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#1 Kakarott

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Posted 31 August 2005 - 06:41 PM

omg Katrina hit new orleans killed hundreds i hope our nm ppl in new orleans got the heck outta there and is ok ... katrina took 1 of our nm pplz lives already .. RIP BamMargera ;( hope it dont claim any more .. may god be with new orleans


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#2 Vodka

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Posted 31 August 2005 - 08:38 PM

Yeah, on the news earlier.. they said it'd take at least 3 months for New Orleans to try and become a habitat again.

It's been raining hard here in Ohio ever since the hurricane hit.. causing flooding and electricity to go out. (Yeah, minimal compared to the damage toll in N.O.) I know this may sound inconsiderate/rude.. but, I'm fortunate that I don't live by big waters. This is exactly the reason why I don't and refuse to live by the/an ocean. Just going through that I couldn't even imagine what those people felt like when Katrina hit. Having/watching family, friends and homes taken away instantly.

It seems within the past couple of years hurricanes have been hitting a lot. I don't ever remember the weather being this bad....
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#3 JLH



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Posted 01 September 2005 - 12:25 AM

The thing that i don't get, is that it was built below sea level, what were they thinking??? it was just asking for trouble.
Unless however, since building the city, the sea level has risen that much due to global warming, or the land has sunk somewhat.
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#4 Sneaky

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Posted 01 September 2005 - 12:57 AM

no, new orleans was always under sea level I believe....

Sounds hypocritic coming from me seeings that I can walk about 15 steps to see the Atlantic ocean, or just look out my window at it, but building oceanfront/below sea level then complaining when it gets destroyed is a little retarded.

Don't worry though, flood/disaster insurance will pay for the damage, then everyone will simply rebuild there and wait for the same thing to happen again.
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#5 JLH



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Posted 01 September 2005 - 01:15 AM

i always thought insurance doesn't cover things under the term of "act of god", such as the weather, meteorites etc
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#6 MysticStorm

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Posted 01 September 2005 - 01:58 AM

Nope it covers it just like there is insurance for tornado damages too. Here is the interesting part.. usually when you buy a new house from bank, you are required to get home owners insurance which covers theft and fires, BUT, you also have to buy seperate insurance policies for tornado and flood insurance in high risk areas. (obviously tornado insurance would be those that live in tornado valley.. Flood for those in hurricaine or close to any lakes or seas that are prone to flood. Michigan would be one of those states that you would need flood insurance.) So unless you have those seperate policies.. then no, regular home owner's insurance won't cover floods from hurricanes but regular home owner's insurance will cover the damage done to the homes caused by the winds from a hurricaine.

#7 Sneaky

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Posted 01 September 2005 - 08:05 PM

i always thought insurance doesn't cover things under the term of "act of god", such as the weather, meteorites etc

You have it backwards. If you hit a deer, that is considered an "act of god" and car insurance will cover it. If you swerve and crash your car in an attempt to avoid hitting the deer, then the insurance will NOT cover it.

not meant to be offensive, but with that logic, what would be the point of flood insurance then? As any most floods (with the exception of sewage backup, yuck) would be caused by an "act of god."
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#8 Momba

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Posted 02 September 2005 - 06:05 AM

The thing that i don't get, is that it was built below sea level, what were they thinking??? it was just asking for trouble.
Unless however, since building the city, the sea level has risen that much due to global warming, or the land has sunk somewhat.

New Orleans before the storm was 28 feet below sea level. One of the main reasons it was built was for gambling. Currently it is illegal to gamble in New Orleans. All casinos not on an indian reservation were built at the waters edge. As you enter the casino you would find all the food venders and things like that. It wasn't until you reached the back of the casino (the part built over the water) that you could actually gamble. Because the gambling laws do not apply on or over international waters.

Katrina caused a major deal of damage. But the biggest contributing factor to the current situation is that the levee that broke and created the huge amounts of flooding was only built to substain a catagory 3 storm. When a local engineer was asked, "Why was the levee only built to substain a catagory 3 storm when this region of the US year after year is hit by catagory 4 and 5 storms?" The engineer responded by saying, "It would have cost 2 billion more dollars." Oddly enough that 2 billion dollar investment would have saved them 20 times that amount.

My heart goes out to the people in Mississippi and New Orleans. I could not even imagine being in that situation. Last night as I watched the news a reporter approached a woman carrying her 5 month old baby out of the town. When asked were she was going she looked over her shoulder and said, "There is nothing left there for me. Me and my baby are walking to find a new life."

