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Birr With Regrets About The Past

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#1 Hansol

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Posted 11 June 2010 - 11:32 PM


Birr overlooks his domain and meditates on his existence only to find that his monopoly on the bolted chest has not brought him any happiness and he will die alone

Part I:

Edited by Hansol, 12 June 2010 - 12:10 AM.

#2 tehbirr

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Posted 12 June 2010 - 05:35 AM

lol give it a rest rappy... not as funny anymore
teh primex... lullaby on main - devour on 1alt

#3 Yggdrasill

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Posted 12 June 2010 - 11:16 AM

^ implies it was ever funny...

Fail btw.
1-alt: Inglastex Main: don't play

#4 Piggy

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Posted 12 June 2010 - 01:01 PM


Piggy Or Derlok ingame

#5 Hansol

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Posted 12 June 2010 - 02:36 PM

^ implies it was ever funny...

Fail btw.

sorry I was talking to someone

[Friend] Flawless (to Piggy): did you see how butthurt that 09 kid was?
[Friend] Piggy (to Flawless): what you on about
[Friend] Flawless (to Piggy): on the birr topic
[Friend] Flawless: "I dont get this joke because I just started playing 2 minutes ago /whine"
[Friend] Flawless: "now I will use internet catch phrases because my vocabulary is too small and I cannot think on my own"
[Friend] Piggy: lmao

Edited by Hansol, 12 June 2010 - 02:43 PM.

#6 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 June 2010 - 06:05 PM

:P ..

Rappy fell off. Back in the day he use to be somewhat funny... but now i just cant see how anyone would find this even slighty amusing. Even when he was called out on this failure of a post his rebuttle post is weak and only funny to someone who obviously talks to him on a fairly regular basis ingame. Perhaps you should refute back to the immature asshole rappy and people besides your ingame friends will think your funny? Then you wont have to defend your posts like a little girl.

#7 Hansol

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Posted 14 June 2010 - 07:15 PM

:P ..

Rappy fell off. Back in the day he use to be somewhat funny... but now i just cant see how anyone would find this even slighty amusing. Even when he was called out on this failure of a post his rebuttle post is weak and only funny to someone who obviously talks to him on a fairly regular basis ingame. Perhaps you should refute back to the immature asshole rappy and people besides your ingame friends will think your funny? Then you wont have to defend your posts like a little girl.

nah I didnt lose my touch
this post was just to mess with bill a little bit
chances are you and the 2009 kid are probably too young/inexperienced/green to actually know what the hell I am even talking about in the first place

you would have to be a complete ass to not notice the sarcasm in my post and to take it seriously
but somehow both of you managed to

Even when he was called out on this failure

Even when he was called out on this failure

Even when he was called out on this failure

Even when he was called out on this failure

^ implies it was ever funny...

Fail btw.

[Friend] Flawless: "now I will use internet catch phrases because my vocabulary is too small and I cannot think on my own"

im sorry what was that about my rebuttle being "weak" now? it accurately described the majority of the 1a playerbase when they try to talk trash

you 1a people have such a small vocabulary you use internet sayings from the most pathetic community online and half of you probably do not even realize it
are you seriously that pathetic that you cant even come up with your own material and you have to use internet sayings every time you talk?

why dont you 1a kids go do something constructive? you could discuss/complain about ways to make an easy text based game even easier because for whatever reason you guys actually find it challenging to use one character

Edited by Hansol, 14 June 2010 - 07:47 PM.

#8 Pureza


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Posted 15 June 2010 - 03:00 AM

Yeah post about how hard cobalt bow is so I can call you all lazy again.


/t Apocalypto And maybe, just maybe if you actually played main. You'd get the joke. But you don't. So how's about you step off our nuts and go swing from someone elses for a few days k.

Edited by Pureza, 15 June 2010 - 03:03 AM.

Jaded ingame.

