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Orc Army

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#1 Xlithan


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Posted 23 August 2004 - 12:49 PM

In the eastern passes of the realm, lies nothing but large open fields, beyond that who knows. Until this day the eastern passes were nothing but tracks in which people very rarely used, apart from market to market trading by horse and cart.

For many years now the adventures of Nightmist have fought amongst small groups of orcs through the caves, and the orcs were no match against our brave warriors and skillful mages.
With each passing day the orcs would grow weaker and weaker against our armies of fighters, mages, rangers, and the help of our noble paladins. It was only until this fall, that the orcs grew stronger than ever, and it would come to be, that something bad was about to occur in the realms of the mist, more great and dangerous then anything we have witnessed.....


General Lord Totum: The Orc Army is but few towns away, we must act fast!
Knight: Should we gather up any man able to fight against these creatures my lord?
General Lord Totum: Use any force we can......


This quests will involve an area of open fields similar to the meadow to the far east of the realms. As General Lord Totum has called for any force available, the quest will be open to ALL levels of characters, providing they can make it to the fields alive :P
When you get to the field you will see General Lord Totum at the gate, and you can talk to him to get the information about the war and the ranks of the orcs.

As an orc army, it will need ranks, which would usually be 4 types of Orc....

Orc Infantry: The largest group, and lowest rank of orc. Same str and defence as the normal orcs have, but with extra armor, and added attack because of the weapons they wield.

Orc Cavalry: These types of Orc ride upon some kind of beast, similar to the beast in which the orcs rode in tolkiens books. These orcs would have greater dexterity, an would be harder to cut down.

Orc General: The orc general being the largest and most powerful of the orc army. lower levels, watch out for this one.

Orc King: Obviously a level 30 boss monster, the orc king being the highest rank in the orc army, and typically being only one of them. The Orc king would need to be made hard enough to allow this quest to last atleast a month, and once the king is dead the war would be over. however, each orc you kill would re-spawn (time depends on what rank), until the king is dead. Once the king is dead, each orc you kill in the orc army will not respawn, once all orcs are dead the quest is over.


Squares on the Orc Plains should NOT have PK enabled as this is a team-based quest, and killing other players at the war would be stupid.

The reward to the person killing the king should be greater than just a unique weapon or armor. I would like to introduce something which has NEVER been done before in nightmist, and as the Orc army is a one time quest, and such a great quest in which the whole community comes together and works together as a large team, the reward should be something great also.


The reward will be given to the person who destroys the Orc King. The Orc Plains (where the battle takes place) would be large enough to fit a brand new town, as well as a castle.

The hero of the quest will be dubbed Sir <name> and will be granted the power to design his/her own town upon the Orc Plains, in memory of the war, introducing new weapons and armor to the land: The Orc Armor Set, and new weapons used by the orc army.

On the outside parimeter (sp?) of the town will lie castle walls, and a gate with watch towers incase of any incoming invading armies.

The gate, could perhaps lead to other lands, another realm with whole new towns and cities, and new monsters etc. as i personally think this world is becoming too small for all these new players ^.^

Edited by Zelimos, 23 August 2004 - 12:57 PM.

#2 Cule

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 01:02 PM

this is actually quite good.
kinda like scenario/mission type of quest.

#3 Squee



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Posted 23 August 2004 - 01:28 PM

At first, I thought this was just going to be some Helm's Deep rip-off... but the reward that you've designed is quite unique to say the least.

However, the reward (as great as it sounds) seems less than feasable. =\
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#4 Malavon

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 02:56 PM

If you remove the part about designing items then it might work out ok. Providing a staff member is willing to check over the area before it is released to see if there are any problems with it (the designing on the castle), then it sounds ok.

