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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2005 03:04 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Closing Post?

22 June 2005 - 01:13 PM

So far it hasn't. If it does, then I'm sure it'll be closed just as promptly.

In Topic: Closing Post?

21 June 2005 - 11:26 PM

ok wtf is this about? I quit the game and stop looking at the forums for awhile and then find a topic with my name in it, what is all this about? The "Nikki" that had ripped me to my knowledge main crit was Pryaa which is now in my possession, rotting away in my account with everything else.

I guess people don't like to move foward, they rather live in the past and bring up old things when they don't think before they speak. or Maybe your just loved

In Topic: Closing Post?

21 June 2005 - 11:25 PM

isnt it supposedly against the rules to post a topic concerning 1 that was already locked?

EDIT: it is ment as a sarcastic remark since we all know that no1 ever follows rules on here or in game

it's a simple statement on a new post. The other was closed because some people decided it should turn into a lame ass flame discussion. You know, people who don't know when enough is enough and all.

In Topic: Website Creating

19 June 2005 - 11:36 AM

A free trial program that will help you learn as you piece the page together can be found Here
It's still a good idea to get a few books as for there are alot of things that a program like this doesn't explain, such as the assorted sizes, different types of plugins allowed, how to incorporate java platforms, etc...

Don't rely on this program for the long hual, this is only to help get you going. good luck.

In Topic: Closing Post?

19 June 2005 - 01:36 AM

Simple name mix-up, but Slander is reserved for the real world when it comes to making people out to be what or who thier not. Here it would be considdered Character Defemation, Poor Judgement, and Misconstrued Information. (Gotta love the internet) Posted Image
