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Internal Character Stat

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#1 Crane


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Posted 09 April 2009 - 08:52 PM

I would like to propose a new internal statistic for the character's data file (staff should know what I'm meaning)... "No score". If set, it removes their character score, overall ranking and class ranking from their profile, like that of freshly-rolled crits, and prevents the crit from being included in the rankings tables on the website.

The purpose of this is to allow test characters and the likes of Fluffy and Mandilex to not skew the statistics amongst player-controlled crits, and it also means those test characters don't have to have negative XP (which reduces PvP effectiveness) or an excessive overdraft in their banked gold in an attempt to reduce their score, which doesn't seem to totally work, as Mandilex's character score is about -5,000,000, but is still listed as the number two Mage in the profile.

The statistic should probably be toggleable with a staff command, or automatically set if the character has been created by an administrator rather than the roller.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#2 Masta

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 01:06 PM

Would be wanted on 1alt.

The characters requiring this on 1alt are:


Both are Level 35 druids which are being used as staff crits for something or other? Not quite sure what. But I believe they must have either a) Run their course or :P have 1.5billion xp removed which should keep them still at 35, heck they can edit the stats easily enough?


#3 Achilles

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 01:11 PM

Good idea.

#4 Sausage


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 08:13 PM

This seems like a no-brainer.

Makes sense.

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#5 Oracle



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Posted 11 May 2009 - 07:12 AM


#6 Defeat

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Posted 12 May 2009 - 03:10 AM

fluffy, trick and treat also needs it on 1a too.

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#7 Terron

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Posted 14 May 2009 - 07:46 PM

save the trouble
when staff is done testing reset character to lvl 1 and be done with it there score shouldnt show up since its not lvl 5.
considering staff can just alt the crit to lvl xx when they need to test something i see this as an e z solve.

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#8 Scripto


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Posted 14 May 2009 - 08:18 PM

considering staff can just alt the crit to lvl xx when they need to test something i see this as an e z solve.

Actually only Admins can do that.
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#9 Crane


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Posted 14 May 2009 - 09:28 PM

Just resetting the character's level doesn't answer the problem of them appearing in the stats when they are in use, and if that approach is to be taken, you might as well just delete the characters and then recreate them when necessary.

Also, in the case of Fluffy and Mandilex, resetting their level is undesirable because those crits are used in special events rather than as test crits.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#10 Masta

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Posted 15 May 2009 - 10:54 AM

The only thing showing up Joe90 and Mageplay is their xp. They don't appear in any other table.

Someone can be level 35 with 0xp. Simply remove 1.5billion xp from both crits.

Problem solved, no argument against logically. Doesn't change anything apart from one ranking table...


#11 Crane


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Posted 15 May 2009 - 01:11 PM

If a character's XP is below a certain threshold for their current level, all attack and heal spells targetted upon other players are halved, a side-effect that is not often wanted.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#12 Elf

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Posted 15 May 2009 - 01:40 PM

Idea has been noted by JLH to be added. :)

It will allow test chars without muddling the rankings.

Locking the thread.
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Elf :P

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#13 Crane


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Posted 15 May 2009 - 10:33 PM

Thankies Elfy. *hugs* And thanks JLH.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

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