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Black Reef Pirates

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#1 ice_cold

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Posted 09 April 2004 - 09:06 PM

Arg matey's me name is Mr_Pirate and me be looking for some pirates to be me crew. We will sail the seas in search for gold and treasures beyond most mens wildest dreams. Pay is 1 gold a day to be on me crew, plus a percentage on all gold we make. So if anyone of you land-loving scaliwags thinks you got what it takes to be on me crew, me will try you out.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#2 Wolfgang

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Posted 10 April 2004 - 04:43 AM

we get payed?
Aye... the deal sweetens by the moment.

What the what?

#3 ice_cold

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Posted 10 April 2004 - 01:38 PM

We now have 4 crew members:

Mr_Pirate (Captain)
Roivas (Plunderer)
Sigurd (Plunderer)
Dexter (Cannon Stocker)

Edited by ice_cold, 10 April 2004 - 01:39 PM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#4 ice_cold

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Posted 11 April 2004 - 11:09 PM


Mr_Pirate (Captain),
Jack_Skellington (Plunderer),
Sigurd (Plunderer),
Sir_Francis_Drake (Cannon Operator),
Dirty_John_Flint (Cannon Operator),
Black_Beard (Rower),
Roivas (Deck Swabber),
Dexter (Deck Swabber),
Wench (The Wench).


For anyone who wishes to join, or know our rules, please read below.

1. The most important thing to know about the clan is that we are a roleplaying clan, we do take on the roles of our pirates and act them out. To be a member you MUST roleplay atleast 25% of the time while on the character.

2. You MUST have a pirates name, or something that could possibly be a pirates name.

names such as Daring, Iceeee, Diamond are not acceptable

names like these are also not acceptable: Ima_pirate, seaman_stains, captain pugwash for obvious reasons.

names acceptable upon my deeming: insignificant_rower, the_cannon_loader, Parrot, etc

names acceptable: any pirate name such as Smithers, past pirates, http://www.io.com/~sj/PirateNames.html

sir names not acceptable: Lord, King, Captain (anything to do with leading the boat)

3. Just because you are a pirate does NOT give you the right to be offensive to other players. I will not turn away any player who wants to join, but if I find out you are being offensive to other players, you will be removed. Anyone not inside the clan, please memo me if you feel that one of my members is being offensive outside the comfines of being a pirate.

4. Gold will be given out on a basis of how often you are on. Yes, you do get payed for being in the clan, percentage is set up right now as 2% of what i make + 1 gold peice a day, however if I do not see you on enough, then you wont get payed. I do not pay you guys to roleplay, or to keep you in the clan, I pay you on the basis of keeping you from overthroing my power, any pirate would try and keep his crew from performing a mutinee (sp?)

5. If clan members decide to take control of the clan, you can do so, I mustn't be warned by ANY clan member ahead of time and you must pk me with a clan member by itself or clan members (that means no out-of-clan alts) in a pk area (not arenas). I will then give control of the clan to the member who killed me or to the person who came up with the plan upon request. you CANNOT sell the clan when you take it over. The only time the clan can be sold is when there is no longer any members in the clan; you CANNOT remove players and sell it.

6. When we go on clan quests, a portion (1-5%) of what we make will go to the clan for more rooms and then it will be equally devided upon rank of the members.

7. Upon my deaming worthy, you will be promoted to a higher rank or demoted to a lower rank. You must listen to what a higher ranked pirate says or tells you to do within reason. If a Plunderer tells a Treasure Seeker to swab the deck, the Treasure Seeker must go to the boat (clan house) and act like he is mopping the deck. If you are asked to make gold for the clan, you must go make gold for the clan (you may keep a large ammount for yourself however), if someone repeatedly asks people to do stuff they may be demoted for thier actions. Asking things such as going to a city to get an item or buying the person something is unacceptable. Please use good judgement when asking someone to do something or when doing something a higher rank tells you to do. If you have any problems or you think someone is abusing thier power, please bring it to my attention in a personal way, i.e. paging me or memo'ing me. Rank is as follows:

Plunderer (founder)
Treasure Seeker (founder)
Cannon Operator (leader)
Cannon Loader (leader)
Rower (member)
Deck Swabber (member)
Wench (member)

8. Name of your pirate MUST be in your profile under name.....Due to people not doing this, I will be removing members who do not listen to this rule after my first request.