#9 Cruxis

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Posted 15 June 2010 - 12:42 PM

1a is a challenge, doing things on 5-10 crits, people would normally do on 20.

Main is..common sense and patience pretty much. The fact you think 1 character wouldn't be a challenge, you think 20 would be? lol

Things in 1a are asked to be changed because the playerbase made it impossible, either with their low numbers or inability to work together.

On main..one person IS the playerbase, so getting the same exact system, well, wouldn't it be obvious MANY things would needed to be changed? It took awhile, but almost everything is done anyway. A new 35+ system and balanced classes..and really it's done. A new experience system would be nice since lvling is way off.

Of course, I don't expect anyone who plays Nightmist to think of other peoples reasons.

And for the record, main has always been easy, even when it was populated and had pkers everywhere. People on main seem to forget most of the 1a players are old main players who gave it up because it was for stoned half asleep people who needed something to do without losing all the time and feeling sorry for themselves.

Oh wait, OH WAIT. I forgot, main is harder than 1a. Rolling 20+ crits instead of 2-5 is definitely a trip.

/t Pureza, go make a cobalt bow with only 5 crits logged on the whole time and tell me if you think 1a is lazy. When you do, people on 1a will shut up about it being too hard. You know 1a means 1 character, and not 1 character with 1 alternative character..right?

Maybe, just maybe if you played and understood 1a, you'd get the situation. So how's about you step off our nuts and go swing from someone elses for a few days k.

Gotta love the hypocrisy! <3

Edit: To be on topic, Rappy is funny, the video the birr going to bc was funny, but..I didn't get part II at all. Maybe the video is pointless to the joke.

wtf, where did all the words above come from? My vocabulary is just fail fail fail. Wait, I just called myself a 1a player..or someone else on this topic is a failure.

Edited by Cruxis, 15 June 2010 - 12:51 PM.

#10 Pureza


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Posted 15 June 2010 - 12:47 PM

1a has been open for how long now? And credenza has yet to be killed, or has that finally changed? Sheer laziness.


And who said anything about either server being hard. NM is by far one of the easiest games i've ever played. Even with a 20 alt party it can pretty much be one handed all day.

Edited by Pureza, 15 June 2010 - 12:51 PM.

Jaded ingame.

#11 Hansol

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Posted 15 June 2010 - 05:39 PM

before I begin I would just like to explain that me explaining my capabilities in some of this isnt supposed to stroke my own ego and I am just making examples

1a is a challenge, doing things on 5-10 crits, people would normally do on 20.

that just means that nightmist has too small of a playerbase and thats why 1a is hard
using 1 character is not harder than using 20
the only hard part of 1a is the leveling costs and finding alot of free time

you only have to worry about 1 character so you can fully monitor everything
90% of the time the party cleric is keeping you healed so you do not even need to monitor your own hp

but for whatever reason
every 1a player I have ever talked to does not respond to pages etc when they are bossing
is it seriously that hard to control 1 character that you all need full concentration?

I can use 18 crits and go to any area/boss + do baal runs on diablo2 + watch a movie/anime/tv show + talk to one person on aim/msn while still holding 1-2 conversations on nightmist

there are actually many people on main that tell me to slow down when I move/hit stuff because otherwise it will lag
anyone who tags along with me notices instantly that I am obviously very very very fast and skilled

the only possible way to impress someone on 1a is your movement speeds or the fact you are not wearing a dagger of the winds

Main is..common sense and patience pretty much.

this describes 1a/main
its just about not getting bored and attacking stuff
the more stuff you attack the more your acct value increases

The fact you think 1 character wouldn't be a challenge, you think 20 would be? lol

the "challenge" of 1a is the leveling costs
but it is not actually hard to use one character

Things in 1a are asked to be changed because the playerbase made it impossible, either with their low numbers or inability to work together.

