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Possibly The Best Ideas Ever!

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#1 xace_dragonx

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 05:41 AM

Ok I have a few ideas to post here. I may add a few more as I come up with them aswell. :P


Ring of Heal:
Basically gives you the spell heal. (for all classes) Uses stamina. Cast on others and self.

Ring of Aid:
(Better than ring of heal).

Ring of Fire:
Basically like the mages spell flame.

Ring of Invisibility:
(Ever seen the one ring on Lord of the Rings?) Makes you invisible. Pretty much like the mage spell.

Ring of Time:
Teleports you back in time. (Read further!)

And any other ring spells you can think of.

All the rings would give you the ability to cast these spells.

Perhaps these could be a boss drop or brought from a shop or just given to a few individuals.

New Area.

Ok most of you will probably remember the old nightmist story that was located on the main page. If you don't I will sum it up for you.

Basicly a Druid and his cleric wife were travelling in a forest when he was ambushed by a assasian. The assasain pretty much owned the druid with a poison dagger. But the druid came back and kicked his ass!

Ok so this happened in the begining of Nightmist.

So right. The ring of time... the ring of time can be obtained by killing a "time sumfin" on chronos. Then you can go back in time (using the ring) to the forrest where that little battle took place and go get the poison dagger. I don't know what the decided strength of the poison and stuff should be (perhaps if this idea is developed the staff will decide that :P).

But any way those are my ideas. I may add some more soon but for now let me know what ya think :P

P.S - Staff if ya do develop some of these ideas I wouldn't mind a copy of these items and stuff :ph34r:

Edited by xace_dragonx, 25 August 2004 - 05:42 AM.

#2 Sneaky

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 06:17 AM

Awesome, i think i actually understand this. So, what your basically sayin is.... Now people no longer need mages or clerics to jump people and keep themselves healed...I really can't decide on which approach to say that this is a sucky idea...because any way i look at it, its bad. This would just promote pking and make the game too easy. Think about areas with lvl caps.... You wouldnt need any cleric's or pallies on the dungeon quest, all you need is attacking crits and one ring of aid to pass around. I dont even know why im dwelling on explaining this, its such a dumb idea. If your gonna suggest this why not just let every class have every spell/ability... i mean its much more efficient to be able to attack, heal, and spell up your ranger(first class that came to mind) by itself rather than having to actually work at this game and train a cleric to be able to do so, correct?

:P Think realistically...
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#3 xace_dragonx

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 06:28 AM

Dude it wus just an idea. What about the area???

#4 Squee



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 02:20 PM

Perhaps these could be... given to a few individuals.

That little lines makes me wonder... XD

As for your area... wouldn't stealing the Poison Dagger have some kind of dire consequence that none of us could ever imagine? And how would you explain it when more than one person gets this dagger?

Have we not seen the Halloween episode of the Simpsons when Homer goes back in time with his nuclear toaster? Come on, people.

Over-all, your ideas seem under-thought and...well... I'll just leave it as under-thought.
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#5 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 27 August 2004 - 01:44 PM

Page/Memo Beatrix

#6 Vardoth

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Posted 28 August 2004 - 06:04 PM

IDEA SUCKS. END OF STORY. (im not usually this harsh but i personnally HATE the idea :P )

#7 ice_cold

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Posted 28 August 2004 - 06:41 PM

bad idea.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#8 Ryuku


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Posted 29 August 2004 - 06:22 AM

This sucks so bad, it gave me cancer.

#9 Dc

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Posted 05 September 2004 - 08:35 PM

well, i like the time ring thinger, but i think it should be found in a different place, but the aid and heal and fire ring i dont like.
I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

#10 Zeppelin

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Posted 05 September 2004 - 08:57 PM

I want to story back on the nm hompage :P

#11 Charon

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Posted 05 September 2004 - 09:29 PM

I want to story back on the nm hompage :P

I can't put it back because I don't have that sort of power... but I can post it here for you for nostalgias sake :P

In the beginning, there was nothing. Nothing roamed the great plains of the North. Nothing inhabited the swamps and mountains of the East. The Deserts of the South was barren of all life.

Than came the mist.

Out of the Night it formed. Swirling and congealing into vague shapes. Never holding solid form for very long. We can only now guess about the origin of the mist. Some say it was the breath of one of the great gods. Or even the creating of Leighton, the high god of all. But whatever the origins, the mist brought life.

Coming out of the great plains of the North, the mist created wolfs, bears, magic creatures, and all sorts of good things. Traveling throughout the lands, it deposited good creatures in its wake. From the North, to the East, traveling South, eventually settling in the West, the mist created.

After it settled in the West, the mist grew, day by day, it grew soon becoming so thick, the animals could no longer walk in and out of it. Than, on the 4th night, a new set of creatures walked forth from the mist. The adventurers of the land had been born. But the mist wasn't done yet. Slowly it allowed itself to form into great buildings, and streets. Finally, the mist was gone, all that remained was a great town, beckoning new travelers and adventurers.

