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Solution To Greater Pact

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#1 Ryuku


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Posted 30 December 2004 - 08:15 PM

Okay, I think a solution for greater pact would be, take it out of game. Lesser Pact does what GP was probably intended for, the only problem I see is crits that want to get through some place will get attacked by monsters.

Edited by Ryuku, 30 December 2004 - 08:15 PM.

#2 Squee



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Posted 30 December 2004 - 08:37 PM

15% Taken from Monsters.
15% Given to Monsters.

It's like Lesser Pact but...well...greater.

I don't agree with taking it wholly out.
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#3 Penguin


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Posted 11 January 2005 - 04:52 AM

I support Squee's idea.

#4 joanna

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 01:13 AM

or make it self cast only

#5 Penguin


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Posted 12 January 2005 - 01:19 AM

hmm.... they ARE supposed to be an solo class anyway....

#6 Snoopy


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Posted 12 January 2005 - 12:53 PM

Supposed to be spells used to protect the helpless from harm (human or otherwise), the fact they are abused is a problem with the player base, not the paci's
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#7 Penguin


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Posted 14 January 2005 - 03:59 AM

but you can't stop the player base, however you can mod the paci's

#8 Snoopy


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Posted 14 January 2005 - 12:32 PM

Thats true, but the spell has practical uses, and would be unfair to take it away because of abuse by other players.
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#9 deadman

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Posted 16 January 2005 - 04:40 AM

make it so a paci can only cast gp on themselves or make it so that if they cast on a person it only makes them not be able to be hit by ppl/monsters but they can hit monsters
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#10 Sean

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Posted 23 January 2005 - 10:40 PM

deadman, on Jan 16 2005, 04:40 AM, said:

make it so a paci can only cast gp on themselves or make it so that if they cast on a person it only makes them not be able to be hit by ppl/monsters but they can hit monsters

Or make it so as soon as the person tries to attack the spells loses its affect.

Edited by Sean, 23 January 2005 - 10:40 PM.

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#11 Autek

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Posted 10 February 2005 - 05:06 AM

This is a bit old, but that is a great idea Sean.
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#12 Kalados

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Posted 04 March 2005 - 01:38 AM

You take away greater pact, then take away one clicks. Whats next? This a solo class. Lets try not to cut it down to size. Its wonderful as it is.

#13 Crane


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Posted 04 March 2005 - 08:52 AM

If people wish to modify Greater Pact, the most I would settle for is making it self-cast only, because since Pacifists are a solo-class and are sometimes found in very dangerous areas (Pyramid of the 3rd Moon and Harabec Dungeon, for example), Greater Pact is useful to get yourself out of a hairy situation.

While casting it on other players to stop them killing monsters is something to look down upon, it is not a reason to remove the spell altogether.
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#14 Ryuku


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Posted 05 March 2005 - 11:02 PM

Pacifist are not a solo class, whoever thought of that is stupid. They're just a 1 alt class, can't join clans or parties, doesn't mean they're not supposed to not supposed to help or [un]help (couldn't think of the right word) others. If pacifist are supposed to be a solo class and not do anything to interfere, they shouldn't be able to heal other people either. I do agree Greater Pact is being abused, but it's the same deal with zerkers, "everyone can do/use it"

#15 Sourcream

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Posted 05 April 2005 - 08:01 PM

Hey Ryuku, Cry Jlh a River ?

#16 Ryuku


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Posted 05 April 2005 - 10:25 PM

As I've said to other people, if you dislike me so much, it would be better if you didn't post at all. I'm not complaining, I'm just giving an opinion, but..you obviously would go out of you're way to try and make people look bad. I feel kinda sorry for you if that's the only way you can happiness.

Btw, don't bring up old topics ^_^

#17 Shadic

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Posted 05 April 2005 - 10:34 PM

What Ryuku just said was that their fine, so why would he have to "Cry JLH a river?"

#18 Sean

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Posted 10 April 2005 - 02:25 PM

Sean, on Jan 23 2005, 11:40 PM, said:

deadman, on Jan 16 2005, 04:40 AM, said:

make it so a paci can only cast gp on themselves or make it so that if they cast on a person it only makes them not be able to be hit by ppl/monsters but they can hit monsters

Or make it so as soon as the person tries to attack the spells loses its affect.

I support my idea. ^^

I also think Sourcream is jelous because he hasnt got a creative bone in his body and none of his ideas will ever make it in the game.
Stadic Ingame...

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