Change Name Thief To Assassins?
Posted 11 September 2004 - 12:04 AM
plz post your opinions on this or how to improve thiefs in your own ways..
Posted 11 September 2004 - 12:23 AM
You suggest bombs and traps, you suggest increasing assassinates effectiveness (why? lol, assassinate is plenty effective already!) to make them more assassin like.
Surely if thieves are more like assassins than thieves the real improvements would make thieves more thief like?
To me that would mean perhaps including some version of the /steal item idea mentioned in suggestions (the idea of stealing a random item, not the confusing idea with priorities and whatnot), it would mean substantially increasing the effectiveness of steal and it would mean decreasing the effectiveness of assassinate
What? Decrease assassinate? Blasphemy perhaps... but hear me out
As it is at the moment steal is so ineffective that if you want to 'steal' someones items you might as well kill them. Assassinate is a lot more likely to work, and quite a lot quicker really ^^
Plus if the target is carrying items you get those too.
If, however, stealing actually worked, and assassinate was more likely to fail- indeed if you were more likely to succeed by stealing than assassinating... things might change;
If a thief stood more chance of gettings someones money through actual thievery than by slaughter, they would perhaps be more likely to steal than assassinate.
Thieves aren't meant to be assassins, they're meant to be thieves. Something like this... it just might make them more thief like

Edited by Charon, 11 September 2004 - 12:24 AM.
Posted 11 September 2004 - 04:00 AM
Edited by Ryuku, 11 September 2004 - 04:00 AM.
Posted 11 September 2004 - 05:23 AM
ryuku iam not sure how far your knowledge goes of assassins and anceint janapes martial arts and such...but mines goes a good ways sence i love it so much...i know that for a fact an "assassin"...isnt meant to take out partys...they are rarely involved in killing more then 1-3 ppl at a time...in the rare case that they do have to take out alot of ppl they do well depending on the abilitys of their oponents of course...i know that assassins are supposed to throw daggers and throwing spikes, posion their targets, even in rare cases set traps for them, but are allways silent
so assassins arent what you make them out to be..or atleast when i read your sentence it seems as if you look at them as ruthless killers that are like REALLY powerfull or something lol..
let me give you a fast example of an assassin killing someone...
first they watch their "prey". then they find an easy way in without either geting noticed at all or geting noticed as an enemy. then they find a way to their target, a safe way without any interference. next they plain on how the easiest way to take out their target is and then where they can run fastest to escape. then they finaly use the best method of taking out their target...see Assassination is exacly what assassins do lol...just look at the words
assassins arent warriors..or fighters...they are assassins..and live by a strick code..lol they arent something you might of thought they are..they are killers of honor and only kill certain ppl and for good reason...anyways if i didnt explain assassins right in anyways then plz tell me and if i miss took your sentence i am sorry...lol i just like assassins and things like that so much.
Posted 11 September 2004 - 06:21 AM
I agree with that.assassins arent warriors..or fighters...they are assassins..and live by a strick code..lol they arent something you might of thought they are..they are killers of honor and only kill certain ppl and for good reason...anyways if i didnt explain assassins right in anyways then plz tell me and if i miss took your sentence i am sorry...lol i just like assassins and things like that so much.
Posted 11 September 2004 - 04:20 PM
personlay i'd like thiefs to be able to steal in town..and get jailed if got caught(came out of covert while stealing it) and they'd have to be covert the whole time...and couldnt steal in pubs/banks/nm vault...lol but thats just my opinions..
Posted 11 September 2004 - 04:32 PM
Posted 11 September 2004 - 07:23 PM
Posted 11 September 2004 - 07:44 PM
Posted 12 September 2004 - 05:00 AM
Posted 12 September 2004 - 03:51 PM
Posted 12 September 2004 - 11:33 PM
Posted 13 September 2004 - 12:58 AM
ty......Any and all of your post are more annoying than his misspelling.
i only say thief...because in nightmist it is spelled thief...the monster thief and the crit is thief...so i say thief...its simple misspelling
Posted 15 October 2004 - 02:41 PM
ivote no to getting caught part but i vote yes to beable to steal in town however if u enter a town ur chance to steal would be like it is now very small. also u must stay covert for say minute before u can steal in town and say you also have to go covert before u enter town and i the gate guards-- is say gaurd becuse very rarely there is not some party or person there-- noticing u then u can not be able to steal in town.
this is just the way i feel on theives though

Edited by dark pyro, 15 October 2004 - 02:41 PM.
dark_pyro in game
they say yes but u say wtf stf up stupid bisitch
Posted 17 October 2004 - 10:01 PM
Heres an idea then howz about making them as strong as you say then making them a solo class?These are not assassins, assassins use a veriety of skills to kill there enemy in less than 5 seconds. They throw daggers and many other weapons, are so fast, their hit rate should be as much as petes. Face it, if they were assassins, thieves would be the most powerful class, don't need 5, just one should be able to take out entire parties easy.
Posted 08 August 2005 - 03:50 AM
As for the rest of you posting here, im not sure what youre talking about really, but go read charon's topic.
Posted 08 August 2005 - 03:54 AM
I hope you feel proud of yourself.
Posted 08 August 2005 - 10:58 PM

ps all the recent thief class discussions are boring and pointless.. who friggen cares if a thief uses a cobalt or not. This one at least has some merit.
Edited by Dracoden, 08 August 2005 - 11:01 PM.
Posted 15 August 2005 - 07:15 AM
Posted 15 August 2005 - 08:13 AM
Class: Male Human Archmaster Assassin
Just thought i would point out the obvious

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned
¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯
Posted 27 August 2005 - 07:36 AM
ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...
o shut up tony
Posted 01 November 2005 - 12:27 AM
Posted 01 November 2005 - 12:29 AM
Posted 01 November 2005 - 06:20 PM
Posted 04 November 2005 - 06:36 AM
And I am not Echo in game just in case anyone is wondering.
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