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Member Since 14 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 24 2022 05:16 AM

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In Topic: 1-Alt: What Are Your Thoughts On Pve Only For This Server?

23 January 2022 - 07:38 AM

I don't see a point in removing pvp, guess it really doesn't matter but it brings me back to the whole "If it isn't broken, don't fix it" argument. Yes, at this time DA is really the only player base. I think removing pvp is unnecessary and unfair to people that built their accounts around pvp. Who knows maybe people will spilt and start a new clan, or people will come back one day or whatever. I think game unbalances like "lvling item" drop rates and other things should be fixed before taking away things that aren't broken.

I agree that materials for leveling need a boost on their drops rates. I farmed Tundra for 2 days straight and only came out with 2 skulls 1 flesh and 4 vulpines.. That's insane.

In Topic: 1-Alt: What Are Your Thoughts On Pve Only For This Server?

23 January 2022 - 07:35 AM

In favor of pve only. The game takes most of us working together anyways. Changing it to pve might bring back some players as well that were sought out and just pked and that's what ruined it for them. The playerbase is low enough to where it won't hurt because nobody kills anyone anyways.