9. Each person is allowed to join with up to 2 characters, however this is highly discouraged as it slows down role playing.

10. Do to rescent problems, each person MUST page me with thier ingame crit so I know for sure who you are. Certain people may PM me.

11. Classes are restricted in the clan, classes allowed are Fighter, Cleric, and Thief ONLY. If you are not of tese classes, then I'm sorry but you can't join.

12. DO NOT bring out of clan alliances or enemies into this one. DO NOT bring outside clan grudges into the clan. We are a family, wether you dislike them outside the game or outside the clan. We have members from Crème de la Crème, Draco Honoris, ÇørrüÞtïøñ, and more...although these clans may have problems outside of the clan, once you are inside the clan we are all friends. I will remove ANYONE who is causing problems with someone else because of who they are outside of the clan (if they find out). Please don't say don't kill this person or that person because they are my friend, reason for this is because we are pirates, we do not have friends, only temporary alliances with people who pay us a tariff.

13. Please don't tell anyone except for Mr_Pirate who you are out of game. Your main will be written down on a peice of paper to keep everyone straight incase any problems arise. Don't let anyone else know on the basis you may start a conflict, this is something we do not need.

For people out of clan

Please memo me if you feel someone is acting to greatly out of character too often.

Please memo me if you feel a character is harrassing you beyond what their character would. Remember, we are pirates. we will steal your gold, we will kill you, we will threaten you. If someone threatens you personally (out of character) please email Pandilex or JLH and memo me, I will not allow that person to do such things, we are pirates, but that doesn't give us the right to threaten you as a person and not as a character.

Please memo me if you see a member cussing, I will deal with it as I see fit, including having a personal talk with them, demoting them, clan removal, and I will also email Pandilex or JLH if I feel they need to know of the offense (such as constantly cussing in general chat)

The reason I ask for this is because I only know 2 people in my clan on a personal level. Everyone else in has either just asked to join or I've known them for a short period of time.

Edited by Deval, 15 April 2004 - 07:52 AM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#5 Xian

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 12:04 AM

This was funny for the first line of spam I saw in game.
Celerity // Wodan in game.

#6 Wolfgang

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 12:09 AM

This was funny for the first line of spam I saw in game.


What the what?

#7 Drake_Lord

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 08:49 AM

hmm sounds like fun. ill join ye scallywaggin crew matey.. arrgg..

#8 Captain John Human

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Posted 12 April 2004 - 01:30 PM

Dexter was removed from clan for not roleplaying, for being insibordinant, unruly, and blatantly disregrding what i was telling him.

Edited by Captain John Human, 12 April 2004 - 01:30 PM.

#9 Deval

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 03:13 AM

:OOC: A word.

As I have professed on many occassions, I have always tried to avoid RP in game. I joined the Black Reef Pirates because it looked like it was worth a laugh. I made myself a suitable pirate, Dirty_John_Flint, and have not looked back since. Just about my entire time spent on the crit consists of me in stitches whilst plundering the southern gate house noobs of all their shinies. I haven't had anything that really made me want to play Nightmist (other than development) for a very long time, but now that I have this RP character and this enthusiastic and entertaining clan I am having a ball again. Anybody who wants something different to the mundane, and looking for a great time while mixing things up a bit ::need:: to give this clan a look.

I have formulated some appropriate Pirate names for those less creative:

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#10 Wolfgang

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 06:32 PM

Aye Deval, that brings a tear to ones eye... and to make a weathered pirate cry... that be no small feet.

/me removes his hat, and places it against his chest.

OOC: >_> i'm Jack_Skellington, in the clan. I joined shortly after Ice_Cold made it. If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me on either Wolfgang, or if you feel like being talked at as a pirate, Jack_Skellington, or Roivas

Edited by Wolfgang, 14 April 2004 - 02:59 AM.

What the what?

#11 Kharybdis

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 09:09 PM

OOC: I don't have much to add that hasn't been said already, but I'm with Deval... this is an interesting and entertaining clan to be with. I joined the clan with Sigurd after Mr_Pirate/Ice_Cold/whichever name you know him by asked me to, and I've had some good times getting accustomed to RP'ing in the past few days.

If you'd like to join but you don't already have a crit with a suitable name and none of Deval's fine premade names appeal to you, here's a nice resource: fidius.org: What's My Pirate Name?

Edited by Kharybdis, 13 April 2004 - 09:11 PM.