now here is the part I do not understand
I have by far the most colossal ego on the nightmist server
it could be argued that maybe I deserve to have the largest ego simply because I have the largest number of things to brag about

despite my ego I still think that pking/jumping people is stupid and absolutely boring and I have been under that impression for the past 3-4 years
the only thing that shows real pvp skill is 3v3 with cleric/ranger/ranger vs cleric/ranger/ranger

why do you 1a people harass eachother and create so much drama? wtf are you all trying to prove? the majority of the 1a players will pk as many people as possible so its obvious why you guys dont have enough players
why would a new player be interested in playing 1a? they will have no friends and they would most certainly be pked each time they leave town

just yesterday I had someone telling me a story about how they were on a low thief in SDG and 2 people actually logged on adept thieves to jump him and they still failed

do you guys seriously try to pk journeymans in SDG like that shows how good you are? thats just pathetic even if you hate the person

On main..one person IS the playerbase, so getting the same exact system, well, wouldn't it be obvious MANY things would needed to be changed? It took awhile, but almost everything is done anyway. A new 35+ system and balanced classes..and really it's done. A new experience system would be nice since lvling is way off.

5-6 people on main would be the playerbase but still I understandstand what your saying

Of course, I don't expect anyone who plays Nightmist to think of other peoples reasons.

quite true

And for the record, main has always been easy, even when it was populated and had pkers everywhere.

main has always been easy simply because nightmist has always been easy

People on main seem to forget most of the 1a players are old main players who gave it up

what did they abandon to play 1a exactly? after taking a very quick glance at the top 20-30 people on the ranking leaderboard for 1a
the 1a playerbase is composed of many many 3rd rate players who have alot of time to spare and that never had skills or expensive accounts

the only people I can think of that even had good main accounts when they started playing 1a were jason/ricans/dynasty people

1a players are old main players who gave it up because it was for stoned half asleep people who needed something to do without losing all the time and feeling sorry for themselves.

its kind of funny that you describe the 1a playerbase like a bunch of badasses that moved on because main was too easy for them and they wanted a challenge

the only players to ever quit main for 1a that were in the highest class of skill are broc/dev but dev actually lost his main account/had it stolen so he was forced to

99% of the best players on 1a are not even the record exp holders
if you look at the top 1-2 exp holders for each class they are all ex gate sitters/people that used nm as a chat program except jason/rafa

so what does that show? all you have to do is just be a member of the top 2 clans and have the most free time then you are somehow the best on 1a

1a = free time > player skill
main = player skill > free time

Oh wait, OH WAIT. I forgot, main is harder than 1a. Rolling 20+ crits instead of 2-5 is definitely a trip.

Cleric: sec let me put all of you on my healing macros so you do not even need to keep yourself healed like main players have to
Dotw Thief 1: k
Dotw Thief 2: k
Dotw Thief 3: k
Dotw Thief 4: let me put my nightshades in vault
Cobalt character: k
Dotw Thief 1: whoa a character that isnt wearing a dotw!? dont f*** with him
Cleric: k macros set r u rdy 2 play a text based game in 2010? u get 2 attack once then u stare at an empty bar for 5 seconds that says 0/7 or 0/8 then u get another turn

I would personally rather play a game with graphics instead of playing an outdated game like nightmist and spend 90% of the time not actually playing the game because I am looking at an empty stamina bar and I have no other characters to attack with


Edited by Hansol, 15 June 2010 - 05:47 PM.

#12 Sausage


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Posted 15 June 2010 - 07:05 PM

the only difference between 1a and main is how much you click....

Main you click 100 times a minute or 1a you click 6 times... Of course if you click 100 times, more stuff is going to die. omg

Clerics that macro on the 1a server are pretty lame IMHCPO (in my honest cleric pwning opinion, they don't call me the best cleric on 1a for nothing)

me vs. you. my joke vs. yours. my server vs yours. oh how the times have changed

lol @ rappy in general. no hate, but you are a character indeed. If being good at nightmist converted to a real life skill, what would you be good at?


