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Time Stop

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#1 Silverwizard

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Posted 25 April 2004 - 11:41 PM

This is pulled from the boss drops section, I thought it would get more attention here.

Scroll of Time Stop

This spell is a very potent spell used by mages who have mastered time. It cannot be easily obtained since its secrets are guarded by its users.

Time mage drop, it stops monsters from attacking you for a short time, 0-5+int seconds maybe. It would be an alternate drop for the time mage. It could be for maybe a level 27 mage, and cost 50 mana. (This supercedes boss drop section).

Please put in any comments or suggestions, do not flame it unless you have a decent argument backing your flame. Staff, if you have time, please consider this idea, I think it would help mages no longer just be killing machines and make a mage from something no one wants to something that everyone wants.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#2 Charon

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 01:27 AM

I'm curious, I have some questions... so I shall ask them and hope for answers ^^

Firstly, my lesser question: would this be one of those "you need all stam to cast this" spells... I hope not

Secondly, the question(s) I actually want to ask: You say it would stop monsters for a short amount of time...
a) would this be cast on an individual monster or a whole square of monsters?

(If cast on individual monsters)
b) If cast on a player, would it stop them?

(If cast on a square)
c) If a player(s) are in square with a monster, would it stop them?

As far as monster go, I can see it being more useful on a square of monsters for training/running away purposes...
But then... stopping a square full of alts attacking would perhaps be too useful :s Makes me think it should be individualised.

What were your thoughts on the matter?

Edited by Charon, 26 April 2004 - 01:28 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#3 Poison

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 08:02 AM

By the sound of it I think I'd rather use invisibility. Although a party protection spell might be ok, like sanctuary for clerics pre-reset.

#4 Silverwizard

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 09:50 PM

This spell would not be usable on players. I do not support pking and I do not think that a spell that makes mages an unstoppable killing machine that can disable even one player at a time for easy feeding by your alts is a good thing, and it would make mages overpowered.

I do not know if it should trap one monster in time or trap one area in time. Well seeing as it has a relativly low mana cost for dropping an entire area I will say only one monster. Also, it would take one stamina.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#5 Charon

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 10:38 PM

I do not think that a spell that makes mages an unstoppable killing machine that can disable even one player at a time for easy feeding by your alts is a good thing, and it would make mages overpowered.

I don't support pking either.. and I hardly think a low-time-period freeze spell would turn a mage into a major pker.

I don't know... that being able to stop one alt would make it overpowered... but I suppose thats because I'm a one character user :s
I guess perhaps if you can freeze a char and attack with alts the situation changes.

My actual thought was that, as the time of the spell lasting is fairly small... the time could be used to run ^^;;

But okay, one monster, low mana, 1 stam. Ty for answering my questions :)
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#6 Silverwizard

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 09:44 PM

I believe I stated a 50 mana cost, that can be changed, and so can the time, just depending on how people feel.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#7 Silverwizard

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Posted 01 May 2004 - 09:50 PM

Umm, well this spell seems to have no bad points that are pointed out, anyone wanna support or attack it. Especially staff.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#8 Stigmata

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Posted 03 May 2004 - 07:13 PM

Rangers hypnotise does a similar thing on monsters, but just reduces the chance of them attacking you.........

As for completely stopping monsters for a period of time, I'd have to say no.

You cast 'stop time' on blah.
You hit blah
Blah wakes up
You cast 'stop time' on blah.
You hit blah.......

get the idea why it wont go in?
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#9 Malavon

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Posted 03 May 2004 - 07:49 PM

Rangers hypnotise does a similar thing on monsters, but just reduces the chance of them attacking you.........

As for completely stopping monsters for a period of time, I'd have to say no.

You cast 'stop time' on blah.
You hit blah
Blah wakes up
You cast 'stop time' on blah.
You hit blah.......

get the idea why it wont go in?

That situation won't actually happen. It can't be cast on players, and it would be VERY costly to try that with monsters.

beam (16)
beam (16)
beam (16)
beam (16)
cast time stop (another 50 mp)

114 mp gone for just 4 attacks (I think beam costs 16 anyway, I could be wrong though) that means that you could only get 14 rounds off before your completly out of mana, and you won't get much exp out of that at all.

#10 Silverwizard

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Posted 04 May 2004 - 01:38 AM

The point is to allow mages to have a greater amount of time to snipe of opponents, monsters not players only though, it allows them to live a little longer with their low hp, compensating for it.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#11 THC

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Posted 05 May 2004 - 04:55 AM

Beam uses 17 mana.
Such a fool to think that i could wake you from your slumber,
that i could actually heal you,
Sleeping Beauty

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