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Proposed Changes To The Multi-alt Server

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#61 The Shadow

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Posted 26 October 2007 - 09:05 PM

I am for this proposed change... I very nearly quit playin NM long ago for being pk'd constantly and then not havinng anyone to help or willing to tell you where things are or how to get there..

I think to a new player base this proposal would be more beneficial..

Just so we understand I play only on Multi. I don't have a single 1a crit.

#62 Raylen


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Posted 28 October 2007 - 11:47 PM

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

...which calls for Desperate Housewives!

Not really though.

To point out: when I used to train in zeum, I never got hit once dev quit which was what, 2 years ago. Make it nopk up to level 20, so people could get an idea of strengths and weaknesses of various classes before hitting the badass 1a server.
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

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#63 Hansol

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 01:00 AM

I havn't read the whole post.. Only the mains ones from staff in conclusion to questions.

Would you still be able to drag monsters onto people? In dangerous areas that would still be a problem too.

I'd like to add that i fully support this change. When i get my computer.. (i know i've been saying this for ages now but when i do get it) i'll be a full 20 alt player again.

#64 ketchup

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 11:25 AM

lol.... looks like it's gonna be a multi-alt pacifist server.... j/k

1alt : Titan / Viper / Exellency / Rampage. Main : Predator / Frostie

#65 joanna

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Posted 01 November 2007 - 01:46 PM

lol.... looks like it's gonna be a multi-alt pacifist server.... j/k

Just bring in multi-classing.
<3 a l40 crit, zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk zerk paci

#66 Pureza


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Posted 03 November 2007 - 05:48 PM

Due to recently moving I've not been very active. But the situation has changed a bit and will be able to be rather active again. As it stands now, there is hardly any players still steady on the main side of things. And the few that are around are too busy collecting stuff to run around and pk. So, I support the change, hopefully it'll bring in some new players.
Jaded ingame.

#67 Peacemaker

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Posted 03 November 2007 - 10:39 PM

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

...which calls for Desperate Housewives!

Not really though.

To point out: when I used to train in zeum, I never got hit once dev quit which was what, 2 years ago. Make it nopk up to level 20, so people could get an idea of strengths and weaknesses of various classes before hitting the badass 1a server.

I agree with this idea but why not make both servers nopk up to lvl 20 would give everyone a good bit to train before having to worry bout getting pked....might help some people out and make the game more competitive.
Peacemaker both servers.

#68 Shapeshifter

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 12:13 AM

Honestly I wonder how many times people need to be told.

Making the entire game nopk is a quick thing that JLH can do with his eyes closed, its 1 line of code.

To make specifications, like lvl limits on pking. would take much more time than JLH wants/has to devote to the game. Its multiple lines of code, and hours worth of checking. This is a quick fix, and as Trevayne initially said, it can be just as easily undone.

Support the change, definitely coming back if it happens, 1Alt is becoming a pkfest, and personally I think that takes all the fun out of training.

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#69 Freek

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 01:33 AM

Honestly I wonder how many times people need to be told.

Making the entire game nopk is a quick thing that JLH can do with his eyes closed, its 1 line of code.

To make specifications, like lvl limits on pking. would take much more time than JLH wants/has to devote to the game. Its multiple lines of code, and hours worth of checking. This is a quick fix, and as Trevayne initially said, it can be just as easily undone.

Support the change, definitely coming back if it happens, 1Alt is becoming a pkfest, and personally I think that takes all the fun out of training.

1.) Wouldnt be that much to just make the hole thing nopk just as easy because its the same line of code just either way you have to change it.

2.) 1a is fine the way it is in my opinon. If you wanted to make the 20lvl pk restirction i dont see how that would help much. They would be like wow its so ez then when they hit lvl 20 and start getting raped 24/7 by the archs be pissed off that lvl 20 is what keeps them from not training and losing more exp instead of experencing it at low lvl. (P.S I can only pk experts so wouldnt matter to me)

Freek ingame.

#70 MysticStorm

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 02:42 AM

I honestly don't see anything going NOPK or it would have been done already. I honestly don't support this change. Nightmist has always been a pk'ing game. So what if the world is too big. That just makes the hunt more challengable.

#71 Redheart

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 02:59 AM

Please just make it the changes happen soon!!
I have no patience for waiting for changes. I get tired of people talking and just want action.
Just do It !!
It if will bring new players and encourage new people to play, Just do it!!
Please do it soon and no more talk.
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#72 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 07:23 AM

*Busts out laughing.* You guys are killing me, this is so funny. Lay it out.

No-Pk Pros

-New players come in and actual move about the game without being smashed into human puddles of essence.

-Co-op play might come into Main before we actually see any of it in 1a

-Areas that where once dead or dieing due to players looking over ther ehsoulders and running back into town if they think they are being tracked will have life breathed back into them again.

