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Face Lift For Low-level Areas. Part 2.

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#1 Sleeping

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Posted 31 May 2008 - 03:33 PM

Continue from part 1.

5. New mini-boss

Veteran Adventurer. Can spawn random in one of the three campsites (unique spawn so appears only in one). Average spawn rate – 3 hours. Square should be restricted to characters level 1-25 only.

Direction update before campsite.
There is a single set of footsteps leading north/west/east through undergrowth.

Campsites placement:

Posted Image

Campsites description:
Forest Camp.
You step upon secluded forest clearing. It seems somebody have been camping here, as there is a bonfire with an iron pot hang over it and you can smell delicate scent of deer meat being cooked. You can return *direction* to the main path.
Veteran Adventurer is here with you.

Look over:
Veteran Adventurer is a muscular middle aged man who, like many others, prefers traveling and fighting to a peaceful life. It appears that his previous enterprise have been successful as he sports brand new armor and wields expensive-looking mace. He seems to be mildly annoyed by your presence here.

Random quotes:
Veteran Adventurer: Mind your own business.
Veteran Adventurer: What are you doing here, novice?
Veteran Adventurer looked you over.

Fighting styles:
Veteran Adventurer attacked you with Morning Star for xx damage.
Veteran Adventurer pulled burning log from bonfire and tossed it at you for xx damage.

10k hp, 50-60 damage, speed, armour and spell resistance same as mayor tvarti.

Morning Star– 10% (shop price = 10k)
Branchwood Helmet – 30% (shop price = 5k)
Branchwood Shield – 30% (shop price = 5k)
Ironweed Doublet – 30% (shop price = 6k)

So average drop worth 1,5k+10k*0.1+5k*0.3+5k*0.3+6k*0.3 = 7,3k

It always have been bit tricky to earn 15k for the branchwood set when your alt hits level 20, so there is an alternative way to get it. As my formula shows that monetary drop worth is fairly moderate for low and he should not become a common target for veteran players.

6. Another new mini-boss

Fairy Queen
Spawns at the willow tree in wetlands (mini-area prior to swamps, entrance is restricted to lvl 1-25). Average spawn rate – 1 hour.

Look over:
Fairy Queen is dressed in regal clothes and seems to attract respect from other fairies. She quickly moves to attack you with her spells and arrows.

Random Quotes:
Fairy Queen: You shall perish, human!
Fairy Queen: My magic is strongest.

Fighting styles:
Fairy Queen attacked you with it’s Magic Bow for xx damage.
Fairy Queen casts a water blast at you for xx damage.
Fairy Queen sends out a telepathic message and another fairy flies to her side. (summons Water Fairy).

Special powers:
Immune to normal attacks (magical weapons and spells only).

Death message:
Fairy Queen: My magic failed me!

10k hp, 60-90 damage, similar armour, spell resistance and speed to hydra head.

5k gold
Magic Bow – 10%
Magic Ring – 5%

Library info for Magic Bow:
Base damage: 14, Can be used by: rangers, Description: This delicate bow have been most certain enchanted with some spell as tiny magical sparks shines along it’s surface. String feels extremely easy to draw, yet when arrow is set loose, it flies with remarkable strength., Level needed to equip it: 15, Magical: Yes, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: , Mana leech: .

Similar Items:
Steel Bow – dmg 12, lvl 14
Leather Bound Bow – dmg 14, lvl 16
Enchanted Bow – dmg 21, lvl 25, magical

Library info for Magic Ring:
Armor base: 0.5, Can be worn by: clerics, druids, fighters, mages, paladins, rangers, thieves, pacifists, Description: This delicate ring have been most certain enchanted with some spell as tiny magical sparks shines along it’s surface. As you put it on, a slight static discharge passes through your hand, Level needed to equip it: 10, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0.

Similar Items:
Gold Ring – 1 ac, lvl 1, shop price 75k

Ever wondered why there are weak magical weapons (spider staff, scarlet daggers) but hardly if any weak creatures to use them upon? Grab your weapons, charge your spells and fight this mini-boss for new drops on your way to swamps. (0.5 armour class is possible, fur coat and fur hat are examples).

7. Catacomb accessibility ideas.
7a. Slow down the plague demon.

Increase plague demon’s delay between attacks by 1.5 times.

Plague demon is a tough cookie even for dedicated catacomb party, left alone somebody exploring. Killing it is not that big problem for big party as much as staying alive is. Don’t worry about making area too easy, you would still need second cleric for laboratories.

7b.. New drop for Herric.

Add Exodus Key as alternative drop for Herric with 10% drop rate.