#5 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 03:35 PM

Page/Memo Beatrix

#6 Simulation

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 05:10 PM

I really like this idea, also maybe in the castle there can be a monster arena, where it spawns every kind of orc's except for the highest one, but every orc rank would have it's seperate arena, kind of like torchering them becuase they tried to over-rule the O so powerfull NightMist :P

#7 Stotic

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 10:41 PM

The problem I see is players just running past all of the orcs to the Orc King.
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#8 Squee



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Posted 23 August 2004 - 11:24 PM

What kind of King (even orcish) can be seen fighting at the front lines? The only way to run to it would to be invisible/covert/camoflauged and, even then, you would be constantly avoiding stray arrows and weapons and just bodies in general (placed as some kind of trap).

I assume the only way to stop these traps would be to beat back the enemy. Therefore, the only way to the King would be to plow a path through the Orcs.
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#9 Hatrix

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Posted 23 August 2004 - 11:40 PM

I like it.
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#10 Tanis

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 12:00 AM

The problem I see is players just running past all of the orcs to the Orc King.

Make them kill to pass monsters?
Then I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
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#11 Simulation

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 12:32 AM

The problem I see is players just running past all of the orcs to the Orc King.

Make them kill to pass monsters?

Was just going to suggest that :P

#12 Ryuku


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Posted 24 August 2004 - 01:47 AM

This Idea is great, but the idea of someone making thier own city, Pandilex would just covert and kill it fast before own eyes, the cheater. Maybe they can be incharge of it, keep certain people and clans out if they want. The reward is very different than any other, I agree.

#13 SaberTooth

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 02:59 AM

nice job man..

#14 Vardoth

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 04:13 PM

At first, I thought this was just going to be some Helm's Deep rip-off... but the reward that you've designed is quite unique to say the least.

However, the reward (as great as it sounds) seems less than feasable. =\

{At first, I thought this was just going to be some Helm's Deep rip-off... but the reward that you've designed is quite unique to say the least.}

minus the town part it really is.....but i like it!

#15 Xlithan


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Posted 24 August 2004 - 04:55 PM

What's Helm's Deep? I just wanted some team-based quest for once instead of seeing people running around boss monsters killing each other over some useless item, that in a couple of weeks time won't be rare anymore, and will just become another money grabbing object.

#16 Zeppelin

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 05:54 PM

Freakin awesome idea man. I would love to see this.

#17 Repair_man_man_man

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 07:41 PM

This idea is bitchin'(excuse the language, but that's the only word to discribe it). If Pandilex went through with this, I would be all like "Huzzah". But I'm wondering, where would this huge quest thing take place?
I have seen the top of the Mountian, and It is good.

#18 Simulation

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 08:51 PM

Whereever theres fields

#19 Julius

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 10:17 PM

It is a great idea. Only a few minor things I would point out for you to consider, The orc king I do not think would be in an invasion, instead give the general the highest rank, and give him captains, and other officers below him as more challenging than normal orcs. Just a suggestion. Other than that, well done.

And one other thing, If staff do decide to add this, but do not want to give the player free rain to create a city, still give them a title, and allow them to be the first(and perhaps only) clan to be inside the city walls.
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#20 Xlithan


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Posted 25 August 2004 - 12:57 PM

I definately think we should introduce titles into the game, so we can look upon our heros; our lords and ladies, so they'll be known for making great sacrifices to save our cities.

Thanks for the possitive replies :P

Edited by Zelimos, 25 August 2004 - 02:44 PM.

#21 Crater

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 01:08 PM

I love the idea, but unless you do make the infantry orcs kill to pass, people will just invis and go past, the traps thing can be sorted by a mage with protect (yes i know, no-one uses that anymore lol) but it will be good with the kill-to-pass included.

#22 Squee



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 02:09 PM

If a huge orc body falls on top of you, I doubt Protect will keep you safe. ^^;
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#23 Xlithan


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Posted 25 August 2004 - 02:48 PM

lol, true, true. No matter what spells you have, i think Orcs should be made unpassable, coverted or invis or whatever, it's a fight, we want to destroy each and every orc, not run pass them and leave them. Remember, the King is right at the back, i call him the king because he is the leader of the Orcs, he doesn't own a castle and eat strawberries all day, he is the master of combat in the orc army, the largest and undefeated Orc alive.

