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1-Alt: What Are Your Thoughts On Pve Only For This Server?

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#1 Eilonwy

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 12:05 AM

I have gotten it suggested quite a few times, the idea of turning off PvP for the 1-Alt Server.


1-Alt hasn't been a PvP server in the normal sense of the word since before Ðårk Å££Ïånçê became the only remaining active clan with multiple members; this has to have been over six years ago or even more. 


1-Alt isn't really well designed for PvP nowadays with such a small player base. Everyone is mostly just working together currently since we can only use one character at a time. So, the suggestion would be to remove PvP again like we did when 1-Alt was first released.


The idea of having 1-Alt be completely PvE only would mainly only give peace of mind to people that they won't be pked somehow by someone randomly, and will feel safer carrying around say a Cobalt in their inventory while they are using a training weapon. 


Additionally, there are more options for equipment as I don't have to factor in how it affects PvP specifically in the same sense. Things like Dexterity are hard to add to equipment when you think about how broken it is PvP specifically, that's why there are less pieces with Strength and Dexterity. 


On the flip side, it could possibly bring out the worst in people since there is no holding anybody accountable for poor and rude actions against others because you can't just Clan kick and PK them repeatedly or whatever, ha. 


I am curious everyone's thoughts on this. If we get a resounding answer, we will incorporate whatever it is. 


#2 brackish

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 12:09 AM

Respectfully against turning off PVP on the 1alt server. 

Tom and Friends

#3 brewcrew

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 12:12 AM

I am against turning off pks,


like your last point, there is nothing stopping people from coming in on you killing a monster at mort and ks. Also would be very easy to annoy people , for example: following them on a thief and stealing gold from mobs they are hitting. 0 repercussions. We have had an influx of returning players in just the past month and a half alone, so I think doing this now would be jumping the gun on the current climate of 1a.


Also in my opinion step 1 of a no pk server before essentially "free will" is taken away from the player actions, Pacifists should be allowed first. 


Right now we are all in 1 clan almost out of necessity, it forces us to work together and I think this change would fracture the nm playerbase socially. "I dont really like that guy so im not gonna invite him to boss" will happen more than it already does. I think you will see more clans be born or resurface but with only the current playerbase.


I am proud of the fact that we have the choice to PK but we choose not to. This change in my opinion will ostracize the players who are not in the "In crowd"

Edited by brewcrew, 09 July 2021 - 01:19 AM.

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#4 Gregory67

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 12:38 AM

Personally I don't even look at an option of Pking anyone. I would vote yes to turn it off. I have a longer answer but I feel I will just ramble about the main points that you covered already in your post. But we all know I would have voted to turn it off almost 20 years ago.

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#5 Hansol

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 12:39 AM

I am in favor of removal if it will result in more equipment added to the game


I honestly would not be too worried about pvp balance on this game when the PVP interaction is nonexistent


there are numerous pieces of gear on main like gloves of the seraphim that give 2 or even 3 stat boosts at once

there are things like the easily obtainable dragon bracelet from an easy boss that you can equip 2 of and get +1 str for fighters/paladins

they get access to all of that powerful content and they get to play 20 characters


we only play 1 character

so we should have plenty of stat mods on all of our gears to make things more spicy and enjoyable

especially with a server that is gated so heavily behind 7-8 people just happening to be free/online at once to join up and boss


it would be nice if smaller parties could easier access stuff like imhotep etc


all of main's 33+ class gear could easily be brought over to our server IMO either as craftables or boss drops + some extra additions to maybe liven things up


it would be nice if some of the lesser killed bosses like DG/SK/HL/lyz/imhotep etc received some attention in the way of an ultra rare 1% drop

as it stands some bosses go untouched for weeks or even months at a time

Edited by Hansol, 09 July 2021 - 12:43 AM.

#6 Eilonwy

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 01:24 AM

A post for Apocalypto who does not have a forum account, "I prefer the possibility of pvp with the current stable environment against it."


#7 Crane


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Posted 09 July 2021 - 08:31 AM

Anyone who knows me that I'm a peaceful player by and large, and that might put me at a disadvantage since I'm in my own clan and am kind of a black knight in the game with no liege.


At the same time, sometimes one needs PKing to handle abusive situations like a player constantly kill-stealing, drop stealing or doing other abusive practices, but I find it very interesting from a sociological point of view how not killing each other is the better choice in the long-run due to the value of teamwork and grouping together to take on bigger and badder bosses!


