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Remember The Old Days?

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#121 Stigmata

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Posted 18 March 2005 - 02:02 PM

Cobalts were never 250k lol,

I released them with Windia about 3 years ago at the same price as they are now, being 10mil.

Was going to be 5 mil, but figured that'd be too cheap in coming years.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#122 El DaN

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Posted 18 March 2005 - 10:51 PM

r u sayin back in the day old dysjunction had 10 mil 2 buy cobalts?

#123 Exodia



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Posted 18 March 2005 - 11:54 PM

Exodia, on Mar 18 2005, 07:10 AM, said:

i remember selling bill his first AoH for like ... $20 bag of pot and 400k on nm lol... damn i was so good... him and magoo begged me for 200k each for like a week be4 i finally sold em the AoH...

I remember Bill and Andy taking turns on comp... to make gold in sewers or train in the Arilin Arena.. I remember those newbs flipping out when they got pked.. and making me log on to pk the person who did it...

I remember... Coming home to andy saying " DUDE I OWNED RICK.. WITH OUR TRAINING CRITS.... HE RAN.." lmao

lol i remember those times.. <bill
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#124 Stigmata

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Posted 19 March 2005 - 01:51 AM

Yes he did have 10mil to buy one.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#125 Authority

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Posted 19 March 2005 - 12:33 PM

Melfice, on Mar 11 2005, 04:19 PM, said:

I remember half of nightmist trying to kill the lightning tooth dragon and the other half of nightmist healing it to keep it alive.

I got the kill and 99% of nightmist complained cuz i didnt do any work
(was there like 3 min before I got drop) HAHA
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#126 Wind


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Posted 20 March 2005 - 11:36 AM

i remember that under arilin sewers, was fun i was too busy pkin

<Dev ^_^
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#127 .?.

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Posted 20 March 2005 - 11:45 AM

I remember when u couldnt drag monsters and monsters use to move by there selfs and there was rats running around arilin...lol
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.

#128 Kalypso

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Posted 20 March 2005 - 03:04 PM

Authority, on Mar 19 2005, 07:33 AM, said:

Melfice, on Mar 11 2005, 04:19 PM, said:

I remember half of nightmist trying to kill the lightning tooth dragon and the other half of nightmist healing it to keep it alive.

I got the kill and 99% of nightmist complained cuz i didnt do any work
(was there like 3 min before I got drop) HAHA

so not cool
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#129 THC

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Posted 20 March 2005 - 04:56 PM

Remember when Vamp pots used to last till you logged? Mhmm was only able to... pretty much solo the lag monster once before they changed that. I took Chris (Tadpole) along with me as a shield ^_^ I think i had 5 crits, all of which were under the influence of a vamp pot. Never once had to drink a reg pot or heal. Chris ended up dying right before i got the kill. I logged on the next day to do it myself, and Vamp pots were like 1000000 gold.
Such a fool to think that i could wake you from your slumber,
that i could actually heal you,
Sleeping Beauty

#130 Shadic

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Posted 20 March 2005 - 06:21 PM

I'm not to newbie, dangit! <--- To 99% of NM Population.

Log from 6-10-2001:

Welcome to Nightmist
Type /? to obtain a list of online sysops. Sysops are here to help!
To page a user or sysop, type /p <name of sysop> <message>.
You can get general help by typing "help" and pressing enter.

visit www.nightmist.co.uk for the latest info.

Special Events! Every Friday at 10pm GMT, there will be a mosh. All players are invited! Prizes to be won!

Listen up, there have been issues of characters being stolen, we advise you to make your password difficult to guess, by including at least one number in it. Also, people have been pretending to trade items, then running away before completing their part of the deal. If I find this to have happened again, I will ban the culprit without question. If you want to be sure, use a staff member to watch over the transaction.

Armors equips have been updated - Krillick

There are 35 users online.
All characters have been reset to level 1 ! Your exp remains, just wander these corridors until you find your training room, and level up as usual. This is the Basic Training Room. You can visit the guilds 'North', or enter a portal 'South'.
There are 36 users online.
Online users: 'Metatron', 'billy_the_kid', 'Maldoror', 'Daemon', 'sarious', 'TheTest', 'Android_20', 'Teathius (AFK)', 'Seti', 'Arke', 'Charmed', 'Heero (AFK)', 'Snow', 'bones69', 'Craven', 'Rahjek (AFK)', 's88', 'GobIin', 'Vanadis (AFK)', 'Larynx', 'Robicus', 'bride_of_the_kid (AFK)', 'Kulidian', 'SlimShady', 'qwerty2', 'MMc', 'Kahn', 'Telstar', 'Storm69 (AFK)', 'Justice_Knight', 'TripHammer', 'Greek_Elf', 'Sir_Patrick', 'Sepheroth', 'eron', 'kaizer_95'.

And, my stats at that moment: (Characters were releveled)
'qwerty2' looked you over.
qwerty2 is a Male Dark Elf Assassin. He looks muscular, wise, agile, and average looking. He is equipped with a Club. He is a leader of The DARKNESS Legion and is in a healthy condition.

At last, (But not least!)
Paged User 'flame_69': hey

Man, I loved Flame and Bones.... I lost track of them after I left the game for awhile.... Anybody know what happened to them?

