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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2004 11:11 PM

Topics I've Started

4 Stat Elf

22 November 2004 - 11:00 PM

4 stat elf mage for sale, you can get ahold of me ingame on Vamp_Steve, if i roll anything else i dont want ill post it here too

Mageforsale's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Elf Mage. Str: 14, Int: 21, Dex: 19, Con: 18, Wis: 20, Chr: 10, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 14, MP: 25, Stm: 1.

New Item?

02 August 2004 - 04:22 AM

Bloody gauntlets

Library info for Bloody Gauntlets:
Armor base: 2, Can be worn by: fighters, paladins, rangers, thieves, Description: Blood stained steel gauntlets, that give power to those who wield them., Level needed to equip it: 1, Strength modifier: 1, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.

Crimson River Cave

01 August 2004 - 01:02 PM

if anything i've suggested be added here already exists, inform me please



The Dhampire has the appearance of a vampire and it looks hungry and by the way its acting you're going to be its next meal.

The Dhampire attacked you with its rapier for 34 points of damage.
Tbe Dhampire drained your blood sucking 17 hit points from you.

normal : You will never reach our master!
death : i have failed you master!

550 hp
2 stamina
spawn time - 2 minutes
100 gold


The Coffin stands against the wall closed and locked, it seems to be the bed of the master vampire.

death : the coffin shatters into splinters.

3000 hp
spawn time - 15 minutes
500 gold

Vampire Master

The Vampire Master wields his Apocolypse Blade with the skill of nearly 1000 years of training, and he plans to use his skills to take your life.

The Vampire master attacked you with its Apocolypse blade for 53 points of damage.
The Vampire Master swiped at you with its claws. (poision for 10)
The Vampire Master drained your blood for 25 points of damage.

normal : You shall fall before me!
death : i am defeated!

175500 hp
3 stamina
spawn time 24 hours
4000 gold


The Penanggalan will kill anyone who intends to harm its master, and thats you.

The Penanggalan attacked you with its fangs for 23 points of damage.
The Penanggalan attacked you with its Blood Sword for 15 points of damage. (poision for 10)

normal : I won't allow you to reach the master!
death : The master will avenge my death!

1 stamina
spawn time 1 minute
80 gold


The Aswang flaps its large wings glareing at you, evidently its chosen you to be its next meal.

The Aswang flys down and attacks you with its claws for 18 points of damage.
The Aswang bites you with its fangs for 27 points of damage.

normal : mmm you look delicious
death : ahhh!!

620 hp
2 stamina
spawn time 4 minutes
150 gold


The Soucoyant is a large ball of flame floating in the air in front of you, it doesn't know who you are but its going to attack you anyway.

The Soucoyant attacks you with its flame breath for 36 points of damage.

normal : you are mine!
death : ahrh!!

1000 hp
1 stamina
spawn time 7 minutes
1050 gold


Tricresent Coin

key/amulet + 1 ac no stat modifiers

Vampire Bone

rare drop from anything except coffin - 14 base damage lvl 10
5% chance drop

Apocolypse Blade

Base damage 23
vampiric .4
droped by vampire master (boss) 75% drop chance
lvl 25
fighters and berserkers


Crimson River Cave Entrance

You fall down into a dark cave, you see a faint light Up, and darkness
all around you.

You are surrounded by darkness, you may climb up out of the cave or try to go deeper into it.

Crimson River Cave - river

You hear the sound of flowing water near by as you walk through the darkness of the cave.

All around you is darkness there is no light to be seen.

Crimson River Cave

The sound of the river fades as you move away from it into another pathway.

The sound of the river is behind you as you move down the path.

Vampire Lair

Torches line the walls here, and there seems to be a ladder at the other side of the room leading upward.

There is a ladder on the other side of the room, but the Vampire Master is guarding it with his life.

vampire master is here, kill to pass

Masters Chamber

Torches line the wall here and you see a coffin sitting up in the corner of the room.

The room is brightly lit, you may go back into the darkness to the -

Coffin - kill for tricresent key

Dark Chamber

You have found your way into the room of a Dhampire, if you're lucky someone has already came and killed him.

You may go back to the path to the -

Dhampire, kill to pass

working on maps

(edit) maps complete

New Class

02 July 2004 - 03:38 PM


1 10 17 23 28

hp starting 18 con - around 18 hp - max gain 10 per level

lvl 5 Target - better chance of hitting, but lower damage
lvl 12 Cross Cut - uses two stamina and attacks twice
lvl 20 Deathblow - uses all stamina in one attack to deal a lot of damage
lvl 27 Multi-slash - uses all stamina in consecuative attacks to deal damage to an enemy - rapid attacks lower chance of hitting but raise damage slightly

Same armor as paladin
no helm's except feathered helm
Oak Staff, Quarterstaff, and Swords -
New weapons
lvl 10 weapon Flame Sword Samurai's only - no stat modifiers - 10 base damage

Halfling, Human, Elf, Half-Elf

Stats needed
Strenth, Dextarity, Constitution, Wisdom

if theres anything i left out please tell me

Decent Fighter For Sale

31 May 2004 - 06:46 PM

Male Human Fighter., Str: 19, Int: 18, Dex: 18, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 12, Lev: 21, Exp: 13,027,713, HP: 213, MP: 0, Stm: 4.

page/memo Lupin in game

posting for a friend

need decent pally near same level, gold, mabey items