Gnomes are in most cases, obsolete. There is nothing a Gnome can do that an elf or halfling cant do better.
Im not saying to give gnomes their dex back, but lets go another direction... why do elves have so many 20+ stats? Sure they are supposed to be wise, intelligent, and charismatic.. but this is just going by a roleplaying stand point.
Going by game balance and roleplay is a tricky thing to do, I know.. but I think gnomes are getting ripped off. They should take the place of the elf on that mage pedestal. Currently, elves excel: cleric, pacifist, druid, mage.. more top dawg pedestals than any other race!
Im not thinking of giving them much.. but the least we can do is give them some little something that makes them stand out. maybe taking away one of the 3 20+ from elves and give gnomes one? lets say wisdom? Whose to say a gnome isnt wiser than an elf anyway?
Switch out gnome wis with elf wis.. not a huge impact, but this I think can help balance out the stats a bit. Gnomes are the only race with 17 str.. cmon guys, they deserve something!
Any other suggestions to this, go right ahead. If you disagree, share your thoughts as well. Nothing is perfect, there is always room for improvement, so dont just disregard everything said and post an ignorant 1-liner. kthx

edit: PS, dont just throw this out because you own an elf mage or whatever. This isnt about you, its about improving the game!
(for the record, I own 2 arch elf clerics, arch elf druid, 2 arch elf pacifists, elf mage.. all 5-stat except the pacifists)
Edited by Dracoden, 08 August 2005 - 11:56 PM.