#12 Lady_Maha

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Posted 14 April 2004 - 11:49 AM


Goodness, my pirate name is Iron Anne Bonney. If you see her around soon, you know who it is. :)
Social Engineering Specialist - Because there is no patch for human stupidity

#13 PureMourning

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 02:18 AM

Cute name.
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#14 ice_cold

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 02:25 AM


Goodness, my pirate name is Iron Anne Bonney. If you see her around soon, you know who it is. :)

---------------- Anne_Bonney ----------------
Name: Anne Bonney
Class: Female Dwarf Novice Thief
Clan: Black Reef Pirates Founder (Treasure Seeker)
Comment: 21 xx 18 21 18 xx
MSN Name:
Kos List:
Monsters Killed: 57
Players Killed:
Deaths by Players:
Total Game Time: 23 hours and 11 minutes.
Character Score: 647
Overall Ranking: 11196/21276
Class Ranking: 1787/3324
Last Logon: 04-14-2004 05:20:04
Staff Comment:

Arg matey, the real anne bonney shall not like yee stealing her name

Sigurd (Captain),
Jack_Skellington (Plunderer),
Mr_Pirate (Plunderer),
Anne_Bonney (Treasure Seeker),
Sir_Francis_Drake (Cannon Operator),
Dirty_John_Flint (Cannon Loader),
Black_Beard (Rower),
Filthy_Mcfadden (Rower),
Charlotte_De_Berry (Deck Swabber),
Dirty_Beard (Deck Swabber),
Dred (Deck Swabber),
One_Leg_Larry (Deck Swabber),
Roivas (Deck Swabber),
Wench (The Wench).

Edited by ice_cold, 15 April 2004 - 02:46 AM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#15 Deval

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 04:31 AM

Dirty John Flint stands at 5' 9", with a dirty matted beard and hair in much the same state. Brown dirty teeth line his wide, malicious, often drunk, smile. Upon his head he wears a fiercesome black feathered pirate hat, sporting the wear and tear of many ferocious battles. A long red filthy coat of military design, undoubtedly salvaged from the corpse of some poor sailor, sits over his dirty blood flecked clothes and boots, relieved of their original owner of obvious nobility. From a thick black leather belt hangs his prized posession, his jewelled sword, while fastened to his left 'hand', a rusty metal hook; a large battered shield is clumsily attatched.

A man of constantly changing scruples who's loyalties lie where he believes the most gold can be acquired, Dirty John Flint earned his name by the death of his mother when he was but 11 years of age. Disliking being physically forced to bathe, screaming he had grabbed a nearby empty bottle, smashed the bottom of it, and then proceeded to stab his mother through the throat. Fearing the arrival home of his father he collected together some bare essentials and fled, making for the docks a few miles away where he lived as his new home.

After years of thievery, brawling and crime, his left hand was amputated after being caught and punished by the city gaurd for stealing a young noble womans purse. That night, bleeding and weak, he was taken in by a black smith who had taken pity on him. After searing off and tending to the open wound, he had begun to forge a shining silver hook to take the place of his now fostered appendage.

Months later when John had fully recovered, he had ironically torn the intestines out of his foster father with the hook he had fashioned for him. Attempting to allocate him chores now that he was of fine health had not appealed to John, who made efficient merciless work of his gaurdian. Now aged 16 he returned to the docks of his orphan years, not in search of a new home, but to enlist in the ranks of piracy at the promise of wealth. He found his place with a rag tag crew aboard the ship 'Valkryie'. Months later John had earned himself a reputation as one of the most fiercesome pirates to sail the seas, and one of the foulest smelling men to board the Valkryie.

OOC: Bleh, I just felt like doing this for the fun of building the RP character, I wouldn't mind seeing some of the stories of some of my shipmates! :)
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#16 Bean

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 05:45 AM

*Rolls a pirate character*


I'll be contacting you shortly.
Copying from one is Plagiarism
Copying From many is Research.

It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#17 Bean

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 06:54 AM

Arrrg mateys, Johnathon Williams at yer service.

Ye may call me Seafury though, Only the Cap'n may be callin me Johnathon. If ye'd rather not be callin me seafury (Cant see why they mightn't be...) Yeh may call me john, or johnny.

Nice to be aboard with a fine crew such as this.
Copying from one is Plagiarism
Copying From many is Research.