#24 sayadin

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Posted 26 August 2004 - 02:39 PM

great idea.. set up some powerful creatures to block players from running into the king... have like doors, or minions or something that you can't pass
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#25 Squee



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Posted 26 August 2004 - 03:24 PM

Doors...in a field? o_O
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#26 Xlithan


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Posted 26 August 2004 - 04:23 PM

lol i was thinking the same thing. one more thing, seeing as the only entrance is passed General Lord Totum, i think it should be made so that mages should not be allowed in, and DEFINATELY not Pacifists.

Pacifists shouldn't be allowed ANYWHERE near this area, coz that would really stuff things up. Clerics im not too sure about, paladins definately, fighters and rangers, im not too sure about theives, their abilities arn't strong enough against the power of an orc soilder, but ANY level should be allowed for this, because it is after all a big community event, and i hate quests that only allow certain levels.

#27 Charon

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Posted 26 August 2004 - 05:18 PM

True- if this were to happen, it would be a war... and unfortunately Pacifists shouldn't be going anywhere near it. They're passive and anti-warlike.

Plus, while with the area being a nopk area people would be safe from killing themselves, and healers would be a good advantage, GP-ers would be a bit too annoying.
If this ever happens, I however may consider holding an "Orcs have rights too" "Slaughter is wrong, Diplomacy is right" and "Peace solves all Problems" rally in a nearby town, and chanting peacesongs with whichever members of my pacfist brethren would care to join me... which would be none of them, because all my pacifist brethren would be on a fighting crit (or crits?), as I would likely be :P

I don't see why you wouldn't allow clerics along though... they may not be the strongest warriors, but they have healing magics which would be most useful in a war... that, and it would be kinda mean to deny them the chance to slaughter orcs and save their friends/family/homes. Theives... if the lovable rogue assassins want to turn their weak blades to orc flesh, I don't see why you should stop them.

Even mages... I think mages deserve to take part if they were able to get there. I'm sure there would be a way to stop invisible mages sneaking past the nice orc army- and as you said, all the orcs would have to be killed anyway for the battle to be won.

You said it yourself-

it is after all a big community event, and i hate quests that only allow certain levels

I would tack 'and certain classes' in the end of that in this case. If its a big community event, all members of the community (who consider fighting a viable solution- therefore excluding our dear pacifists) should be allowed their chance

However should such a thing ever occur... damn, the lag would be terrible :S

Edited by Charon, 26 August 2004 - 05:21 PM.

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#28 Simulation

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Posted 26 August 2004 - 05:29 PM

I don't think having it in the field North of NightMist will work, maybe the enterance is in the field, say the northeast point of it will be the castle, easy to get to, and not in the way.

#29 Charon

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Posted 26 August 2004 - 05:37 PM

I don't think having it in the field North of NightMist will work, maybe the enterance is in the field, say the northeast point of it will be the castle, easy to get to, and not in the way.

North of Nightmist wouldn't work... because who would want this theoretical town built right outside nightmist?

Anywhere with a field can mean... anywhere. Just somewhere with a large amount of space.
Personally I'd be inclined to say theres too much space in that isolated "Blackthorn" region of the realm... I dare say there are plenty of empty fields over there people have never been looking for...

But anyhow the way I read it the propsed field wasn't limited to existing fields :P
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#30 Xlithan


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Posted 26 August 2004 - 10:06 PM

I don't think having it in the field North of NightMist will work, maybe the enterance is in the field, say the northeast point of it will be the castle, easy to get to, and not in the way.

did i not say to the FAR east on the realms? RIGHT on the VERY edge? lol

i said the area would be like the meadow in which it was mapped, not IN the meadow itself :P

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