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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active May 24 2009 07:10 PM

Topics I've Started

Yay! Less Lag!

29 November 2008 - 10:59 PM

Title sais it all.

I came back to nm to find it completely dead. I decided to experiment with a new programming language and abuse nm for it.

I've written an auto roller (damned math questions are a bi­tch (yes i can get around the filter so ban me?) to get around), an auto trainer for 1 alt, an auto trainer for multi and an auto mapper (which was slow and really just a waste of time but a good experiment)

So basicly i'm done with nm.
Maybe the worst thing is that i didn't really have to hide my programming intents. i think many players knew and i know some staff knew about it yet i could just continue doing my thing.

can't say it was fun seeing you all again because it wasn't. i'm sure it wasn't as good for me as it was for you guys :ph34r:.

GL to ELF trying to save a game that's fuc­­ked up the way nm is.

I mentioned my account name and pw in clan chat so whoever logged in first has my stuff (not much)

Elf if you miss me, log on to msn. to everybody else. goodbye and try to leave the house atleast once a year and shower atleast once a week.

@JLH small advice, use different colours for perfect stats. now reading the stat colour for perfect stats is just too easy. it won't solve much but it'll make things more interesting. Or even better make the screen move around after a math question. now i could just go by fixed location and fixed colours. Congratz on making the text of the math questions not autoreadable (is it jsut a big picture?)

Main Custom Picture

15 September 2008 - 06:11 AM

i still got a custom pic on main.

250k 1a gold.

contact me on the_third_duke or Xcalibur on 1a

Custom Pic, Main Server

05 June 2008 - 08:58 AM

Selling a custom pic on main since JLH can't transfer it to 1 alt server.

So pay me on 1 alt server for a custom pic on main.

Nightmist Helper Code

26 May 2008 - 09:44 AM


since i've got a new pc and haven;t palyed nm in ages i didn't keep the nm helper code.

i remember putting it up ages ago on the nm helper website.

anyone happen to have downloaded it so if i ever get time i can maybe update the helper (obviously untill some retards annoy me enough to quit spending time on it)?
