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Jenni Edwards

Member Since 02 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active Mar 18 2005 12:37 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Warning To Players.

17 March 2005 - 10:09 PM

Well duh, I figured it was someone with an in with an admin saying "OO look lets get ppl banned ok?"

you mean like what ed and pandi did?

Ah yes, the one where Simon has logs proving that Matt approached him, not the other way around, but nobody, not even Matt himself, is allowed to see those logs. Oops, I'm sorry, I forgot, we are just players with no rights to know the truth or see evidence for such.

In Topic: If Ud Only Do

17 March 2005 - 10:05 PM

Dunno why you seem to think people have their views censored. People's tongues run riot, it's only language that gets them banned.

People also get banned for being taunted and finally responding to the taunting, while the person taunting them gets no punishment whatsoever. Another person who called someone else a bad word for a black person bypassed a dayban and is still playing, same person that bypassed a "perm ban" and was unbanned.

I also well remember being threatened with a ban whenever I did post my view, recieving warnings each time, topics locked and finally getting a ban, so yes, people DO have their views censored. We post our views, we get told to email to staff instead, as if that will help. All people who do that get is half hearted replies containing no real answers anyway.

In Topic: What Will They Think Of Next?

17 March 2005 - 07:49 AM

It does make perfect sense actually. I am allergic to peanuts, so is my daughter. While I just get a mild rash if consuming too much, my daughter, although she likes the taste of peanut butter (she used to be able to eat it when she was younger) has far more trouble, so we had to completely remove any products containing peanuts from her diet. Replacement products that come close to the real thing in taste but do not contain the ingredient causing the allergic reaction are real alternatives. After all, we do have soy milk for lactose intolerant people.

In Topic: Nightmist's Sexiest Guy

16 March 2005 - 12:01 PM

Well, although I have never seen a pic of Charon, I am fairly sure we are dealing with a female. As for Jen, that is 100% female there, you have my guarantees.

In Topic: Nightmist's Sexiest Guy

16 March 2005 - 09:51 AM

I think that wasn't him, that was afireinside. Anyway, I decided to check how many NM females I know, and so far the number of voters is still covered by the number of females. You gotta remember that even though some folks quit playing, they still check the forum. Here's just those females that popped into my head that I know in one way or another:

me (of course), Jen, Mary, Amy, Onlyme, Kaylabugg, Di, Lindz, Ana, Enchantress, Anita, Erica, Charon, Chelle, Paranormal, Nikki, Jess, Mona, Manda, Elsie, Domi, Ash, Medora, Kat, Mindi, Toni....

I am sure there are still a few more out there, so no worries, looks like nobody of the voters so far is waiting for you to drop the soap.