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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 18 2005 05:52 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New Event . Capture The Flag

04 December 2004 - 05:05 PM

also i wouldnt mine seeing another game,

summit like Possession, every1 starts of at diffrent parts of the arena, 1 character per IP and no parties, a skull is placed in the middle of the arena, the idea is 2 get the skull in ure inventory and keep the skull for aslong as u can, the target is to hold the skull for 3mins or something like that, wen u die u drop the skull and r respawned were u started with a 3 second period were u cant move or b killed. When sum1 picks up the skull it alerts the rest of the arena who has it and there picture is changed to a skull, also they cannot use there weapon or any magic while holding the skull.

In Topic: Disappear

30 November 2004 - 09:33 PM

because if i said i shared every1 would snap at me saying it was him, it was him, wen i new full well it wasn't

In Topic: Disappear

30 November 2004 - 07:10 PM

hmm, nice bit of story there, me and pete shared, his brother got the account then gave all the crits away, until a few days ago wen pete decided to tell me i thought i'd been hacked

In Topic: Disappear

23 November 2004 - 03:05 PM

1)the person who i suspect is my best m8s brother, so he could of get the pass while i was round his house via keylogger.
2)i will not cry 2 staff i will ask for some of the crits back, if he wont give any back then i will turn a keylogger on him.
3)because the only crit i restored was a lvl 9, and i didnt need it so i didnt think 2 change the password

In Topic: Pking

22 November 2004 - 08:32 PM

i'll give u a ranger on ranger duel?