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The Joker

Member Since 15 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 31 2025 11:03 PM

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In Topic: What's New?

02 September 2016 - 02:38 PM

You know the scene in Monty Python's "The Holy Grail" where they're taking out their dead but one man insists he isn't dead?
Nightmist is kinda like that right now.


Some of us still kicking around and playing because we don't acknowledge a low player count as a reason to quit.

Had to watch it. Hah. Well played, sir. That just about sums it up.


I vote JLH sell his code to Gaddy and Crane, or whoever is still helping the game. Or you guys should go and help those Ember Online guys who are still actively making a game.

In Topic: What's New?

23 August 2016 - 06:07 PM

So.. uh.. Nightmist is finally dead, huh? Was a good run. Such a shame. The game client had so much potential. I guess MUD's are on their last leg these days.