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Scary Moment

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#31 Squee



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Posted 24 March 2004 - 02:41 AM

I also could have written that I had a chest-burster in my bowels...

...But, I had to put a limit somewhere. ^^;
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#32 alone

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 09:24 AM

Loved the story Squee :)

I feel your pain though :blink:
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#33 Suzey

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 10:58 PM

I knew this girl for a while, named Amy, I considered her a friend because she was like the first person I ever met at a show (punk shows with local bands and such). Well, I only saw her from time to time and then I found out she was sick with cancer,I wasn't sad because I knew some people who lived from it, I usually only saw Amy at shows, I haven't been to shows in a while, the last show I was at was my own show for my Sweet 16 last year. She lives 2 counties over from me and of course me being the tard I am never got an email or a phone # to keep in touch. I'm not the type of person to go snooping into other people's personal business, but when I met Amy, I met my friend Jeanna who was friends with Amy as well, they were pretty much best friends. Well, Jeanna wasn't in school for almost a month and I wondered why, she just came back to school a few weeks ago, I didn't really talk to her a lot at first when she got back because I wasn't sure what exactly was wrong, well, today, I worked on geometry homework with her and we were just talking and I asked her how Amy was doing,so she goes,'' Oh my God! you didn't hear? and I'm like no....... so, Jeanna goes and pulls out this notebook with a picture of Amy on it and her obituary saying she died in January.

So, I guess my scariest moments have been not talking to someone for a long period of time and then finding out they're dead... and when I say scariest moments and they're, I mean there has been at least 3 friends that this has happened to, last year before I started playing, I had 2 friends die, 1 from a car accident and 1 from suicide and I guess I fear and think to myself.....who's next?

And I guess thats where all of my anger comes from :) and why I snap off on people so easily I guess :-/

So that's my scary moment which happened today in 4th hour geometry class :blink:

#34 Vodka

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 11:54 PM

I have several scary moments and they all relate to death or near it.
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#35 Hatchet Crew

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 12:15 AM

Pure i so belive you about the cloaked dude thing...

ok i used to live in a house back in a older home in Wisconsin. Not far from all were the barn is was my house. There was a guy who used to live in teh house and one day he walked out to the barn and hung himself. I didnt even know this till after i saw what i saw. Anyways I always thought i saw shadows moving in my room and such and one night i woke up. I walked through the living room into the kitchen and i just got one of them feelings like i had to turn around and another feeling that somone was looking at me. So i turned around and looked in my room and right at the foot of my bed stairing at me was a 8ft tall figured in a cloak with his hood up cept were the face was it was all black with no face. I also at the time had a strong belive in god/satan and demons and i was always told if u ever feel that there is a demon in your precence just simply tell it to leave and trust in god to protect you and it will be all good. It was 1 in the morning about so everyone was sleeping but i yelled at it as loud as i could GET OUT!!!! The figure then pulled its hood off and it was still all black and there was no face but i couldnt see past teh black either. And then i ran to my mom and dads room because i was soo fkin freaked. When i came back out it was gone and i went back to bed with my light on but that was sooo scary.
I have a gut like Budha.

#36 Squee



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Posted 25 March 2004 - 12:27 AM

Suzey, what you wrote really touched me...even made me want to cry a bit (No, I didn't cry, I was just touched...REALLY!).

I feel really bad for your loss...if that happened to me...I wouldn't be able to talk about it (much less post about it) for a long time.
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#37 Suzey

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 01:29 AM

Suzey, what you wrote really touched me...even made me want to cry a bit (No, I didn't cry, I was just touched...REALLY!).

I feel really bad for your loss...if that happened to me...I wouldn't be able to talk about it (much less post about it) for a long time.

It was a scary moment, and it was my scary moment, so I shared it, hell since people are wanting to put my personal business out into game when they dont even know me so I'll put even more personal business out since its my own and who knows me better but myself

#38 Suzey

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 01:32 AM

Pure i so belive you about the cloaked dude thing...

ok i used to live in a house back in a older home in Wisconsin. Not far from all were the barn is was my house. There was a guy who used to live in teh house and one day he walked out to the barn and hung himself. I didnt even know this till after i saw what i saw. Anyways I always thought i saw shadows moving in my room and such and one night i woke up. I walked through the living room into the kitchen and i just got one of them feelings like i had to turn around and another feeling that somone was looking at me. So i turned around and looked in my room and right at the foot of my bed stairing at me was a 8ft tall figured in a cloak with his hood up cept were the face was it was all black with no face. I also at the time had a strong belive in god/satan and demons and i was always told if u ever feel that there is a demon in your precence just simply tell it to leave and trust in god to protect you and it will be all good. It was 1 in the morning about so everyone was sleeping but i yelled at it as loud as i could GET OUT!!!! The figure then pulled its hood off and it was still all black and there was no face but i couldnt see past teh black either. And then i ran to my mom and dads room because i was soo fkin freaked. When i came back out it was gone and i went back to bed with my light on but that was sooo scary.

I try not to believe in stuff like ghosts and just demons and spirits in general but now a days with these movies that seem so real and like how everyday theres something bad in the news about people dying or even worse so yeah im starting to be more of a believer myself

#39 Fossae

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 02:47 AM

I think I was the friend Pure was referring too.

Well over the summer he was home alone and he asked me to stay the night so I did. We were on NM like the whole night. Well I think that night is when we heard some funny shiz like that scratching sound he was talking about. Well we grab something I couldnt remember what it was so yeah i'll stop b/c it'll end up being another really long story. We were just ok then we were up at like 6 a.m. and I went outside and was yelling get the F*ck up really loud and shooting off fireworks lol.
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#40 newb

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 02:51 AM

Sometimes I think I am an insensitive jerk for not caring about other people's dilemmas. But then i think that maybe everyone is just too sensitive. After that I am usually fine with not caring again.

