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Ñò Rémòrsë

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#1 Liquidus

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Posted 18 September 2004 - 05:29 AM

Hello All, I'm Here To Announce We Are Now Recruiting New Members If You Wish To Join Just Page/Memo Dredd or Andy Ingame.

The Ñò Rémòrsë, ranked 62, with score 217, consists of 47 members and 0 rooms:


#1 You Must Have Atleast 1 level 30 or 29 To Join.

#2 Do Not Ask For LeaderShip Or FounderShip Positions In The Clan For The request Will Be Revoked.

#3 You Must Have Knowledge Of The Game And How To Get From Place To Place.

#4 Do Not Involve Clan In Your Personal Affairs.

#5 Half Of The Gold Made On Clan Boss Kills/Training Runs Is Donated Towards Clan.

#6 All Alliances/Enemies Must Be Voted On By All The Founders

#7 Upon Joining You Agree to be Loyal And Respectful To Your Clan Members/Founders/Leaders.

#8 Do Not Start SomeThing You Can't Finish.

#9 Enjoy YourSelf While In The Clan.

Thats About All FOr Now, Post Here If You Want To Join Or Page/Memo Dredd/Andy Ingame To Join.

#2 Liquidus

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Posted 21 September 2004 - 05:36 AM

Little Update For All Wondering How The Clan's Going.

The Ñò Rémòrsë, ranked 62, with score 217, consists of 47 members and 1 rooms:

If You Wish To Apply Memo Dredd(Chairman)/Gades(Founder)/Andy(Co Chairman).

#3 Red

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 12:27 AM

http://rmrs.proboards7.com/ (clan forum)

still working on getting a clan website.
As simple as a lack of communication,
can you tell me? If not the case,
Then why in the F*** did ya judge me.

#4 Sneaky

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 12:58 AM

Yay, more people to pk
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#5 2Pac

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Posted 24 September 2004 - 06:59 AM

This Ñò Rémòrsë clan is doing pretty good fighting wise i've seen dem in action well atleast their chairman, they aint push overs like most new clans starting out they pretty competiive i doubt broken can handle them, but i wish you luck Seth your doing good but like i told you on msn you don't wanna get a bad rep you wanna get a good rep first and seth as always your letting yourself get worked up for what nothing. calm down not everyone is worth pking take it easy on some people dawg and help some peeps out from tiem to time. get back to be on msn i mgiht join up dawg till then peace out and keep up the good work.
Thúg LíFè

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