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Squee Is University-bound!

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#1 Squee



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Posted 01 August 2006 - 03:42 PM

Mmm hmm. Looks like I'm a big kid now.

I really quit Nightmist a long time ago but I thought now was a good time to leave a final farewell post.

I was able to pull 5 million gold in items out of the Nightmist economy. They are deleted (/destroy [item]) and will never show their faces again. ^__^

And though I feel bad about taking those from a friend, I think we both understand that pulling money out of Nightmist like that can really only help it.

I'll be moving out September 2nd into my residence on campus. I hope my roommate's nice.

And hopefully I won't get overwhelmed with all the work. Four years and I get my honours in science and then it's (hopefully) off to med school with me.

Hah, a doctor - I bet nobody thought that of me.

I don't like saying good bye but my friends know who they are and they'll ignore the fact that I'm using an over-used cliche.

There'll be no roleplaying exit for me. I built up this character and I don't think anything I write could really satisfy me. It would always be much too... less.

Thank you, Nightmist, for all the good times. And thanks for the not-so good times, either. It was a nice ride, full of jostles and hijinks but calm and peaceful times, too.

Good luck to everyone in whatever you decide to do.

Keep each other safe,
Squee of Draco Honoris
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#2 alone

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 04:10 PM

Wow. How long have we been playing alongside eachother? A stupid amount of time, that's for sure.
I know you'll achieve your goals, but good luck ;)

You know where I'm at if you ever fancy a chat or anything.

Enjoy life man, stay cool!
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#3 Trevayne

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 04:20 PM

Best of luck at University... I hope that you find all the best in life.

Squee the sorcerer will stay in your account in case you ever decide to return and visit us... that would be the best 5mil I ever spent ;)
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#4 deadman

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 05:29 PM

One of the nicest people the game had left..

Best of luck with everything and keep in touch! ;)
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#5 Piggy

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 10:40 PM

Didn't really get to know you in the short time we known of eachother, but 1 thing I learnt, is that your cool.

Have fun and good luck!

Piggy Or Derlok ingame

#6 Amy

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 02:43 AM

Squee! I will miss you and will remember you fondly always. I too could not possibly say goodbye to you in character. Although I will say, should the character "squee" be leaving Amy would be crying about now!

Be well my friend and have fun in college! You will do great!

Hugs, Shella aka Amy
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#7 Elrik

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 03:13 AM

I always wanted to meet you, but good luck in college!


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 04:25 AM

Hope to see you log-on during sem-break or school vacation period. (if possible).

scratched that, go out on tons of dates during sem-break and vacation period, instead of sitting in front of your pc playing nm. lol

Goodluck and peace bro. ;)

Edited by ΣXCΩΠVICŦ, 02 August 2006 - 04:30 AM.

Come closer if you dare, evil is our lair…….. ΣXCΩΠVIC

#9 Crane


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 08:17 AM

I am sad to see you go, but real life always takes precedence, and we all must quit one day. Good luck at University; stay in touch.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#10 Sneaky

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 04:43 PM

i'll miss you squee <3 a doctor? thats what i'm going for! except my undergrad degree is 5 years since i'll do three 6-month research/work co-ops while studying!!!

so expect a similar post like this from me guys =) except i don't leave til the 21st of september, so you get me around for a little longer.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#11 Gnarkill



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Posted 02 August 2006 - 05:22 PM

bai bai squee! its been fun, good luck. ;)

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#12 Squee



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Posted 18 January 2007 - 06:27 AM

It's late here at McMaster University, but I find I can't sleep.

My mind wandered for a bit and I thought it'd be nice to let everyone know how I'm doing.

University isn't what I expected it to be and it certainly knocked me to the ground in the first round. That chemistry midterm that I failed really opened my eyes.

I'm a lot more grown up - a lot less naive. I've seen things and heard things and felt things; I think I qualify as an adult now (though I've never felt like it - don't think I'll feel like it in the future neither).

He-Who-Controls-Squee is now searching for an apartment to move into next year with a lovely girl (3 year anniversary in February). But he's been bad and has yet to tell his ever-so-strict parents. He will also refrain from referring to himself in third person for the rest of this post.

Aeryn will be happy that I took Latin as my elective (my others were second semester Calculus and the second physics - Crane will be happy about that one).

Tu ipse meis primis verbis Latinis docuisiti mihi. (Pardon if I made a mistake.)

Cyric will be happy to know (though I doubt he will ever read this) that I'm continuing DM'ing D&D sessions. I found a great group of people whose personalities are just different enough to compensate for each others weakness. Oh, the stories I could tell.

Oh! And yes, I remain alcohol free and drug free! My floor-mates all tell me that I'm already too drunk on life.

All in all, I'm doing well. My grades are high enough that I don't feel bad, but low enough that I want to achieve more. I even get the satisfaction of helping people who are struggling. It's good times.

