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Class Suggestion

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#1 Gaddy

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 07:37 AM

Randy and I were thinking one time and we thought a class that needed int. and str. would be cool. I would also try to make it so that cons was one of their main stats (other than hp)...

We thougth that a Monk could be a good class for this.
-Int- determines how accuratly they hit (more accurate = more damage obviously, throat vrs. arm damage...which is more? duh)
-Str- as usual determines how hard they can hit, power wise.
-Cons- it helps determine how much armor they have, give them a spell that is consx3 addition to armor then give them your normal mage or cleric armor as their type of armor, cloaks and robes of the sort...maybe more mage armor.

-They would use their hands to attack rather than weapons, and have a hypnotise ability similar to ranger's.

-Also fun things i am thinking about- give them abilitys-

-Focus- give around 4 max increase to int, very much like enhance, however for int.... fun for mages too :)

-Killing monsters gives them small bonuses similar to that of paci's bonus.

Multiple abilities which are designed as their attack point-
-Throat Jab - Similar to assassinate
-Leg Swipe- If succesful intx2 % chance of taking a stam off of the opponent. (other factors to determine opponent and monster resistance to this)
-A few others to be determined
(Have these all work agianst monsters because they're against monsters, hence why their "deity" gives them health or mana for killing monsters like a paci does for undead)

Seeing how powerful this class seems like it would be, it would take a good bit of balancing, or could be made to have high hp and be a solo class, which would be pretty cool for it. Giving them a spell to heal for around 40 would make them a decent solo-fighting class if they also recieved their bonus from killing monsters and had a whole lot of hp and mana.

-note- I realize there are many more things that need to be added about them and balancing would be highly required...much less deciding if it should be a solo class or a new class, if the idea is liked enough to be considered and tested out I would, of course, be very willing to work with any of the staffers on editing, making descs, determining armors, helping balance out their attacks and spells, and anything else asked.

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#2 Zatra

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 04:19 PM

really good idea, it would take a bit of balencing but i would definitally make one, i support your idea fully

#3 Arsenal

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Posted 09 June 2004 - 03:06 AM

I like the idea a lot. Although some of the idea's seem a little overpowing, but for the most part it is a great idea.

I support your idea fully.

#4 Deval

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Posted 10 June 2004 - 10:15 PM

I didn't really want to comment on this thread as I'm tired of seeing monks suggested over and over, but I had a thought.

Rather than having the same old mundane strength to determine damage, it might be interesting to have damage determined by another stat, such as intelligence or wisdom.

For example, the damage the monk inflicts is in relation to his understanding of his martial arts, therefore rather than inflicting extreme damage through mere force, it could be his understanding of vital organs and the placement and timing of his strikes. This would allow for damage based on intelligence.

Another example, the monks strength could be channelled to him in accordance to his commitment to his faith, being granted his strength by beings beyond this realm. His strength (or a better word is attack damage) could be granted to him by his diety, thus attack damage based on wisdom.

Anyways, just a thought.

P.S Admit it, it would be interesting to see how things would work when putting int vs con, or wis vs con.
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#5 Gaddy

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Posted 11 June 2004 - 12:40 AM

Ya, looking for a new combination of factors to determine damage rather than the same old str + dex and wis + char (healing) and int for mages.

I think str + int is a good one, wis + int works well too, I think basing the damage off of cons would be bad though, causing them to need very few stats, thought it would be better to determine an armor spell.

I don't really want them named Monks, just don't know of another name for them.

We could call them Devals, and give them silly things to do and cause them to be extremely over powered and ultimately ruin the game with them, it'd be an interesting thing.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#6 Consumed


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Posted 11 June 2004 - 08:25 AM

i like idea... and i think it would be cool if wis detarmined how hard they hit to...
and if i think of cooler name i will post it...
-Alias ingame-

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