Edited by Sausage, 15 June 2010 - 07:06 PM.

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#13 Gnarkill



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Posted 15 June 2010 - 07:23 PM

lol @ this thread. This joke was from 6-7 years ago when Ed and Bill played between them and a few of us..granted its getting a little played out now but it still shouldn't bring the focus of players who weren't even around back then or weren't in on the joke. If you take offense or find it completely stupid then you probably weren't a part of it to begin with. Even though the joke has been beaten to death I still find a little humor in the fact people remember things like this.

The argument of "we do stuff with 5-10 that main does with 20" is retarded.. not everyone runs 20.. I run a 31, a 30 and 6 expert hitters with a expert cleric and still do most the "tough" bosses you guys do on 1a and incase you forgot.. you guys get more stam.

The only person who should ever get props for training and leveling 1 alt at a time is squee..who did it with a mage back on multi when there was a large playerbase. 1a is the easiest server by far, Eq one character and you're done... click-wait-click-wait-call for heal... its simple.. especially if you got clan clerics and people to help u get tokens and level.

The part I don't get is why do you some of you 1a guys need autoclickers and multi pcing when you're playing such a simple game?

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#14 Hansol

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Posted 15 June 2010 - 07:24 PM

lol @ rappy in general. no hate, but you are a character indeed. If being good at nightmist converted to a real life skill, what would you be good at?

I have alot of free time today
if you like you could schedule an interview with me

#15 Apocalypto

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 08:01 AM

the only people I can think of that even had good main accounts when they started playing 1a were jason/ricans/dynasty people

I happen to remember you asking me to use jono's stuff more than once. :P.. back when this joke originated :)... WOWOW WEEWHOOO...
Granted he didnt leave his 'good' main account, he quit well before 1alt. Just like a huge number of 1alt players that came back only because of 1alt because main was played out. Also, not claiming i was even remotely good at main. Not that i could of been lol, dial up+nutsty pc=>>>>FAIL<<<<

anyways. i still stick to my opinion that this isnt funny..

To comment on the completely off topic conversations on this topic, comparing 1a and main is a joke.

When 1alt wasnt getting changes we bitched about how main was getting all the attention even though we had a higher playerbase.

Then the tables kind of turned and the exact opposite happened.

Either way, it is obvious that main is more challenging in the aspect that you yourself has to be capable of playing the game, but taking shots at things you dont even understand such as the cobalt bow recipe on 1alt is retarded. And what is even funnier, the main playerbase bitched about the same recipe when they were capable of obtaining the drops required on a somewhat frequent basis compared to 1alt having capable parties available on very limited occasions.

And to point out pureza's complete ignorance of 1alt again, credenza has yet to be killed because there is only one keeshe and one shield in game. Maybe you should get the main players to roll to kunal with 2 alts each and see how long it takes you to get the drops.

On a final note, i complete agree about alot of the 1alt playerbase being douchers in terms of pking. The only time i personally killed new players was in the swamp and that was because i was using it, not to be a turnip. And i also always thought pking at token bosses was pretty dumb for similar reasons. Anyways, not that i give a moose, like rappy also stated there are better things to do than text based games in 2010, thus you dont see me ingame. /sigh

edit:also was commenting more on rappys rebuttle than the post although i still dont find this very amusing.. however, if he could find a video of several of these little fkrs following someone on a leash and saying it was bills clones playing 1alt i might find it slightly amusing..

Edited by Apocalypto, 16 June 2010 - 08:12 AM.