Anyhoo, I've rambled enough. I hope you are all doing well and I hope you're doing your best to keep the realm safe (apparently we had a close call recently!). Until I next see you,

Keep each other safe,
Forever Squee of Draco Honoris

PS: (In Biology A-, Chemistry B, Latin A+, Math A, Physics B-. I'm doing well so don't worry!)
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#13 Hansol

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 07:00 PM

You insanely smart over extended univerisity student.

GO SQUEE! i do not know thee.. but you sound like you're having a grea time. Keep it up :)

Love me :)

#14 deadman

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 08:21 PM

Hey old Pal! Sounds like everything is going good. We miss you back here. Good luck with everything! :)
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#15 Trevayne

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Posted 18 January 2007 - 09:01 PM

I'm happy that you're safe, having fun, and doing well.

Stop by anytime Squee... your mage is sitting there waiting for you whenever you want it. You've been missed!
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#16 Crane


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Posted 19 January 2007 - 12:53 AM

Go you for taking up Physics... maybe you can help me with my Electromagnetism with the definition of D and P fields, since my tutor has unfortunately gone down with Shingles (a form of Chicken Pox)
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#17 Hansol

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Posted 19 January 2007 - 02:18 AM


#18 Amy

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Posted 24 January 2007 - 10:27 PM

Squee! I am so very happy that you are doing great. We miss you tons!

Love, Shella aka Amy
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#19 Gaddy

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Posted 28 January 2007 - 06:13 PM

I am just now running across this post.
Glad to see you chasing the dream Squee.
You always seems pretty intelligent and kind, great mix for a doctor, or anything in life.

Hope you are still able to leave some updates.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#20 Squee



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Posted 28 June 2007 - 09:44 PM

It's so weird how just a few years ago I was that awkward highschooler that played Nightmist because he was too poor to do anything else.

...Now I'm just that awkward university student. xD

I was able to finish my first year at McMaster University with 9.5/12 average. It was way different than what I was expecting, but I found that I was able to keep my balance after the initial shock. I guess that's what they're trying to test.

Those bastards.

By the way, I don't know what a 9.5/12 average means either xD
I think it's like a B+ or an A- or an 80%. What this means is that I get to renew my entrance scholarship: $2000!

That's a lot of Mac & Cheese.

Speaking of which, I've recently experimented with Mac & Cheese pizza. I ordered a Hawaiian pizza and poured Mac & Cheese all over it. Pineapples go surprisingly well with it.

In September, I'll be starting my major in Honours Biophysics. And after that, I'll be aiming for Med School. That means I've gotta start studying up for the MCAT! Phew, lots of work for me this year but I think I'll manage.

I've leased out a house with six other people (4 Engineers; myself, a science student; a buisness student; and a stranger who I don't really know that well, but he seems like a nice enough guy). In those four engineers is my girlfriend of over three years. We get the entire upstairs to ourself.

She told me that if I don't help clean the bathroom, we're through.

In my spare time, I'm still roleplaying over message boards and even playing D&D with some new people I met. A lot of them are really upset with me because our last D&D session was sometime in March with a killer cliffhanger ending (a professor at a magic academy cut open his stomach and when the PCs turned to leave, a bearded devil popped out! Not to mention, they're carrying an artifact of gross and evil power which they just recently found out is actually a fraction of a legendary Lich's phylactery). We haven't played since just because we live so far apart.

Squee still doens't drink or smoke anything. And I'm just fine with that. I'm saving hundreds of dollars. xP
(...Which, admittedly, I blew on D&D books. It's too damn easy to drop $200 or so on these books in just one trip to the hobby-shop.)

I'm working this summer at a factory doing manual labour. For me, it's at least the second layer of hell (the first is consists of my first two semesters in chemistry). The other day, I spent eight hours sweeping up an airplane hanger. On another, they made me sweep up a parking lot - then they yelled at me for using a broom and gave me a rake. How do you rake a parking lot?!

I have the feeling that my boss is just trying to make me suffer so much that I'll stay in school. Needless to say, it's working.

Anyways, that's about all I have to say. It's good to see that a lot of faces are still sticking around. I'm sure the game is much better because of you. It's also good to see that the game is making a steady (if not painfully slow) progression forward.

1-alt NM was a great push forward.

Next you'll need to make NPCs a bit more active. After all, they're characters and not just autamatons. Make it fun to go on a quest!

And because I'm a huuuuuge Forgotten Realms fan (What? You don't know what Forgotten Realms is? For the love of God, go read something about Elminster or Drizzt!), I'd say that greatest and most unique thing NM could do is have the staff play the role of gods with their own (sometimes hidden) agendas. What if Trevayne offered a massive amount of gold and jewels to a clan to go into the depths of Stadius' Realm to kill his trusted Seraph of Awesome and take his Amulet of Also Awesome?

Why, I think you'd have a good ol' Gods War on your hands. And everyone loves that!

Anyways, I'm rambling way too much. I'll end it here.

Take care of each other, Nightmist.
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