One thing I will add though is that the penalty for getting PKed is too high, I feel.  You lose a heap of XP, all of your gold, a good number of items and get a permanent mark on your character score.  If I had to suggest a few alternatives:

  • XP loss on being PKed is not as harsh.  Maybe capped at 5m or something (even though that's quite a lot).
  • You no longer lose character points for deaths.
  • You no longer drop weapons on death (any death, not just PK... or at least no weapons with a base damage of 10 or higher, perhaps).  This is to address the issue that sometimes you need things like Crowbars, and when you switch to one, you are incredibly vulnerable as you may have a Cobalt Staff in your inventory, for example, and having that dropped and stolen would very likely cause the player to quit in absolute and justified rage.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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#8 Autek

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 01:25 PM

Getting PK'd and losing an entire evening's worth, even days worth at higher levels, of XP gained was one of the reasons I quit. That, and there wasn't any new gear for druids coming out. I do see some cool items posted every once and a while in the wanted/FS sections now though!

I was always a team type player looking for boss kills and loot rather than getting involved in PvP. Eventually players got driven away to the point that bigger bosses never got done and the whole purpose of my playing and enjoyment of the game was gone. That was a loooooong time ago though. While I've logged in a couple times I can't even remember the last time I was truly active.
Autek in game.

#9 Banishment

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 01:48 PM

I don't mind either way, with such a small player base we need to work together for most big boi bosses so PKing has become almost nonexistent and removing it wouldn't change a thing. As for players who KS mobs and become a nuisance, they can easily be removed from clan and boss trips which I think would be enough of a deterrent.  On the other hand when dragging mobs onto botters doesn't work, PKing is the next best thing.


I guess I would like to know if anything will come from removing PVP, such as updates or new/better equipment. If all of that is left up to JLH then I'd have to ask why bother.

Edited by Banishment, 09 July 2021 - 01:53 PM.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#10 Nerve

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 03:19 PM

I suppose I am also on the fence about the removal of Pking. I really don't PK and never have (Not on the 1A server anyways). Would the Suggested removal of Pking actually help getting things changed like new items added or buffs to possibly thieves.. which is by far the worst class, no reason to bring a thief over any other class as it is.


I also think if pking was removed botting, kill stealing/drop stealing would get worse and nothing to stop the ones that did it on squares where you cannot drag a mob on them If staff was busy irl and couldn't be on to do anything about them. 


Kinda think its better to have it and not need it, then to not have it at all. Unless there would be a sure way to deal with the issues of the removal of pking.

#11 Adultery

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 04:32 PM

this might seem weird coming from me being one of 1alts only pkers... but ya remove it. no need for it. 


maybe we can have a flag system like WoW

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#12 brackish

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 05:37 PM

A quick update to my original comment above. If the major determining factor of the balance of new items being added into the 1 alt server and staff having the restrictive shackles removed is pvp homogenization, I would absolutely resend my first comment in being against the removal of PVP. 


My concern is like many others. There are cyclical  periods of time during the year where the player base drops and certain players that operate in the gray areas of server rules and nuncupative community guidelines return. Abuse of server mechanics and/or using programs/scripts that give players an unfair advantage is something current staff has been good with curbing. General anti-social behavior, as mentioned above in previous posts, does not appear to be something that staff are liable for policing nor should they be. For the most part, PVP in its current form on 1-alt is used by the active player base to deter this anti-social behavior because of the potential of losing a large amount of exp, gold and some of the items in a characters inventory when killed. 


If the quid-pro-quo for current staff to have more breathing room for new items and ideas is to forfeit  those few instances a year where a pariah of the community, by their own doing, is deservedly hunted down and killed, I am comfortable with that trade. Overall, the health and activity of any game is correlated with fresh ideas being introduced and implemented by game staff. This process should not be repressed by those "what-if" or special circumstances that need to be accounted for when they are an exception and not the norm. 

Tom and Friends

#13 brewcrew

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 05:51 PM

An addition to my comment as well,


It seems to me the 2 major arguments that are being presented to me are #1 (new gear) and #2 it wont change anything (these are all in game discussions etc)


in response to #1- i currently think the gear we have is enough as bosses are regularly 2-3 manned on high level characters. My druid currently has 25 strength, our Ranger 24 strength, they easily cut through bosses at times with an additional player or cleric. I for one feel like new stat mods in mass amounts is not a needed feature in the game currently. Most top tier bosses can be done with 6+ easily. There are a few classes that need "something" but I am not sure gear is the right step to go with it.


