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Member Since 26 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2010 09:09 PM

Topics I've Started

20-25 Druid Lvl'ing

08 February 2010 - 01:01 AM

Hi guys, I re-rolled a character on the 1a server (even better than my multi crit). Anyhow, I'm at lvl 20 now looking for the lvl druid 21 training room. I've heard it's in Enchanted forest (and it's not labeled on the wiki map), but I've ran all around there and havn't seen anything yet. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Osx Client And Re-design

07 February 2010 - 12:43 AM

Ok, So I love NM. I've been playing since 2001 off and on. I'm working with mac's all the time now and I own one myself. I'm able to run NM in crossover just fine with a few minor qualms.

Those things aside. I am envisioning a native client for osx that I think would be a drastic improvement over the layout/design of the windows one. Not to knock your client JLH. I've been using it happily for years. BUT I think there are a lot of improvements that can be made to better the gameplay. These don't all apply to just an OSX client, but thats how I envision it now.

I know that you as staff are uninterested in developing a client for anything other than windows (per a support ticket). However, would you be opposed to someone else taking up this task? I would love to get my hands into the design of the client itself (not knowing Universal xCode at all) and would love it if some OSX developers would offer their help.

I figure we can perform the basic functions of NM in the OSX client, but add some cosmetic and layout tweaks.
Please let me know if this is possible.


Worth Keeping

26 January 2010 - 09:53 PM

Hi guys, I used to play this game ALOT years ago. I have no idea what my account info is and doubt it's even there anymore. Regardless, I can barely remember how to play.

So, I re-rolled and started a druid. I want to check with you guys and see if you think he's worth keeping or should I just keep rolling?


I realize it's a "3 off" but not horribly off... I've just never had any good rolls, so I kept this one. But what do you think?

P.S. how can I find out weapon stats while in game?