Pale skin the color of milk and as soft to the touch as rose petals both stood out in the darkness of the night and seemed yet a mere illusion, a ghost in the corner of ones eyes. Thick deep crimson hair fell in waves below the being's waist, accentuating the pale skin, appearing as though blood spilled on white silk. Long dark lashes framed silver orbs that looked deep enough for one to drown in, and yet, at the same time as they were seducing, they looked so unbearably cold. Beneathed all the guarded layers, if one could look deep enough in those eyes and not dorwn, was pain, dark brooding that told a morbid tale that led to this wounded creature who would no sooner let another creature see this then become prey. Such beauty and yet so cold, it was a shame this creature had forgotten what love was, and instead had become a predator, one who fed as much off the night as the blood of her victims. She cared nothing of life, but remained trapped in the middle, unable to die and at the same time unable to die.
The light shed by the moon this night was little, and did little to pierce the night. Thin wisps of fog played across the ground, wrapping up the being's legs, making her seem more an illusion then the thin gauzy dress she wore that fell loosely over her curves. She was barefoot, which was uncommon but tonight she could have cared less had she been stark naked. Still, in a sheath at her thigh was a dagger, and in another sheather at her lower back was a knife. Even had she ventured outside nude she still would have had weapons on her body.
In this place she could sense others of her kind, but she was unsure if there were any of her age, if so they were cloaking themselves from her. She cared little, if they would threaten her she would let them, it bothered her little, she would fight back of course, with no plans of losing, and of yet she had not. She did not obey territories, she dwelt where she wished and wopuld ignore those who told her otherwise until they raised blade to her. As of yet she had come across none of her kind here except to sense them and she was all the more content by herself. But humanity did not die so easily, even over centuries and millenias of life, and the need for companionship urging her to seek one of them out and yet she resisted. If she were to come across another so be it, but she would supress this surge of humanity, for she knew all too well its price were she to awcknowledge it.

Faer~ Darkness Is A Whisper
Started by Faer, Dec 23 2004 04:41 AM
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