#16 Hansol

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 02:38 PM

the only people I can think of that even had good main accounts when they started playing 1a were jason/ricans/dynasty people

I happen to remember you asking me to use jono's stuff more than once. :P.. back when this joke originated :)... WOWOW WEEWHOOO...
Granted he didnt leave his 'good' main account, he quit well before 1alt. Just like a huge number of 1alt players that came back only because of 1alt because main was played out. Also, not claiming i was even remotely good at main. Not that i could of been lol, dial up+nutsty pc=>>>>FAIL<<<<

I would pay people to let me use their alts and I wanted as many alts as possible
at one point I was using 32 or 34 alts I forgot which
im not really sure what me wanting access to an acct has to do with me joking about bill being a pekingese though

the only people I can think of that even had good main accounts when they started playing 1a were jason/ricans/dynasty people

And to point out pureza's complete ignorance of 1alt again, credenza has yet to be killed because there is only one keeshe and one shield in game. Maybe you should get the main players to roll to kunal with 2 alts each and see how long it takes you to get the drops.

why doesnt pande just go to kunal? it shouldent take more than 8-10 people counting the 2 clerics
it seems like that would be possible on 1a

Edited by Hansol, 16 June 2010 - 02:41 PM.

#17 Payne

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 04:43 PM

I love how the 1 alt players are getting Trolled lol. Good Job Rappy, keep up the good work.
Astinus on 1alt Only

#18 tehbirr

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 06:35 PM

will fix my post later on, just spend 20min typing to a qoute and nothing came up, anyone tell me why?
teh primex... lullaby on main - devour on 1alt

#19 Cruxis

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 08:04 PM

I didn't wanna quote Hansol's big ass reply, both of ours in there would be unpleasant.

It seems like your main point is using 20 characters is harder. Yes, using them is harder, but the game itself is easier because of it. Using alt+esc through 20 windows and pressing a button 20 times inbetween may be a bit more on the fingers, but no concentration is even needed, to the point where all the handwork can be automatic. As you yourself have shown with your post, all the things you are able to do while you play. So..button mashing..has become harder than thinking..gg Rappy

Do you look at your characters hp and see who needs a heal while your attacking with them and press the respective macros as to not waste stam cause every bit is needed, or do you just mash mash mash all day? Like I even need you to answer that for me?

On 1a, you have to actually watch your hp, watch monster attacks, ect. When I cleric on 1a, I watch who gets attacked and heal them right after. I've solo cleric'd giant chameleon with only a couple of vamp weapons (6stam cleric). That alone is harder than anything I've done on main. But you wouldn't know the effort and skill involved in certain scenarios, because..you have never played 1a extensively.

Btw Rappy, you never made me lag when I beat you 3v3 cleric ranger ranger 5 times in a row on Lappa's crappy crits. Maybe everyone you play with is using dial up? I've straight up owned you before, but I bet you wouldn't consider me a top player would you? Half your arguement is based on top players who actually probably suck, i.e. rafa, so I don't need to respond to those parts. Lots of good 1a players have been good at main, and lots of crappy 1a players have been good at main. That alone tells me something. Without playing 1a extensively, getting to know the 1a players who haven't played for 5+ years, it's obviously you wouldn't know many, no one needed you to say that.

Btw, don't group me in the the 1a players. I don't play 1a or main atm, but I have alot of experience with both and I will speak of it. I'm not saying which I enjoy more, or which is better, but I will say, 1a is harder, in both skill and time consumption. You have alot of experience with both right? You actually have a right to compare the two right?

About all the pking and drama, I can agree with what you said 100%, I aswell have a huge ego, hell, I'll even go out and say I probably have a god complex. Seriously though, I never saw what was so hard about /join <player> and click. There doesn't have to be any chatting, ect. People just needed to grow up and play together for the enjoyment and progress of the game. Sadly with people like Walt always saying "KILL YOUR ENEMY AT ALL COSTS RAWR", it wouldn't happen. Even me, a very tolerable person, with the patience of a saint, got tired of him and started harassing him so he'd leave this game.

