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Member Since 09 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2012 06:25 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Nightmist Info

13 October 2012 - 05:14 AM

Took some doing, but got it. Regular spawn stacks don't reveal nearly as often as stacks of 4 or 5.

Appreciate the offer for help.

In Topic: Nightmist Info

12 October 2012 - 09:47 PM

Directions slightly off, but it got me in the right area. But dang! All these monsters stacked up, and the power; unfair for a level 20 thief to try to get through, especially the room blocker to trainer. Ogres, and Warthogs, and Blooms, and Dryads....Died 11 times already. Got to the room just before trainer, but had to try to kill a stack of 2 Blooms, 2 Dryads, and a Warthog.

Thanks for the info! Working on whittling down the monsters, since I keep being revealed, even with a 5 stat H-ling (Int being the non perf stat). Oh! and now trying my thought that I need a Scarlet Dagger to do damage to Blooms and Dryads.

In Topic: Nightmist Info

12 October 2012 - 02:43 PM

For what level? The one "in" blackthorn is actually south of blackthorn. Its 4 s, e 1, n1, e5, s2, e2, n1, e2, n 2, e 2, and then down.

My apologies, I'm 80k from level 21, so the trainer for 20-24(25)? I'm travelling there right now to check out your directions.


In Topic: Nightmist Info

12 October 2012 - 08:10 AM

Was looking on wiki, it says MN1A thieve's training guild is in Blackthorn, but I've searched every square. Is it just outside of town and hidden?

In Topic: Unique Macros

10 October 2012 - 03:45 AM

I'm not posting a Unique Macro, but I do have a Q. Besides moving the mouse and selecting the menus, is there a hot-key(s) to change Macro Sets?

/macroset #

if its like a fighter or something you can set /s to switch to different macrosets for each area.

Cool beans! Thanks!