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Winged Soul

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#1 Psyche

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Posted 07 October 2005 - 05:51 PM

OOC l Mmkay, first of all, I'm not a great roleplayer - actually I'm a novice with really few RP experience... I never actually tried to start a post, but after waiting for months, I thought I may as well as give it a try seeing that this board has been quite inactive... or I haven't found one that I would like to join so far. Normal RP rules apply including no God-moding (Actually I didn't get the exact concept, but I guess it's playing just your own characters) and making clear of OOCs and ICs. No clue about actual plots… I’m entirely depending on you >_<; l

IC l A dark figure stood in front of Windia's armor shop, staring at something in the shop for hours but not daring to actually enter the building. A Shroud of Awe was covering the face, identifying the person as one of those magic-using classes, and further examination revealed a pair of elven ears poking out and bare feet. Bluey aura surrounded about the spellcaster, far more than any other classes would have at such level.

Kryliya was a mage, and what's more, an Adept mage. The newly granted title discomforted her, for she always considered herself a Novice, but her partner had insisted that she should take it as she had earned it. At any rate, it wasn’t exactly her choice to keep or not to keep it and eventually she accepted it after hours of argument, vowing to train harder afterwards.

Taking her eyes off from the shop for a rest, she glanced at the darkest corner of the place, where she supposed the thief would be idling around. Her companion, Hyesung, was one of the strangest sorts, who always seemed confident even though she was physically weaker than an average dwarf would be. Most of the time she was in covert, excusing herself by saying that she was there to protect her. However, admittedly, it rarely did any good with the dwarf’s forgetful tendency and it usually ended up by Kryliya casting Invisibility on both of them.

To her surprise, the voice of the very person spoke beside her, "Still lookin’g at the Golden Wing-z, Kry?"

After knowing the existence of the ancient wings of Windia, she always dreamed of having one on her back, only to realize that she was too poor and inexperienced, in other words, way too unqualified to use the treasure. Hyesung, who had been beside her since they were Initiates, fully knew this and stood nearby silently while the Adept was entranced by the beauty of the armor.

“Yeah,” she nodded with a sigh, taking her eyes off from the relic, “but I guess I should be happy with the Shroud of Awe at the moment. Let’s go and train.”

With the words, her eyes turned to the shop again involuntarily, but…

“Hyesung, the Wings are gone.”

OOC l If you see me using incorrect English or doing something wrong, please point it out (English is my second language and I really need to improve it). I felt crappy in the middle and it got crappy. Hopefully I can fix it later without bothering anyone…. Thanks for bothering to read this! l

Edited by Psyche, 07 October 2005 - 05:53 PM.

.... Searching for an Altruist, because I never thought humanity capable of it.

#2 fallen

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Posted 12 October 2005 - 12:26 AM

OOC--Sounds ok to me. :(

Edited by fallen, 12 October 2005 - 12:52 AM.

we will pass judgement on the day of your doom

#3 Squee



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Posted 14 October 2005 - 01:26 AM

Greasy black hair, dark and beady eyes and a wirey frame - Squee had a strange urge to play dress-up today. Of course, his dress up was more than simply donning a wig and speaking in fallsetto - the thin layer of magic draped over him like a cloak gave a flawless appearance of a totally different being.

Walking through the streets, attracting as little attraction as he could, Squee - no, not Squee today, something else...

Eques [Ee-kay-z] slunk through the cobblestone streets, the casters robe clinging tightly to his body in the breeze. Slowly, he brought himself to the magic shop; his supplies ran low back home. His pocket was fat with gold and he could feel the bulge from the inner pocket of his robes.

He sighed. He hated carrying so much on his body at one time.

Eques pushed in the door to the shop, ringing a bell hung over the frame. He smiled at the subtlty and homliness, unaware that a theft had occured just behind him without his ever knowing.
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#4 cloaked

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Posted 26 October 2005 - 04:13 PM

Crouched behind the counter, hovering over the bloody body of the shopkeeper, a lanky, figure shrouded in charcoal gray-black cloak was busily stuffing something into a bag. Everything froze as the bell over the doorframe chimed; signaling an abrupt end to the job, and less payoff.
Silently he cursed his bad luck,
“It’s always something” he grumbled in his thoughts.

He quickly, and quietly, picked up the unusually slender dagger from where he set it on the floor and wiped the blood from it on his dark, ragged cloak. Gently, he finished bagging his prize and quietly peered around the counter to assess the situation.

Seeing only a lone, and diminutive individual, he relaxed some and sheathed the blade. “Surprise and speed would suffice,” he thought as he sprung from behind the counter; if he could bury his shoulder into the unsuspecting little fellow, he’d have a clear shot to the shadowed alley across the way from the shop...

#5 Psyche

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Posted 27 October 2005 - 03:03 AM

OOC l Wow, glad people joined in spite of my crappy first post ^^! Hope this one doesn’t add more ... eh.... crapiness. l

IC l Indeed, the Adept Mage’s words were true; the Wings, which gleamed gloriously under the sunlight seconds ago, had disappeared without any trace. Terrified, she turned around to face her friend, or the place where she thought the thief would be, and whispered –

“Sung-nyan, you didn’t steal it, did you?”

“Of course, no,” the answer came back immediately, though she sounded pretty puzzled.

From the shadow casted by the very shop, a figure stepped out into the daylight, revealing itself as empty-handed Hyesung. Her weapon had probably been tucked away behind. Like any other dwarves she was noticeably short compared to other races of her age, which would turn 13 as soon as the moon reached its full size again. Her loose light-brown hair, barely reaching her shoulder blades, blew freely with winds and her eyes, of darker color, frowned slightly, unused to such brightness.

However, as soon as Kryliya’s eyes acknowledged the fact that the thief couldn’t possibly have stolen the artifact, she disappeared again like magic, perhaps below the ground. Who really knew, she wondered.

“I dun’t think people with high titles did dhat,” the voice sounded from nowhere, “They dun’t think Golden Win-gz are worthy enough to arrested by guards. But you do, and the shopkeeper knowz that, plus your face.”

Kryliya winced, her companion’s accent mixed with facts sounding truer than the truth. With corner of her eyes, she thought she saw something moving inside the Armor shop and tensed; it would be best if they got away from here as soon as possible. But what could a couple of twelve-year-olds do in such situation? They’d better...

“Get all the golds from the bank, empty the Vault, too if we can, and hide somewhere safe,” she murmured what seemed like the best solution at the moment, “I’ll do it, you can wait here and warn me when guards come.”

With an incantation, she raised her hands and casted Invisibility on herself, enjoying the light-blue flame circling around. Feeling safer now, she reached the corner of the street, peeked in cautiously and ... someone was there. She reassured herself that no one could see her right now and she was safe, but her heartbeats speeded up twice faster at the sight.

Maybe this was the person who stole the Wings. l
.... Searching for an Altruist, because I never thought humanity capable of it.

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