And for all this..
"Cleric: sec let me put all of you on my healing macros so you do not even need to keep yourself healed like main players have to
Dotw Thief 1: k
Dotw Thief 2: k
Dotw Thief 3: k
Dotw Thief 4: let me put my nightshades in vault
Cobalt character: k
Dotw Thief 1: whoa a character that isnt wearing a dotw!? dont f*** with him
Cleric: k macros set r u rdy 2 play a text based game in 2010? u get 2 attack once then u stare at an empty bar for 5 seconds that says 0/7 or 0/8 then u get another turn"

I'm not sure what that means..but maybe it's like
Clerics: k guys, rdy to pwn?
Cobalt Zerk1-10: Why are you talking to yourself?
Cobalt bow ranger 1-5: WE HAVE BOWZ
Cobalt druid: RAWR I CAMO AND LEAD AROUND FOR EASE, but you're still talking to yourself.
Clerics: sec, lemme macro all you guys even though if I keep hance/rf up with skill I will never need to heal you except for areas that are deemed "impossible" to solo
Cobalt <insert class> for variance: lol you're still talking to yourself

Edited by Cruxis, 16 June 2010 - 08:06 PM.

#20 Hansol

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Posted 16 June 2010 - 08:56 PM

Do you look at your characters hp and see who needs a heal while your attacking with them and press the respective macros as to not waste stam cause every bit is needed, or do you just mash mash mash all day? Like I even need you to answer that for me?

actually yes I do
any decent player should be capable of doing this
are you telling me that you just discovered how to do this in 2010? it should be common sense

Btw Rappy, you never made me lag when I beat you 3v3 cleric ranger ranger 5 times in a row on Lappa's crappy crits. Maybe everyone you play with is using dial up? I've straight up owned you before, but I bet you wouldn't consider me a top player would you?

rofl? are you being sarcastic? even saying you supposedly did "duel" me (which I dont remember) and 5-0d me in 2005-2006 before I got good at the game it would still not mean anything because I achieved my current skill level in 2009
anything before that does not matter

if you can beat me 3v3 I will give you
#1 10 cobalts (dont worry I will have nearly 10 left over for myself still)
#2 100m gold
#3 $150 via paypal if john says its ok

but I bet you wouldn't consider me a top player would you?

if you are talking about 3v3 pvp then me/dev/broc/ed are first tier players so no
you are not a top player

Half your arguement is based on top players who actually probably suck,

did you even read my post?

Lots of good 1a players have been good at main,

broc/ricans/dynasty/dev/some old school people that play that maybe I am forgetting
no one else on 1a has ever been good at main

and lots of crappy 1a players have been good at main.

all the people I consider good at main are on top on 1a
50% of the best players have never played 1a because it is very boring

but I will say, 1a is harder, in both skill and time consumption.

main takes more skill than 1a because you only need to know how to control one character on 1a

Clerics: sec, lemme macro all you guys even though if I keep hance/rf up with skill I will never need to heal you except for areas that are deemed "impossible" to solo

lol @ 1a kids trying to mock stronghold when the boss hits for around 200
you guys cant even kill kunal and thats a 8-10 alt boss
my personal favorite is you guys are incapable of killing credenza when it does not even hit back

try again

Edited by Hansol, 16 June 2010 - 09:15 PM.

#21 Pureza


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Posted 16 June 2010 - 10:06 PM

lol @ 1a kids trying to mock stronghold when the boss hits for around 200
you guys cant even kill kunal and thats a 8-10 alt boss
my personal favorite is you guys are incapable of killing credenza when it does not even hit back

Quick correction, the final boss of the stronghold hits for up to 400. More than capable of rounding nearly anything that's not grandmaster save for zerks and perhaps fighters. More than once I've stepped on square with him only to have a lvl 34 cleric rounded from go.

/t Cruxis And about your macro mashing point. Yeah macro mashing really works in dvergar. (Note sarcasm in previous statement). If you try to macro mash through dvergar, you may as well just walk into a trap cuz you're committing suicide by wasting cleric stamina on unnnecesary heals. When you have a mob dealing 400 damage every couple of seconds. Mashing your heal macros won't get you anywhere but dead. You say you have experience on the main server. And I know you do, but your experience was for the most part. Prior to the new levels being introduced to the server and the most difficult area the game has ever seen being opened.

