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Member Since 18 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active May 16 2023 11:00 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Boss Thread

28 March 2023 - 12:39 PM

 Loki assassinated a Malok.

No! I am sorry my father.. I have failed you.

A Malok dropped an Emerald Dagger.


You attacked an Elder Treant with a Claws for 124 points of damage, forcing the creature to withdraw.
You got 15009 gold pieces.
Elder Treant: The forest will weep for me.
Elder Treant steps back into the forest and disappears.

In Topic: Boss Thread

24 March 2023 - 07:45 PM

Judeau assassinated a Grande Inquisitor.Grande Inquisitor:

Now you are to carry out our work... Grande Inquisitor.

A Grande Inquisitor dropped an Inquisition Warrant #9718

In Topic: Boss Thread

17 March 2023 - 05:03 AM

Perseus assassinated a Grande Inquisitor.

Grande Inquisitor: Now you are to carry out our work... Grande Inquisitor.
A Grande Inquisitor dropped an Inquisition Warrant #3924. Bam Woobie
Violence assassinated Woobie.
Woobie: D-D-Did I do okay?
*** 25 MILLION XP! ***
A Woobie dropped an Assassin's Tear.

In Topic: Boss Thread

14 March 2023 - 06:54 AM

You swing your Dragon's Breath and consume Red Dragon with supernatural fire for 90 points of damage!, defeating it!

You got 25008 gold pieces.

Red Dragon: *growls a frustrated grunt before collapsing*Buried among the coins, you find the skeletal remains of an arm still clutching onto a relatively undamaged sword.

You got a Dragonbane.


You assassinated a Malok.

You got 10008 gold pieces. null


You killed a Time Knight.

You got 10001 gold pieces.

You got a Mithril Shard


You attacked Captain Wylsen with a Dragonclaw Scythe for 187 points of damage, killing him.

You got 10002 gold pieces.

Before you land the mortal blow, Captain Wylsen raises his Silver Pistol to his left temple and fires the gun, spraying his cranial matter across the bookcase and northern wall. null.


Death assassinated a Giant Sand Wurm.

A Giant Sand Wurm dropped a Dagger of Spirits.


Scratchy assassinated a Grande Inquisitor.

Grande Inquisitor: Now you are to carry out our work... Grande Inquisitor.

A Grande Inquisitor dropped an Inquisition Warrant #4093.


Pokey berserked at a Bodyguard with his Twin Axes of Li Kwei. defeating him.

Bodyguard: Oh... dear.  Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!

A large piece of metal breaks off from the bodyguard's armour. You picked up a Steel Shard.


You rapidly fired at a Drider Warlord with your Cobalt Bow for 114 points of damage. Killing it.

You got 15000 gold pieces.

Drider Warlord: This battle is yours, light dweller...   null


Scytale assassinated a Hedge Lord.  null

In Topic: Boss Thread

12 March 2023 - 01:14 PM

Violence assassinated a Marshal of the Inquisition.

A Marshal of the Inquisition dropped an Inquisitor's Key.