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History Quesiton

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#1 Dc

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Posted 14 December 2004 - 04:47 AM

How did the Continental Convention of 1787 and the period immediately following it deal with the issue of the debate between those who supported a strong central government and those who wanted more power to the states?

its not for me, but i said i would post it here for a friend.
so if any of you know anything about it, feel free to post. :unsure:
I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

#2 VampressMisty

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Posted 14 December 2004 - 03:04 PM

Some Stuff On It

#3 Zylia

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Posted 14 December 2004 - 06:50 PM

The original intentions of the Convention was to amend the Articles of Confederation, not to overthrow it so to speak. They realized that it'd would be necessary.

They came up with several plans, then eventually adopted James Madison's plan (The Virginia Plan) to have the Legislature be divided into two houses - Senate and House. The House would be the representative body of the people and the Senate would be elected by the House. They also made a provision for an executive branch which worried some people who were afraid of another monarch and a judiciary and would split the balance of power between the three branches.

Anyways... the main problem with the two house system was the population ratio.
The states had to ratify it and in order to make it so that the smaller states weren't over powered by the larger states they came up with a plan to provide that the House of Representatives would be based on population, which would be reevaluated every 10 years based on population census. The Senate would be equally represented throughout the states and would only have 2 members.

The states feared a strong central government would oppose on states indivdual rights which would just result in returning to an oppressive dominate government (which was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War). This was the main reason for the private Constitutional Convention being held -- they wanted to produce a constitution that would provide for a powerful central government without having states claim it would violate their rights.

But you do have to keep in mind........ the people who were creating this Constitution were wealthy, well-educated, and had meddled in politics before. They were more or less united in one thing - they were opposed to giving too much power to the ordinary people.

Anyways, hope my experience in American Politics and in Early American History helped you out (hey my first semester at college wasn't useless!)

#4 two

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Posted 14 December 2004 - 06:55 PM

...right, so the answer is george washington.

#5 stfu_edwards

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 12:39 AM

me answer CAKE

#6 Dan

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 04:28 PM

Google to the rescue once again.

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