I could put some logic out there for you all, but I don't think many people will listen or understand.

Anyways, this one time, I woke up and poured myself some cereal. Then I look down and out of nowhere, really, there is a dead rat. That was pretty scary.

Edited by newb, 25 March 2004 - 02:52 AM.


#41 Thunderja


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Posted 25 March 2004 - 03:10 AM

Most of my scary or near death moments were alchohol related so i wasn't really scared, i was more damn it!! this sucks.

When i was 14 there is an island in the middle of the river that runs through our town, me and a few mates built a raft and took our camping gear across one night, i built the camp fire and in general it was a good night. Early the next day me and a mate who was there had to go play rugby.. after getting back the camp had been redone and a fire new fire was roaring. It started to get dark and i was trying to get my mate to stop stacking the fire. Suddenly a flame shot out of the ground (yes the ground) and a nearby bush instantly was covered with roaring fire which went so high the tree above us caught on fire.
In the confusion the idiot mate who made the new fire grabbed his gear and pissed off, leaving us other 3 to fight a loosing battle by filling up our pots at the river and running back to try and stop it, we started to retreat and when we got to the place where you swim back to the mainland no one knew where graham was, one of my mates kept saying hes dead (the scary part) so i went back looking for him, when i got back to our camping spot everything was engulfed in flames, it was the weirdest thing ive ever seen, i froze underneth the main tree which was in flames head to toe. I eventualy pulled myself away and went down the opposite beach looking for him. Eventually i ran into him crying like a little girl and we went back to where the fire service shone a spotlight on us and helped us get back across because i have 1 or 2 swimming problems. :)
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#42 Penguin


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Posted 25 March 2004 - 04:04 AM

my scariest moment was when this little whimpy dumb kid that goes to my school (in my grade, but only because of his age....) came up to me and my friend (no idea why) and said "me and my brother (also whimpy and nerdy) are going to beat you guys up tomarrow if I don't find my other yugioh card"

I was like whoa ahhh run hide :) 31i73 and i pead my tiny panties and had a mental breakdown

#43 Suzey

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 04:58 AM

Sometimes I think I am an insensitive jerk for not caring about other people's dilemmas. But then i think that maybe everyone is just too sensitive. After that I am usually fine with not caring again.

I could put some logic out there for you all, but I don't think many people will listen or understand.

Anyways, this one time, I woke up and poured myself some cereal. Then I look down and out of nowhere, really, there is a dead rat. That was pretty scary.

that would scare the hell out of anyone i think.....i dont like hearing about odd things people find in there food......like........a lady finding a finger in her salad or a little kid finding a chicken head in his chicken nuggets.....gross stuff lol

#44 newb

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 05:20 AM

Well, it was a dead rat on the floor. My mom set a trap and I think we can all assume that it did it's job.

I just wasn't expecting to nearly step on a deceased, large rodent.


#45 Deval

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 05:39 AM

Oh, I thought it fell outta the cereal box.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#46 Oasis

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 05:40 AM

I have many many scary stories, for me that is.

Well I was hitting golf balls at my house and there was a road near by, which I did not this I could ever hit that bad of a shot to get to. Well as I was hitting I heard a big bus coming and a few cars coming the other way. I hit the ball and it shot right at the road breaking through the window of not only the bus but the car going the opposite direction :blink: Both cars immediatly stopped, my heart was pounding I had thought that I just killed 2 people or more! :) The road covered with glass scared the nuts out of me too. Luckily enough I did not harm anyone.

It was another day out to haunt me with my horrible...horrible luck. I was walking back from a friends house at about 11pm it was dark and the wolves were howling. It was a long narrow road that I had to walk through to get to my house as I was walking I coudln't see within 5 feet infront of me and I unknowingly was heading toward the edge of the road where a few feet to the left there was a very steep hill and a creek at the bottom.
I was scared I thought some wolf was going to eat me or something then I heard a loud cry. I jumped and started running in the same direction that was heading me off the edge of the road. I fell all the way down and sunk into the creek. I was cold wet scared tierd. It took me 30 minutes to find my way up the hill and back on the road where I bumped into my dad which I thought was a wolf and I punched him and ran. When I got home he wasn't there then he walked in the door when a red eye and he was pissed :blink: and out came the belt. :lol: :( :D

#47 two

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 07:55 AM

ok, hands down scarriest mothermooseing thing that happened to me:

i'm alone at my house, parents went to some party, and it's raining pretty hard. one thing leads to another, and i end up seducing and getting intimate with myself (i got mad game, no one can resist me, not even me). i'm getting into it, making barn noises and i have my mask of pat sayjack on, and all of the sudden i hear a knock on my door and my mother's voice followed by the immediate click of my door openning.

turned out it was my imagination coupled with the wind, but those soul searing 7 seconds that made my heart thunder and drained all the blood from my body all at the same time has been, by far, the scarriest part in my short life.

#48 Metatron

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 06:50 PM

man i can totally relate to that lol :)
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#49 PureMourning

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 09:12 PM

Fossae wrote,

We were just ok then we were up at like 6 a.m. and I went outside and was yelling get the F*ck up really loud and shooting off fireworks lol.

lmfao, I remember that.

Remember when you hit that car with the rock and we got chased by Billy and his gremlin lookin' dad with poles? Haha..
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#50 Squee



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Posted 25 March 2004 - 11:48 PM


Was the scary part of that story SUPPOSED to be you getting intimate with yourself? ^^;
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#51 Fossae

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 01:03 AM

I scared the piss out of them when they were chasing me we ran into some woods and I ended up chasing them both back into there car.
I live to work. I live to save. I live to sacrifice. I live to die.

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