Also mass influx of new stat modded gear , in my opinion devalue everything that people have worked hard to obtain or purchase. (in my case about 1 year back of serious grinding.)


#2- It wont change anything (been told this many times over the last few hours)- if it wont change anything then why restrict people's free choice by taking out a major part of the history of the game? Taking out pvp is no different than making a minecraft world that is not online....

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#14 Autek

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 11:19 PM

Did bosses get nerfed? Towards the end of my playing days I remember on the very rare occasion we'd have 10+ folks on for a big boss we'd have a hell of a time with it, often failing. And that was with mostly all 35+'s.

Sorry for the off topic...
Autek in game.

#15 Jihad

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Posted 09 July 2021 - 11:35 PM

I don't see a point in removing pvp, guess it really doesn't matter but it brings me back to the whole "If it isn't broken, don't fix it" argument. Yes, at this time DA is really the only player base. I think removing pvp is unnecessary and unfair to people that built their accounts around pvp. Who knows maybe people will spilt and start a new clan, or people will come back one day or whatever. I think game unbalances like "lvling item" drop rates and other things should be fixed before taking away things that aren't broken.

Edited by Jihad, 09 July 2021 - 11:39 PM.

Sedition,Discipline. 1-Alt Only

#16 Gaddy

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Posted 10 July 2021 - 03:19 AM

I would suggest developing the items for PvE that you want to put in-game, and just do it. Focus on that creative aspect and making the game more fun and adventurous - and playable.

If you actually cause issues with PvP, maybe then move forward with blocking PvP. But dont wait on altered game mechanics to improve the overall gameplay.

Also, I love Stigs suggestions of changing what items can drop if a character dies and reducing XP losses (already part of Main - 1.5m cap or so). That would really open up options to carry multiple weapons and explore options with damage tables and special monsters, I think.
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#17 Nerve

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Posted 10 July 2021 - 03:42 AM

What pvp is there on 1a? Why is there a fear of something that doesnt exist currently, and why is pvp stopping anything when no one actually does it anymore?

Only reason I am in the slightest against it was for when playerbase drops and staff is busy outside of game to do something against abusing, botting, etc and other than that Im cool with it staying or getting removed either way.

#18 Gnarkill



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Posted 11 July 2021 - 08:54 AM

I'm in my own clan and prefer just wandering around solo listening to some music and relaxing in a peaceful environment when I play these days. I haven't been pk'd or pk'd anyone in so long that I forgot it's something we all used to do and take seriously  :lol:


I'm cool with whatever but for selfish reasons due to my limited playing time I'd really support the idea of less exp loss per death in general.  ;)

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#19 Banishment

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Posted 13 July 2021 - 01:47 PM

Changed my mind, keep the PVP.

"Rules for thee but not for me."

#20 Adultery

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Posted 13 July 2021 - 04:29 PM

I'm in my own clan and prefer just wandering around solo listening to some music and relaxing in a peaceful environment when I play these days. I haven't been pk'd or pk'd anyone in so long that I forgot it's something we all used to do and take seriously  :lol:


I'm cool with whatever but for selfish reasons due to my limited playing time I'd really support the idea of less exp loss per death in general.  ;)


man i couldnt agree more. there shouldnt be xp loss upon death. it hurts and a whole days work can be gone is a second.


and yeah pking was something we took seriously and feared back in the day. its not really an issue now.... but we do need some way of policeing the game when staff dont come online for months at a time. there are current players that use botting/rollers to get ahead.

Adultery - Diabolic-Clorox

#21 Terron

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Posted 12 August 2021 - 06:42 AM


pvp was the spice of life for muds. simple death and simple revenge. the simplistic virtues got replaced with grinding up and down a pole for some george washingtons

its too bad most of us have numerous rugrats and dont have time to play games with hours long solo content for a shiny mid game equipment piece. doesnt matter if theres pkers, a billion item reworks and cool stuff in the shop, if the content takes forever.  (and honestly most of it should be 1-3 people and 10-15 minutes tops. id shoot for 8 minutes lol)

and im fairly certain when im breaking 50 years in age im not going to crawl back to 6 hr crystal giants opposed to just playing modern stuff that just throws shiny worthless junk at me every 30 seconds.

i havent seen anyone on this game the last 15x ive logged in and thats because of long content requirements, stamina regen of 10 seconds seems so clunky and slow nowadays.  and grinding experience is god awful, theres no way to justify burning my life away on vampire bats.

i do love that the games still getting updated thats cool beans

Edited by Terron, 12 August 2021 - 06:45 AM.