It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#18 PureMourning

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 08:10 PM

Arrg fellow mateys, tis' be Filthy Mcfadden speaking... It does me great honor to be among tis fine crew.
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#19 Bess_Hawkins

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Posted 17 April 2004 - 12:30 AM

*she pockets the pay she recieved in advance and with a slight smirk moves towards the ship.. "She is in bad shape indeed" she thinks to herself as she boards her and scans the cannon shod decks.. Her dark hazel gaze moves up the torn mast and through the cabins as she walks through.. both port and bow sides in shambles she hisses low.. "a shame fer shur.. a damn shame".

Stepping through the wreckage she looks about at the crew.. "I be Bess Hawkins, seems this lady is in need of many repairs.. lets get to it yesno?"

As the woman speaks it is difficult to tell her age.. but there is something about her that just breathes of the sea.. grinning with a half cocked arrogance she dangles the headless length of a slain snake and whips it through the air making a whissssshing sound.. As you meet her dark mischief filled eyes it makes you wonder if she would indeed hit you with the slithering body.. indeed she would.. if you get in her way*

Edited by Bess_Hawkins, 17 April 2004 - 12:32 AM.

#20 ice_cold

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Posted 17 April 2004 - 09:21 AM


updating the pirate list

Mr_Pirate (Captain), --- Cleric
Jack_Skellington (Plunderer), --- Thief
Sigurd (Plunderer), --- Fighter
Anne_Bonney (Treasure Seeker), --- Thief
Sir_Francis_Drake (Cannon Operator), --- Thief
Bess_Hawkins (Cannon Loader), --- Fighter
Dirty_John_Flint (Cannon Loader), --- Fighter
Black_Beard (Rower), --- Paladin
Filthy_Mcfadden (Rower), --- Fighter
Requiem (Rower), --- Thief
Charlotte_De_Berry (Deck Swabber), --- Fighter
Dirty_Beard (Deck Swabber), --- Thief
Dred (Deck Swabber), --- Mage
Jane_Alderman (Deck Swabber), --- Cleric
John_Seafury_Williams (Deck Swabber), --- Fighter
One_Leg_Larry (Deck Swabber), --- Druid
Syler_One_Eye (Deck Swabber), --- Paladin
Roivas (Cook), --- Druid
Wench (The Wench). --- Cleric

Allowing 1 more Mage, 1 more Cleric, 3 Rangers (will roleplay as cannon operators). We need more Thieves...

Edited by ice_cold, 17 April 2004 - 11:37 AM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#21 Lady_Maha

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Posted 17 April 2004 - 01:42 PM

Darn matey, it be too late now, since the crit is already rolled and the name finder gave it to me. 'haps it be possible if me's her baby sister?
Social Engineering Specialist - Because there is no patch for human stupidity

#22 ice_cold

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Posted 17 April 2004 - 07:33 PM

Darn matey, it be too late now, since the crit is already rolled and the name finder gave it to me. 'haps it be possible if me's her baby sister?

ooc: everyone keeps claiming that you and me are married, its quite annoying.

arg matey, yee be anne bonneys sister? me never knew see had one.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#23 Squee



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Posted 17 April 2004 - 07:48 PM

((Good luck with your clan! I'd join but something tells me a "pirate" character just isn't me. ^^;; Still, to see this clan suceed would make me very happy.

May your sea legs never fail nor your sea stomaches. ^__^))
Posted Image

#24 Bean

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Posted 17 April 2004 - 11:14 PM

((Hehe, It is AWESOME sauce to see an RP clan make its way in this big bad nightmist world. WE AER GUNNA BE THE BESEREST NUMERB OENS! *Hehe... just kidding*))
Copying from one is Plagiarism
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It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#25 ice_cold

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Posted 18 April 2004 - 03:34 AM

ooc: cleric spot filled. no more clerics until i deam otherwise.

may allow 1 mage in.
looking for 3 rangers.
Fighters allowed in.
Looking for more thieves to join (if your making a character from scratch, please try to make it a thief)
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#26 Lady_Maha

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 06:28 AM

Darn matey, it be too late now, since the crit is already rolled and the name finder gave it to me. 'haps it be possible if me's her baby sister?

ooc: everyone keeps claiming that you and me are married, its quite annoying.

arg matey, yee be anne bonneys sister? me never knew see had one.

Me family's kept me in hidin 'cause them'd be thinkin' me ugly.

OOC: Married? You and I? How cute!
Social Engineering Specialist - Because there is no patch for human stupidity

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