As it is

-New players come in, are pked by the same person 30 or so times because they don't care about anything but themselves, new player leaves and never comes back, nightmist dies faster then what it is dieing already.

That pretty much sums it right there. If you really want to know the detail of it even if you make main No-Pk new players will still leave when the harassing pages start kicking in because not alot of people know this is a GAME...they let this GAME control some part of their primative brain if they have one and start takeing it out on people who they don't even know. Yes, /ignorepc is designed to prevent this,BUT this being a GAME one fo the things that is supposed to make it FUN is the ability to talk to people and enjoy this GAME with other people not complete BUTT HEADS. Has anyone stopped to think maybe this is why JLH has not put any time into the game? That maybe this is why no new areas or items have been added? He sees that somethign he has created for millions of people to enjoy has turned it into a sloppy pile of crap cause they can't control their egos or they can't control the words their brain is telling their fingers to type? Everyone wants new things added, my wife and i have come up with new areas and even a quest and all anyone does is bash the hell out of it. Oh this wont work and oh this dont look right it don't need to be there. Maybe Simon and JLH looks at all that and decides.."Well...they are crapping on everything that is in the game already, and they are crapping on suggestions people make to make the game more enjoyable so why do anything to try and make people happy if they wont to crap on it?" Even down to 1a, it was supposed to be Co-op. *Dies laughing* 1a is for self centered egotistical people who are all in one clan.(Not speaking against everyone that is in the only clan that can attempt the mid lvl bosses, some of you guys are actually ok.) People in 1a don't want Co-op, they want to do exactly what amkes them feel good and that is to smash the hell out of anyone and everyone they can to make themselves look better. You want to help 1a out even if it is off topic?take the clan system out and watch them cry like babies. Make them work fr alliances with friends, then they will be a little nicer to epople when they need help going to kill HL or CG. Try doing those bosses by yourself without a cleric and see where it gets you.

Nightmist is/has died people. You got the old people who still play because they are drawn to the memories or the good times they had in it before all the crap started. People are laveing and are not comeing back, and there is nothing no one can do about it if they do leave and never return. JLH can't even do anything about it and honestly i don't see why eh would seeing as what all is going on in the game now.

Make main No-Pk, i can support that. If you have any issues with it change it back. I have invited 5 new people to the game this week, and none..i repeat none have stayed longer then 4 days due to the crap. Changes do need to be made, but due to the crap people sling at each other your not going to catch alot of help from anyone.

Yeah this is my two cents, and i have played as long as alot of you people have. I have quit the 1a server and sold everything i own cause of all the issues, and i have been on main more often, so before anyone decides they want to say"you don't know what is going on."*stares at you all and shakes his head.* New people in this game are noobs? I still believe the people playing the game now are more noobish then the new people that come in. *Turns his back on you all and walks away.* :ph34r:
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#73 Raylen


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Posted 04 November 2007 - 11:50 AM

I don't really get all the crying about new people being pked. It's always been that way. I got myself pwned loads back in the day. Guess what? I got smart. I found new places to train (back when map was 1/3 size it is now), little places where I couldn't be found. If new players aren't smart enough to avoid death then does the game really a bunch of whining cry-babies?

Lol and I used to love the abusive pages. I used to pk on a lvl 21 mage and a thief.

Abc pages you from Boars Tusk: your so mooseing dead you stupid mooseing punk.

/r righto i'll watch out

Goooood times :ph34r:

Oh and, /t him^^ - I have come up with more potential content for nm than anyone (no really, i have). But it'll only get put in if it's the right time, the right place, and staff want it in. I ain't bothered if it doesn't go in, I only ever wrote it for myself heh. *suppressed sniff*

Anyway, keep inviting noobs so you can all pk them on lvl 15 fighters. nm will do fine ;)
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

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#74 Shapeshifter

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 01:52 PM


Goodbye dead Multi server

Hello New No-PK Server!

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#75 Ryuku


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Posted 04 November 2007 - 08:14 PM

Although it's already been implemented, I'll give a tad opinion.

Lvl 31+ are only ones who should be able to be pk'd imo

Noobs can enjoy most of the benefit of the game, even get a whole party of arches and still not be pk'd, but once they get good enough to get lvl even one 31+ char, they should have a decent 8alt party of experts or so.

A party of lvl 30s in a skilled NM players hands can beat any boss ingame alone. If you want the boosts of lvl 31+ to make the game even easier, take the risks of getting pk'd.


Solution in simple terms, raise the nopk limit from 5 to 31.

Edited by Ryuku, 04 November 2007 - 08:15 PM.

#76 Gnarkill



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Posted 05 November 2007 - 10:58 PM

Welcome to Neopets everyone, make sure to feed and water ur crits so they dont die.. :ph34r:

Edited by Gnarkill, 05 November 2007 - 10:59 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#77 Isolated

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 11:15 PM

f uck you I wont do what you tell me

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