Ever wonder how he gets into his own laboratories? Well, he has a spare key. A lucky kill will mean that you won’t need to kill plague demon again for another trip should you decide to return. Note that drop rate is low enough, so it does not happens very often.

7c. Add backdoor to laboratories.

There is already vent entrance mentioned in description at Herric’s place, so this idea is to put it to proper use.

/open vent
Square 3a: (when you enter from Herric’s square)
On entrance message: (0 damage trap)
You crawl and tumble through twisting tunnels for what seemed like eternity. Finally you see light ahead.
You are standing in dimly lit tunnel which opens to what appears to be a riverside. You can escape this hellish place to west, or you can return to east.

Square 3b: (when you enter from outside)
You are standing in dimly lit tunnel which opens to what appears to be a riverside. You can escape this place to west, or you can bravely venture farther to east.

When you go east from this square, you get following message and appear in easternmost laboratory room. (Not the herric square).
You crawl and tumble through twisting tunnels for what seemed like eternity. Finally you come upon a vent and pushes through it to find yourself in…

Square 2:
You are standing on a rocky riverside. Right above you rises massive Gnoll Fortress. Upon close examination you notice grating in a cliff side, semi-hidden among rocks. You can follow steep rocky path to south.
(Go east without exodus key)
The grating is locked tight but you notice word 'exodus' scratched on one of the bars.

Square 1:
You are standing on a rocky riverside below bridge. Right above you rises massive Gnoll Fortress. You can attempt to climb up to the bridge or follow steep rocky path to north.

Outside map:
Posted Image

Yes, two-way shortcut from outside straight to the third floor of catacombs locked with same key you get from plague demon.

Edited by Sleeping, 31 May 2008 - 05:43 PM.

Does not play well with others.

#2 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 31 May 2008 - 04:29 PM

i read through all this, then did it again so i understood it fully lol, now my head hurts.

supported - but with the magic ring, wouldnt 0.5 armour get confusing? mess up the system or anything like that?
Disaster ingame.

#3 Sleeping

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Posted 31 May 2008 - 04:41 PM

i read through all this, then did it again so i understood it fully lol, now my head hurts.

supported - but with the magic ring, wouldnt 0.5 armour get confusing? mess up the system or anything like that?

Tested it with fur coat and fur hat - wearing both adds exactly 1 armour. So full set of magic rings (4*0.5) should add 2 armour.

Edited by Sleeping, 31 May 2008 - 04:42 PM.

Does not play well with others.

#4 Raylen


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Posted 31 May 2008 - 05:40 PM

sounds good

on 1a ppl would camp the magic rings
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#5 Gaddy

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Posted 31 May 2008 - 10:07 PM

I like these ideas.
I don't support changing the Catacombs so extensively (on main)...Plague Demon could be toned down, imo, but that'd need to be discussed some. Perhaps adding a couple of interesting things there, or getting people more excited about Bewitched Spider Gauntlets...
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#6 Crane


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Posted 08 June 2008 - 02:31 PM

As they stand, it's almost not worth trying to obtain the Bewitched Spider Gauntlets, considering the effort it takes to obtain the items required and the reward for doing so... one armour point!

I would suggest adding the generic +1 Charisma to them, so they appear more appealing at first glance. Saying that though, I'm biased because I am an infamous Pacifist-lover! Still, Mutated Bear Pelts are by far the hardest items to obtain.

I actually use Paladins more than Clerics in the Catacombs because the former get their 4th stamina point at level 22, the maximum level for that area. As for the back door, I do not support it for the following reasons:

1) Why? If you managed to pick up an Exodus Key from the Plague Demon, it is easy enough to jog to the existing entrance. Even if you have come from outside, you can generally run past most of the monsters on the way (unless you want a chance at obtaining a Jagged Lance), and there are plenty of Keystones around to use.

2) The journals in the Laboratories mention that the scientists would never be able to escape through the Gnoll-infested catacombs. If there was a back door leading straight to the surface, they would know about this and would have likely tried to escape through it, even if it is only one way. If it isn't one way, it leads onto reason 3.

3) If a back door led straight to the surface, not only would the scientists have escaped (or attempted to), but Berzerkers and Mutated Bears might have done the same as well, either escaping of their own accord or set free by Herric to reap havoc on the world!

I'm all for new mini-bosses; something to do if I'm bored!

P.S. As for the mention of Leather Bound Bows, I would like a place I can sell them back after buying them... they're stocking up quite a bit on the multi-alt server, and they're too cheap and 'temporary' for people to notice them on the website.

ADDENDUM: Gaddy mentioned the Leather Bound Bow in passing on Part 1 of this thread, located here.

Edited by Crane, 08 June 2008 - 02:35 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

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