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New Race

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#1 ushka

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Posted 21 November 2004 - 09:49 AM

Well I know its gonna be battered down but NM needs somthing fresh I think, not just new weapons and maps but somthing new to play as. As its 9 am on a sunday morning im wiriting this theres only a few base ideas ^_^

Gargun: (Water lizard man)
14 21 18 18 22 16
The wisest of all beings but week and not very atractive.
Classes: Mage

Werewolf: (dos it need explaining?)
19 18 19 20 18 17
Similar to a human but sturdier but not as atractive or intelligent.
Classes: Fighter, Berserker.

Centaur: (tell me you know :D )
17 16 22 18 18 20
A very fast and quite good looking race. However weaker and less intelligent than halfling.
Classes: Ranger, Druid, Fighter, Cleric.

Well theres some for you =/ just an opinion hopefully get some support x.x
at least tell me your favourite :P

Edit: Forgot Bonuses

Gargun: 5% MR
Werewolf: 5% in dark places (caves/forest of souls)
Centaur: 5% Rapid Fire Bonus

Edited by ushka, 21 November 2004 - 12:37 PM.

#2 jurian


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Posted 21 November 2004 - 10:31 AM

wouldn't the gargun make gnome useless? other then that i kinda like them lol. maybe werewolf makes human fighters/zerkers useless too. but they seem kinda balanced.

it's the least terrible suggestion so far i think :P
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#3 ushka

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Posted 21 November 2004 - 11:38 AM

hmm I guess Gargun would make gnome lil less popular maybe Gargun is:-
14 21 16 18 22 16

Much lower dex so its really a big comitment for the extra mp and magic resistance.

Maybe make werewolfs:-
19 18 19 20 17 17

So less magic resistance so humans will still be in contenstion (that spelt right?) :P

Thanks for thinking there ok ^_^

Edited by ushka, 21 November 2004 - 11:41 AM.

#4 jurian


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Posted 21 November 2004 - 11:42 AM

maybe 16 dex is a bit low i'll suggest 17 :P
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#5 ushka

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Posted 21 November 2004 - 12:33 PM

17 it is ^_^ (not that i have any say in if there made or not)

so Gargun:-
14 21 17 18 22 16

please support at least one :P

Edited by ushka, 21 November 2004 - 12:38 PM.

#6 Squee



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Posted 21 November 2004 - 03:42 PM

Okay, so you've suggested new races. Great. Now how exactly do they just suddenly pop up in the land of Nightmist? (Okay, a storyline isn't really necessary. Half of Nightmist couldn't care less if you said they were all aliens whose invisible space-ship crash-landed in some far off and magical land...as long as there's a boss drop involved.)
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#7 ushka

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Posted 21 November 2004 - 04:48 PM

So your saying access to these races should be a boss drop? hmmm..
Thats a sweet idea ^_^
Ok ill write how one of them got there i just need to know which is everyones favourite.

I should have put this in a poll but just say which one youd like to see most (if any :P)

thanks for input

#8 Squee



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Posted 21 November 2004 - 04:59 PM

Err... I didn't mean you should start designing a boss drop. ^^;

That just makes even more work for staff.

I just thought it'd help your cause to give these races a reason to suddenly appear.

I was just saying that I, personally, would like to know why these Centaurs or Garguns (or whatever the plural is) just decided to appear now.

But Nightmist doesn't care for storylines. I wouldn't waste your time if I were you (unelss you'd like to interest this old-time RP'er :P).

Staff will either love this idea or they will hate it. There's real no middle ground when suggesting races or classes.
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#9 ushka

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Posted 21 November 2004 - 05:21 PM

ok *clicks fingers* im going to write a description and reason for my garguns to exsist (i like them most) hopefully staff will like :P

A small spring is discovered in >map< as >player< ventures through the small trickeling waterfall he finds himself in a large bubble in what apears to be the sea. As >player< wanders down what he/she thinks is the main street you come across a large frog like creature. It hops over to you and hands you a water chrysalis with the egg off a Gargun inside it.

Ok so the lowdown is. This is not a map. Im thinking that at random spots over nightmist people can find these springs. If they stumble across one and /enter (maybe?) that small story plays and then the character roll screen opens (or tries to) Then you name + roll your new Gargun. Of curse if you dont want it you can sell it coz i think they should be rare ((I should get one though if this idea gos through :D ))

Well what you think? ^_^

#10 green_mantis

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 05:13 PM

Do you really think that a prize race would work?

Just to let you know, I don't think it would.

If you could think up a reason for their existence, such as they just hopped up out of their city beneath the small stream it might be better.
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