Life prospered in the town, adventurers came, than left. The town was dubbed NightMist by the people, naming it after its origins. As life went on, the people began to spread out. Rangers and Druids foraged ahead into the wilderness, the Knights, Paladins, and Clerics civilizing the land behind it. Soon the towns of Cloud City and Northkeep popped up on the maps. Trade flourished, and the good people were happy for many years.

But not all the people were honest and happy. Along with the expansions of the new communities, the dark underside of the world showed forth. Assassins started killing people on their ways from the towns, and thieves took gold from traveling merchants. But the people counteracted and posted guards, and soon things fell into a balance. Until one assassin went to far.

Along with good, always comes bad. So is true in medicinal discoveries. Along with healing potions, came poisons. Most were essentially harmless, used just to stun unwary prey so they were easier to rob, but one fellow decided to take things to far. He created a potion tainted with his own evil essence, though, not being powerful enough, and not naturally gifted with magical powers, could do nothing to amplify it. But, in order to try it out, he went and waited in ambush one day. As luck would have it, a powerful druid, Norinth, and his bride to be SilverFyre were walking down the road, and Norinth was wounded from behind by the tainted dagger of the assassin. As he fell to the ground, he called forth the power of lightning to kill the assassin, not realizing the antidote would die with him.

SilverFyre, being the naturally gifted healer she was, tried her hardest to remove the poison, but the taint was so strong, it had soon blended with the heart of the good druid. As he died, a change happened. His skin turned grey, his hair grew wilder, and he arose. No longer a powerful and good druid, but now an undead Druid, with a power seemingly amplified by evil.

Norinth unleashed havoc, killing many people, creating horrors like goblins, and ogres to terrorize the good people. Soon, once good citizens began to defect, turning their lives into evil rampages with only greed and evil itself to keep them going. Many battles were fought between the forces of good and evil. Brother fought Brother, Mother fought Son, Sister fought Father. None were exempted by the all out assault upon the lands.

During one battle, the forces of good were under siege in the city of NorthKeep. The mages had a protective shield placed against the stones, and lightnings from the sky, and the paladins and knights fought the undead outside the city. The battle raged for days, until the Druid Norinth appeared at the head of his forces, protected by a barrier of pure evil. Calling forth a swarm of deadly drones, he charged at the city, but was suddenly blasted back by a beam of light. From the gates of NorthKeep, a mage stepped forward. In a booming voice, he announced,"Evil shall not corrupt this world, I may not be able to kill you, but I will die trying!"

With those words, the mage Ewin unleashed a magical assault never seen by anyone before. Norinth countered blow after blow, but was losing, and losing fast. In a desperate attempt, he sent his general Kalados in to try to assassinate this new threat, along with his pet Ssilx, and evil dragon of great blood thirst. Seeing the danger to their protector, the defenders of NorthKeep rallied out onto the fields. Combining their powers, they let loose a great Flame of Fire upon the evil forces.

When the smoke cleared, they found Norinth had magically teleported himself, and his generals away from the battlefield. The evil had fled, good had prevailed. The price was heavy however. In defeating Norinth, Ewin and his allies had burnt half of the plains into a dismal waste, where fire twisted creatures roamed, looking for someone, or something, to put them out of their misery.

That wasn't always the case in all the battles however. Memorable battles in places like Pern Valley were fought where evil dominated, and soon overran the place.

But, soon, balance was restored. The lands were still in a constant conflict, good forces against evil, but no more great battles were fought, no more major victories for either side have been won.

But there is no end to the age old story. Plots are being formed every day, adventurers trying their skills against the evil, and the evil against the good. Perhaps good will once again embrace the entire land, healing the scars, or maybe evil will succeed in destroying everything. Only time will tell.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#12 Dc

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Posted 06 September 2004 - 12:07 AM

heh, i never read that before,
pretty nifty
I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

#13 JunkDiver

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Posted 06 September 2004 - 09:49 AM

now I dun really like the idea alot but treat the heal/aid/fire rings as if they grant the spell yes, using stam Full stamina to cast it once. Would make it useful but at the same time useless in direct combat beyond a really low level because the ammount of healing compaired to stam would be insignificant. Although I'd prolly still carry one. for those instances where my cleric dies so that I could still get out without my other crits deing

#14 Ryuku


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Posted 08 September 2004 - 09:05 AM

Shock Ring- no stat mods, affect, The awesome ability to resist the damage of Shock by half.

Flame ring- blah blah blah, like shock ring but different, ect

Good idea o.o

#15 Cule

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Posted 11 September 2004 - 05:24 AM

no :P

Edited by Cule, 11 September 2004 - 05:25 AM.

#16 xace_dragonx

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Posted 17 September 2004 - 05:43 AM

I think we should maybe develop the time ring idea. Perhaps if I were to put it in-depth it may be better.

#17 Wolfgang

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Posted 17 September 2004 - 04:04 PM

Erm.... I dun like this much.

What the what?

#18 Fable

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Posted 27 September 2004 - 09:05 PM

No.Period.Times 2.

#19 Consumed


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Posted 17 October 2004 - 07:26 AM

i think poison dagger would be cool and it wouldnt be that bad of an idea to have the time thing but it needs more detail...also you could just get poison dagger from somthin else
-Alias ingame-

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