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Member Since 27 Jul 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2005 05:08 PM

Topics I've Started

The Lyrics Game

08 September 2005 - 03:56 PM

I will post are certain number of lyrics and you other nightmistians have to guess what song they are from.

1)I want play the game i want the friction.
2)I toss and turn i can't sleep at night
3)Don't need reason, don't need rhyme.
4)Now and then when i see her face.
5)Played until my fingers bleed.
6)Back and forth through my mind, behind a cigarette.
7)So what's the matter with you, sing me something new.
8)Just like terrorists on a day of rest singing.

Thats all i can be bothered to do for now.

P.S Even tho i tried to make them google proof i fear not all of them are.
Please don't use google.

/clan Invite Alts

01 September 2005 - 09:37 PM

Can this command give everyone you invite the same clan tag?

Crit Reset

14 August 2005 - 09:44 PM

When i class change and reset a crit will the hp differ?

I no if i change from a dwarf fighter to a zerker it will change but from a ling paladin to a ling ranger?


14 August 2005 - 04:04 PM

PPLive is a program that allows you to watch tv on your pc which includes things like football games, it is absolutly free and is good quality compared to the rest of the sites that let you view it. It's completely free and has no spyware or adware to my knowledge ^_^ but mine is running fine.


After the download you must double click the application for it to be started, it will open in the bar were your msn icon or volume icon is placed, right click the P and click the 3rd from bottom button to turn it into english.

Then go to Confiq, change the 60 to 100 and tick the box.

After that go to Channel List and choose one of the boxes e.g Football, then it should start to buffer and load up in WMP.

Other Programs:


There is a couple of channels on there but i don't no what most of them are.

You Were Assassinated.

10 August 2005 - 01:26 PM

You were assassinated.
xxx dropped a Mana Crystal.
xxx dropped a Healing Potion.
xxx dropped a Healing Potion.
xxx dropped a Mana Crystal.
xxx dropped a Mana Crystal.
xxx dropped a Mana Crystal.
xxx fell to the floor, his injuries getting the better of him.
xxx was resurrected here, after being killed by yyy.

It told me who i was assassinated by, i don't think this is supposed to happen.