"Wake Up!!" 

#22 Gaddy

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Posted 17 August 2021 - 09:33 PM

I agree. The trip durations are really too long for modern gameplay.
We are too old to expect to have 30-minute trips - at least for the bosses that are not 100% great.


On Main, I can understand some Warrant GM bosses taking 30-minutes. Those often have 100% drop rates and are end-game trips.

However, it now feels somewhat ridiculous to make a 15-minute+ run for a boss that rarely drops, especially when those are for keys. :-X


The stamina gains would be pretty weird on 1-Alt. On Main, that function still seems to work pretty well due to managing up to 20 characters.

But the trip durations combined with bad drop rates make it hard to justify continued play as schedules and life get more busy.

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-Proverbs 4:7

#23 xxx

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 07:35 AM

In favor of pve only. The game takes most of us working together anyways. Changing it to pve might bring back some players as well that were sought out and just pked and that's what ruined it for them. The playerbase is low enough to where it won't hurt because nobody kills anyone anyways.

#24 xxx

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Posted 23 January 2022 - 07:38 AM

I don't see a point in removing pvp, guess it really doesn't matter but it brings me back to the whole "If it isn't broken, don't fix it" argument. Yes, at this time DA is really the only player base. I think removing pvp is unnecessary and unfair to people that built their accounts around pvp. Who knows maybe people will spilt and start a new clan, or people will come back one day or whatever. I think game unbalances like "lvling item" drop rates and other things should be fixed before taking away things that aren't broken.

I agree that materials for leveling need a boost on their drops rates. I farmed Tundra for 2 days straight and only came out with 2 skulls 1 flesh and 4 vulpines.. That's insane.

#25 LABec

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Posted 24 January 2022 - 04:19 AM

I've got a crazy thought.   Instead of dealing in absolutes.  How about we try it for a month and see how it goes? If we don't like it we'll switch it back.  Give peace a chance.


As pointed out above, this game requires teamwork and co-operation.  in a PVE world the bad actors will be ostracized instead of PK'd.

#26 Nerve

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Posted 24 January 2022 - 04:52 AM

Oh good necroing posts that were already decided on.

Another crazy thought is you could go play a pacifist on main if your that afraid of 1 pk. Lol

#27 brewcrew

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Posted 24 January 2022 - 04:52 AM

@ labec I dont like that, i like the fact that you have choices. 


The fate of our world lies upon you, worthy adventurer. Will you chance the path of the hero, fighting for the deities of light, and striving for clarity in this turbulent world? Or perhaps you are a being of the shadows, vowing to wreak unearthly affliction on those unfortunate souls who dare cross your path. Be forewarned, however, as you strive to create a reputation for yourself in this land. Rarely do the gods forget a deed, and verily, your actions will be remembered.

Be well and have fun


From the nm front page.

Edited by brewcrew, 24 January 2022 - 04:52 AM.

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#28 Cadabra


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Posted 24 January 2022 - 10:22 AM

You would have to be an absolute potato to get PKd in this day anyway.

Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#29 «Chão§phê®ê»

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Posted 24 January 2022 - 03:20 PM

This is Ryan (apollo/ares).

Heavily agree with Matty. There are plenty of options to train, and plenty of safeguards against being pkd...

Conversely, in a pve environment there are no safeguards to a lot of negativity. (Like deleting someone's pots. Or paging them walls of text calling you names before putting you on ignorepc)

I remember a time when we were debating a time limit on logging to prevent people from avoiding deaths by player.... boy how times have changed...


People need to be put in thier place sometimes.

People don't bot with pk'ing.

The only argument for pve is "I want to play on creative mode"

Edited by «Chão§phê®ê», 24 January 2022 - 03:26 PM.

Ares, Apollo, Asclepius, Athena, Adonis (°±»Còñü§mêЫ­­±°) 



#30 LABec

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Posted 24 January 2022 - 03:42 PM

"Oh good necroing posts that were already decided on."


I didn't realize how old the OP was dang....lol

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