One of the most touching stories I have saw is a father and his two young children being interviewed. I happened to turn to the channel as the newsman was crying. The camera panned over to the father and children and he began to tell his story. Him, his wife, and children couldn't afford to evacute. They boarded up thier house and prepared to stay at home and battle the storm just as have they have done in the past with other storms. 3 hours into the storm thier house began to flood. The family moved to the second level of thier house and huddled in the hallway. The father and mother began to sing to calm the two young children when the house began to move. They clung to each other as the house was torn apart. As the front portion of the house started to drift away the mother let go of her husbands hand and her last words were, "Take care of my babies." The father and children managed to survive by becoming wedged between two trees. They were later rescued almost 1 mile from were thier home once was. At the time of the report the mother had not yet been found.

Below are links were you can donate to those in need.

American Red Cross

Feed The Children

Edited by Momba, 02 September 2005 - 09:09 AM.

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#9 Guest_Guva_*

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Posted 02 September 2005 - 05:19 PM

i've heard of some kind of explosion in N.O now theres some kind of big black acidy cloud go around N.O

#10 Shaginator



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Posted 02 September 2005 - 05:25 PM

Yes there was a chemical plant explosion about 2 miles from the superdome and 1 mile from the civic center or whatnot, the two main areas where people have gathered.

/t Momba sounds like you are talkin about Gulfport or Biloxi when it comes to building like that for the purpose of gambling. New Orleans has been there LONG before those types of places ever existed....in fact it is one of the oldest multicultural communities in america. I personally as tragic as it is...do not see the logic in rebuilding the city when it is well below sea level. Sadly enough it being below sea level is not the major problem, at least in reference to the gulf of mexico. Its the fact that it is surrounded by a river and 2 huge lakes, so when those overflow New Orleans turns into a huge bowl basically taking in all the water.

Edited by Shaginator, 02 September 2005 - 05:26 PM.

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#11 Kakarott

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Posted 02 September 2005 - 06:21 PM

:( Just so sad that now ppl on the news is now saying its claimed over 13,000 deaths :ph34r: my heart goes out to those ppl in new orleans .... and ive seen on FNC(fox news channel) that theres a reporter trying to talk to a cop about what are they going to do about the ppl on the bridges and in the flood waters dieing of starvation and dehydration adn the cop doesnt reply ... and in the last 2 days there has been 16 murders and 12 rapes in the superdome :ph34r:

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#12 Valentine

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Posted 02 September 2005 - 11:57 PM

Re: Insurance--
Full coverage car insurance will pay for pretty much anything except willing, self-inflicted damage. Hail, deer (swerving or not), keyed paint...it's covered. The down side is the more claims you make the more you have to pay.

Homeowners insurance covers fire, burglary, vandalism, and most weather-related phenomena EXCEPT flooding. Flood insurance is separate and required in certain parts of the country. Tornado insurance is not something I've ever heard of, and my house is in tornado alley (not valley :()

Re: New Orleans:
I can't say anything that no one else has said...but it is sad. I'm guilty of selfishness though because I'm just glad Charleston wasn't hit (my sis is there...crazy child).
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#13 JLH



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Posted 03 September 2005 - 01:59 AM

i always thought insurance doesn't cover things under the term of "act of god", such as the weather, meteorites etc

You have it backwards. If you hit a deer, that is considered an "act of god" and car insurance will cover it. If you swerve and crash your car in an attempt to avoid hitting the deer, then the insurance will NOT cover it.

not meant to be offensive, but with that logic, what would be the point of flood insurance then? As any most floods (with the exception of sewage backup, yuck) would be caused by an "act of god."

my insurance covers me if i crash the car
but it won't cover me if a freak earthquake opens up and swallows the car
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#14 Momba

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Posted 03 September 2005 - 04:42 AM

/t Momba sounds like you are talkin about Gulfport or Biloxi when it comes to building like that for the purpose of gambling.

Your right. The info I gave was based on a couple hours of researching the area and I got them a little confused.
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#15 Suzey

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Posted 04 September 2005 - 03:53 AM

Pretty much the majority of my family lives in Mississippi...I hope they're ok, We've heard from 1 family member so far...not sure if they're all ok or not :(

#16 Kakarott

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Posted 09 September 2005 - 06:35 PM

well they fixed the levys and draining the water out of New Orleans the mayor said that the death toll will be over 85k :ph34r: .... now i live in florida katrina killed 5 in fl and now theres another hurricane called Ophiela thats going to make a loop and hit where i live but they say it wpont be no more than a cat2 at most and im going to ride out the storm ... ive rode out a cat 4 b4 .. ... Katrina took the life of another NM person ... one of my closest friends :( ForbiddenAssassin/Belvidere/raiden ... if any1 knows one of those names your friend has been lost :ph34r:

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