Posted 23 June 2022 - 01:38 PM
Posted 24 June 2022 - 04:15 PM
I can't speak for main, but with 1alt you need multiple users to get some of the rarer items and then to have to sit in on a random.......its too tedious at times especially with null drops.
Edited by brewcrew, 24 June 2022 - 05:22 PM.
Posted 25 June 2022 - 04:03 AM
Azile ingame, 1alt.
Posted 27 June 2022 - 03:33 PM
1alt drops rates are crazy low considering the time and effort it takes to kill a higher tier boss. Not to mention they have a high chance to drop a levelling item too.
Way to grindy to do anything on this game these days.
Posted 29 June 2022 - 04:40 AM
What do you think guys? Are the drop rates just too low, do you lose motivation often? Does the game feel too tedious? Do you struggle with the risk reward system as current?
Think you hit the nail on the head. Risk-reward is way off for rare items.
Rare seems to mean something different to staff than it does for players. It is like the idea of quest items transferred over to regular boss drops. The biggest bosses having the worst drop rates is backwards to me. The biggest bosses need to be the most worth killing.
Personally, I would like to see ACTUAL quest items put in-game at these terrible drop rates, and have the boss drops bumped up the collectable rates of 20-35% so that folks can gear up their parties on Main or clannies on 1-Alt.
Actual quest item suggestions (could crowd-source alternative names and descriptions):
- Semi-common on big boss:
- Stat-mod amulets
- Christmas Blade
- Joy to the World
- Chains of Krampus
- Silent Night
- Kiss of the North
- Bracelet of Defense
- Obsidian Battleaxe
- Black Sword
- Rune Staff
- Rare on big boss
- Aegis of Light
- Ring of the Wise
- Bracelet of Wisdom
- Glacial Crown
- Witches Gloves
- Rune Blade
- Rare on uber boss
- Snowflake of Insight
- Frosted Festoon
- Rose Garland
- Ring of Eminence
- 5-ac ring
- Ultra-rare on big and/or uber bosses
- Double-stat mod amulets
- Ruby Ring
- Inquisitor's Ring
- Boots of Haste
- Bracelet of Protection
- Staff of Light
-Proverbs 4:7
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