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Member Since 13 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2018 12:22 PM

Topics I've Started

New Thomas Maxwell Sovereign System Trades

16 March 2018 - 08:25 AM

For Both 1alt / Multi where appropriate - Probably only aimed for the eye's of Stig as he's the main active guy here.


New Trades:


Demon Plate - 1 Silver 3 Bronze suggested - in line with Halberd (And rarer drop)

Baron's Bracelet - 2 Gold - due to low level requirement

Emerald Bracelet - 1 Gold 3 Silver (Essentially devaluing its resale by 50k due to level requirement)


I also suggest reviewing Spider Staff - I can't think of anyone in the game on either server who would essentially sell one for 10k


Dragon's Skin I know is the easiest drop from Blue Dragon. But 1 Silver seems a bit harsh. Especially compared to the GoV. I'd suggest maybe upping it to 2 or 3 Silver.


In line with the above Dragon's eye Pendant to scale accordingly. Probably to 4 Silver. Especially when you factor in the value of other items.


Most of the other items seem fair for both servers - I'm aware putting in different values for the servers won't happen. As I think a couple of the items on 1alt need a massive boost. (Scroll of DR for instance sells back to the shop for 50k, so it would need massively upping)

Few Kayla Brooch's (1Alt)

11 February 2018 - 04:08 PM

You put your Kayla's Brooch on the website for 800 gold. (First one)

You put your Kayla's Brooch on the website for 1800 gold. (Last one)

Variety of prices up there just to see what the demand is for these. As the quest has a restricted level, I imagine the need for them isn't that great. I think in total there's about 10 been placed up there. I've used a few as well.

Main Key-Sale

10 February 2018 - 01:24 PM

Not sure if these are that wanted or desired. Just something of a backlog I've built up.


Curio Key * 15

Bronze Rune * 6

Egyptian Key * 3


Looking for Either Dungeon Keys / gold(Either server). Might at a push be interested in a Hawk Feather / Azure Robes / Golden Spider (10+) but not over-reliant.

1A Fighter / Ranger For Multi Gold/items

04 February 2018 - 12:37 PM

Ideally ranger would be close to 5 stats, just figured I need to have one of these going forwards.


I'm looking for a Halfling Ranger or Dwarf/Horc Fighter (No use in me having a zerker yet whilst I'm poor)


I have around 800k in pure gold. Almost got 1 Gold Sov, have a couple of pairs of SGs and some other small items.


If people aren't interested in trading items but just wanna take some of my gold for 1alt stuff I might be into that as well.

1Alt (Possibly Multi) - Tweaked Command

15 January 2018 - 09:04 AM

From the Commands section of the site: http://www.nightmist...nmsite/cmds.php


Make event command `/pickplayers [amount]` available anywhere in the realm. Allows much easier randoming of items from boss drops.