Edited by Pureza, 16 June 2010 - 10:15 PM.

Jaded ingame.

#22 tehbirr

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 12:38 AM

alex, we all know 1alt is full of people that used to play main, were not all stupid like majority of you on 1alt... but honestly, 1alt is full of ppl who did nothing but gatesit, cause drama, talk smack and cyber... who on 1alt was good on main back in the day? not 1 person, your all ppl me/ed/and all the other good ppl used to own back in the day....you say 1alt is alot harder then main, please explain...when i came back after 4 1/2 yrs... i started on 1alt and everything was basically handed to you, your all thief #####s, so yeh lets start training thieves, go swamp wit some buddies, get 25, get a dotw and wow the rest of the game is cake...o wow you gotta farm stuff to level up wah wah wah, go cry somewhere else... big deal welcome to the world of gaming...why do you guys always nit pick our posts? if you dont like them, simply dont look at them and dont post your 12 yr old bullnuts, these posts/jokes are made outta my own expense, so why do yall get butthurt over it? or are you butthurt cause none of you got a joke made about you, or that your simply, no good? so ill end this with, just give up already, you failed back then and yall still fail now....

1alt for the drama queen award plz
teh primex... lullaby on main - devour on 1alt

#23 Apocalypto

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 04:48 AM

actually bill, you guys are the ones that got butthurt.. we just said it wasnt funny and yall cried.. end

#24 Abstract

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 08:21 AM


#25 Cruxis

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 06:28 PM

To Rappy

Actually yes (and no), I learned to do it in 2007, cause all main every required was mashing macros, and my computer was never even good enough to run 20 alts, I did the game with less. Though I admit it was before stronghold. I've heard stories of the place and know what it entails. Still, it is soloable, just as it is possible to get a cobalt bow on 1a and they are lazy for not getting it, right?

I did beat you 3v3 5-0, I was Ryuku back then. You say you wanna go again? Deal! Though I don't have any main stuff, so I'll have to rent some from you. Dun worry, I'll be able to pay you rent with a cobalt or two afterwards. If you're serious, so am I. You say you had no real skill back then, but here you are, spouting exactly what you were back then about your skill, and making the same rediculous wages, and will end up not paying them if someone were to win. PM me about it, I'm game.

You keep at that main is harder because you have to control more characters much. Too bad character control is the easier part of the game. Knowing the game is way harder is my opinion, and main allows for it much easier. This is only true because the servers are still so very similar.

I've never seen kunal killed with less than 13, but on main where the game is a bit easier, I'm not surprised, since you are always max, don't have to depend on other people to be good and have max equipment, ect. Another asset that makes 1a a bit harder, having to depend on other people in itself can make anything harder.

but honestly, 1alt is full of ppl who did nothing but gatesit, cause drama, talk smack and cyber...

Sounds like people like...you. You must play 1a eh? Or as much as I thought, main is the exact same.

these posts/jokes are made outta my own expense, so why do yall get butthurt over it?

I'm not butthurt over your joke, if you think that then you're warped and conceited enough. It's just sad someone else had to bring a 1a/main into your post, I apologize since you decide to attack me for it for no reason

Aswell, I decide to not respond to half of your post because I either couldn't make it out or it wasn't relevent to anything

Edited by Cruxis, 17 June 2010 - 06:32 PM.

#26 Gnarkill



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Posted 17 June 2010 - 06:36 PM

It just boils down to a simple definition of an "Inside Joke":

An "Inside Joke" is a joke originated or appreciated by the members of a particular group.

