I was gonna quit soon anyway, cause I'm dying from some bs disease the whole state of Tennessee doesn't have any record of it at all, they're probably gonna search world-wide for it soon or something. All I know is it's fatal and theres no reversing it till they can search for it completely, but a slim chance that I will survive without any medication, though with all I know, I dout theres any way I'll survive without meds, probably just said that to make me feel better.
Anyway, I said to some people that I would give em some crits being old time good friends and some crap. So if whoever has these crits or any form of these crits can give them to the people, that would be cool, please, a dying mans (boy?)wish.
Pravda (name changed to something), the name Farore (the crit too, would be nice, but only the name is nessasary), to Mike (Deimos), ask him for the acct, I won't give it out.
Severe, few random lvl 26+ thieves, Macha, to Cliff (Existance), same.
Skieth to Kyle (Daffy), same.
Innis to Addy (DeathWish), obvious by now?
Gorre to Jared/Alan (if you don't know their crits names your a noob, Thunderja, Chiquita, Export, the list goes on, how many gd mains they got?), duh.
Anyone else who wants stuff from those people I've said can get random stuff from my acct if they so desire, but I dout that'll happen now.
The thief I had with good hp (Lvl 18 human with 206 hp), I am deleting it, I don't want anyone to have it, I didn't even keep it in acct with my usual stuff, that's how special it was, and since I'm quitting, might as well delete it, cause no one is gonna get it.
Well, this is the end of a chapter of my life that has taken more than 4 and a half years of my life. I bid you all adue (I don't speak French, may have spelled that wrong).
Edited by Ryuku, 04 September 2005 - 06:12 AM.