Library info for Axe of the Apocalypse:
Base damage: 27, Can be used by: fighters, paladins, thieves, berserkers, Description: A large granite stone infused with a ghoul skull in the center. Gigantic razor sharp blades flaring from the sides. The Axe of the Apocalypse is a montrous, beastly weapon, and not to be taken lightly. Upon grasping it in your hands, you can feel its power. The power to give life, and to take it away., Level needed to equip it: 35, Magical: Yes, Vamparic: 0.3, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: , Mana leech: .
It's got custom attack messages too!
On multi-alt, of course. Looking for gold largely, but may have a look at some items. No crits or 1-alt stuff please.