Now, we know that alot of you wouldn't find it funny, infact you weren't supposed to as it originated between a group of friends back in the multi days that most of you were not a part of (even if you did play back then). I think the reason people are taking exception to it is you guys post on nearly every thread with your e-gos flaring and offer an opinion that doesn't even matter to the situation. In reality who cares if you don't find it funny? why post that you don't? who really needs your opinion that much? escpecially if you don't play anymore.. what goes through the mindset of someone who says they currently don't play to continue trolling the forum?

I get it.. I'll hear "so since I dont play that means i cant check forum blah blah blah" no of course not.. even when I am on hiatus I still log in to forums and see whats up. Just if you're gonna use the "I don't log anymore and don't play" card.. you can atelast back it up a bit and not feed your e-go by trolling and trying to up your post count with a "omgz dumb joke" or an "uber fail" post on nearly every thread done out of fun that doesn't include you.

Edited by Gnarkill, 17 June 2010 - 06:39 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#27 Apocalypto

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 07:33 PM

Dj, you and bill are the only ones that seem to think that the initial post has anything to do with the majority of the posts on this topic. Most of the topic is based on rappy's ego and the main players throwing out rediculous posts comparing 1alt and main. Which i think alex's post are doing enough justice that i wont even comment any further on it. But another thing, i dont play and i mentioned that only because i agreed that there are better things to do.

Also find it pretty funny about how rappy wont pay if he loses. Not that my memory of anything on main is still intact :P i seem to remember something of this sort???

/t Rappy, Also find it funny that you didnt "develope your skill" untill 2009... you use to always say you were the nuts and could beat anybody with your nutsty crits and that how if you had good crits nobody would stand a chance yadayada... same ol nuts different year....

edit: oh and dj, post count isnt counted in off topic for one thing, and if i actually gave a fack about something that dumb i wouldnt have got so many forum accts "ownd".. "" because i cant say words that gained popularity because of the internet.. what a doucher.. oh theres another

Edited by Apocalypto, 17 June 2010 - 07:35 PM.


#28 Hansol

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 08:14 PM

some emo kid crying becuase hes 3rd rate

like I already told you I did not achieve my current level of skill until 2009
I am on a totally different level than I was then

have you ever even done anything to improve your physical speed?
this is actually a serious question
because you would not even have the physical conditioning to compare to my level of speed without years of training on something like stepmania

the only thing I can possibly think of that could have possibly improved your hand/arm speed is your excessive masturbation
for whatever reason you always seemed to be fond of telling random men online whatever you were doing sexually/wanted to do sexually and I was unfortunate enough to be there for some of that

/t Rappy, Also find it funny that you didnt "develope your skill" untill 2009... you use to always say you were the nuts and could beat anybody with your nutsty crits and that how if you had good crits nobody would stand a chance yadayada... same ol nuts different year....

its pretty funny how you 1a kids are so pathetic that you actually think someone would lie over nightmist lol
since apparently it is far beyond the power of your comprehension I will try to explain it to you

#1 I am physically about 3-4 times faster than I was in 2006
#2 my computer has a processor 6x faster than my old computer
#3 I started on dialup and when you dueled me I would have had about 4-5 mb/s on my bad new internet
now I get over 30mb/s
#4 I have 8x the memory
#5 most importantly I am now on a quad core instead of single/dual
#4 instead of using random 3/4 stats I own probably about 40-50% of the game highs on main
#5 they all have 100% perfect equip and some of my stuff is questie stacked like my cleric currently has 27 wis

if you can understand even half of that information I have just given you
then it should be pretty easy to understand why I say that I am on a totally different level than I was in 2006

either of you kids does not stand a chance in hell of being able to compare to me in your life time
you both are just making yourself look like ignorant children with massive egos that dont understand just how outclassed they are

you have been so bitchslapped by this post that I am actually going to lock this topic to prevent you from looking any worse because there is no possible way to recovery after my post
if either of you wants to duel me for massive money then contact me ingame

Edited by Hansol, 17 June 2010 - 08:35 PM.

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