the marines... id do what i could if i was home
-Lappa or Woodstock-

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#7 Devotchka

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 12:26 AM

Look how ignored this topic is... I bet if we were talking about music or something stupid there would be more replies.

Me and my husband give to the homeless all the time, it makes us sick when we see people who are far more well off then ourselves walk right by them. I go through all of our clothes every couple of months and give it to shelters and the salvation army, every little thing you do counts. I think you have a great idea going there and that more people in this world should be like you.

And to all those people who can't give to his cause, there are homeless people all around you that you can help just by going to your local shelters or salvation army's and donating food/clothes/money or lending a helping hand.

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#8 »»²× ÐêåthB¥Mågî¢ ×²««

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Posted 21 October 2005 - 02:54 PM

Money is better off elsewhere.

I'm sorry, Thunderja. This is is where you're wrong. Money is better off where ever needed. There's no particular place where its "better off elsewhere" I'm sure you would feel very differently if it were you on the streets. No job, no roof over your head, no clothes on your back, and no food in your stomach. And don't ever say, "no it cant happen to me" because believe it or not, it can. It can happen to anyone. Who cares if its in Chicago. Or if its a little place called Dale City. But it does matter to the people on the streets who get a little attention. Because whether or not you believe it... they are humans. They have feelings as well.

People can flame me all you want to. I really don't care. This is one topic that has caught my attention. Anyways. Have a nice day.

*Bows before everyone*

#9 Wylde

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Posted 21 October 2005 - 04:35 PM

I belive that what you want to do is a great thing.
Every christmas the local charities where I am get together along with major retailers and do a Christmas Tree with names on it. These are boys and girls of mixed ages who's families are experiencing a tight christmas.

Every year since it has been introduced, my partner and I purchase a present for a particular child (you are told first name and age and sex).

My daughter has just turned 10 but for the last 5 yrs, she has been the one to pick a name and a present.

She knows it helps someone less better off than herself and I'm proud she does.

It doesn't matter where money is needed in all honest it's needed everywhere. But sometimes we need to look in our own yards to start with

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