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Member Since 01 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2009 08:28 PM

Topics I've Started

Display Name

27 October 2008 - 01:22 PM

Can I change my display name, or must I create a totally new account?


26 October 2008 - 09:26 PM

Fighters/Paladins should have an ability that draws the monsters hate to him/her. What's the point in creating a good balanced non-all thief party if Fighters/Paladins are useless? They're supposed to be tanks, right? I think this would make players think a little more about what they really want to do for a party, and maybe make everyone not choose the same class all the time.

Party Descriptions

26 October 2008 - 09:19 PM

I think when you /party you should be able to see if your members are currently spelled up..such as enhance and whatnot. I think it would make things a little easier for a cleric.

Maybe make it something simple..like a color coded letter..or maybe a | or something..


24 October 2008 - 02:14 PM

How much?

For 1A, of course.

Why Such A Low Player Base?

21 October 2008 - 09:04 AM

Ok, OK, I understand that 1a is a PK server, but may I make a simple suggestion? Don't be a turnip. By this I mean, my brother(Loki/Buddah) and I started this game, with nothing but ourselves to help us. Shortly after we discovered that we couldn't lvl off of small snakes for the rest of our game lives, we went on an exploration adventure. We traveled far north in hopes of finding something to quench our thirst for experience, eventually finding a Large Forest which I now know is the pit of Hell. Shortly after we received help from a few players, we realized that they only used us to make gold for them and served as sacrificial pawns for they're PK record. With this in thought, I've realized why the player-base is as low as it is. Being the best is not bad thing, but what's the point in being the best when you have no one left to PK? I simply suggest that these few players should probably do more to contribute to the games well being and don't run off new players.