I'm so glad I saved that log. To think I did it by accident. *Laughs*

And yes, qwerty2 was me. I had a mage called qwerty1.... I have no idea why I suffix'd it with a 1 either, seeing as the name wasn't taken back then. ^_^

#131 Exor

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Posted 21 March 2005 - 09:20 AM

Shadic, on Mar 20 2005, 01:21 PM, said:

I'm not to newbie, dangit! <--- To 99% of NM Population.

Log from 6-10-2001:

Welcome to Nightmist
Type /? to obtain a list of online sysops. Sysops are here to help!
To page a user or sysop, type /p <name of sysop> <message>.
You can get general help by typing "help" and pressing enter.

visit www.nightmist.co.uk for the latest info.

Special Events! Every Friday at 10pm GMT, there will be a mosh. All players are invited! Prizes to be won!

Listen up, there have been issues of characters being stolen, we advise you to make your password difficult to guess, by including at least one number in it. Also, people have been pretending to trade items, then running away before completing their part of the deal. If I find this to have happened again, I will ban the culprit without question. If you want to be sure, use a staff member to watch over the transaction.

Armors equips have been updated - Krillick

There are 35 users online.
All characters have been reset to level 1 ! Your exp remains, just wander these corridors until you find your training room, and level up as usual. This is the Basic Training Room. You can visit the guilds 'North', or enter a portal 'South'.
There are 36 users online.
Online users: 'Metatron', 'billy_the_kid', 'Maldoror', 'Daemon', 'sarious', 'TheTest', 'Android_20', 'Teathius (AFK)', 'Seti', 'Arke', 'Charmed', 'Heero (AFK)', 'Snow', 'bones69', 'Craven', 'Rahjek (AFK)', 's88', 'GobIin', 'Vanadis (AFK)', 'Larynx', 'Robicus', 'bride_of_the_kid (AFK)', 'Kulidian', 'SlimShady', 'qwerty2', 'MMc', 'Kahn', 'Telstar', 'Storm69 (AFK)', 'Justice_Knight', 'TripHammer', 'Greek_Elf', 'Sir_Patrick', 'Sepheroth', 'eron', 'kaizer_95'.

And, my stats at that moment: (Characters were releveled)
'qwerty2' looked you over.
qwerty2 is a Male Dark Elf Assassin. He looks muscular, wise, agile, and average looking. He is equipped with a Club. He is a leader of The DARKNESS Legion and is in a healthy condition.

At last, (But not least!)
Paged User 'flame_69': hey

Man, I loved Flame and Bones.... I lost track of them after I left the game for awhile.... Anybody know what happened to them?

I'm so glad I saved that log. To think I did it by accident. *Laughs*

And yes, qwerty2 was me. I had a mage called qwerty1.... I have no idea why I suffix'd it with a 1 either, seeing as the name wasn't taken back then. ^_^

omg memories. I see me in the /who =D

Android_20 btw
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#132 Wolfgang

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 08:01 PM

I remember being able to morph into a lesser wurm, and being able to get Grasping Vines at a really low level (and them having much higher HP).

Me and Ian would go and cast Grasping Vines in the large forest, and wait for people to get stuck. And then kill them once they killed the vines.

I also remember when Ian (Kharybdis) was on staff. But that really wasn't that long ago.

Kharybdis hit you with an I can kill you any time anywhere for 1 point of damage.

What the what?

#133 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 08:41 PM


ooo ... those updates just seem like normal things, hard to think that they just happened like two years ago!
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#134 El DaN

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 06:07 AM

i remember going to buy a spell for my pally and i saw the spell aid, at first i cudnt believe it but when i bought it and it healed in the 70's *cough* it was awesome

#135 Seth

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 03:33 PM

Hmm, it's been a while since I've even bothered looking at the nightmist site lol But I remember a few good things, such as druids and pallies having revive ^_^. We would take a healer a berserker and a pally and just go out and kill all the tough bosses, it was great!

BTW, if nobody knows who this is it's velius, and sorry to anyone that I was a jerk to lol

#136 Eternyte

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 04:22 PM

Seth I don't think you were a jerk to anyone, been a long time since you been around these parts. You should log on again.

I remember pre-reset having a Necromancer with devastate, and it not using any mana or stamina, so it was limitless for a while.
I am the Dragon, before me you Tremble!

#137 Seth

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 04:32 PM

I actually have logged on today, if you see Seth on, it's me ^_^ nice to hear from ya andy

#138 Bowlin

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 08:24 PM

I remember when almost everyone's first crit was a paladin. (Including myself)

I remember when everybody was asking 'how do I train this?' to all the high lvl crits.

I remember when all the noobs of the game hated TR for pking them so much and they spammed TR's guestbook's first few pages full of 'TR really sucks' or 'Eat a D***'

I remember when people asked 'What are macros?'

I remember buying a 5stat human for 20k from someone and selling it for 100k. (stupid, stupid, stupid, me)
I'm not the one who's confused, boy. You don't even know who you are! -Rafiki

Ingame: Bowlin_Iii

#139 El DaN

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 07:51 AM

i remember when zerks first came out and smite was the thing to do like no1 did berserk

#140 Fyxie

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 02:51 PM

I remember when paladins were overhauled and I stood in Resthaven yelling for 30 minutes that I wanted my greater heal back until JLH paged me and told me to shut up, that there would be something better for paladins in a few hours. I then remember standing in Resthaven and yelling for a while that I wanted my gold back for greater heal so I could buy aid. I also remember almost fainting when at first aid healed for nearly 80 and then how mad I was a couple days later when it was cut back to mid 60's.
Fyxie - Dissident Chairwoman

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