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Thieves Covert

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#1 Ryuku


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Posted 16 November 2007 - 01:04 AM

A thief can stay somewhere where they can click a fast spawning monster repeatily, without ever being revealed, not needing potions to stay alive, unable to be pk'd, and able to stockpile mass gold with little effort and no fear of losing it. There's always a place to do this for any level before 30.

5-13 SDG
13-21 Small snakes
21-30 sentry spiders (atleast is the most popular, I'm sure there are better places)

Thieves are not all that weak, people seem to think they are, the ability to go through armor is very powerful, and the more the levels rise, the better it will become over the others. So why let them have an ability that makes them able to level almost eternally.

Thieves being able to hide is a necessity (sp?), so maybe a possibly solution, make covert take 1 stam away from stam regain if you're hidden at the time. If you wanna train safely, you have to train slightly slower, tedious timing makes it so you can get around this, but you will sometimes be hit by monsters so you will have to actually use potions and leave, or if you're unlucky, be killed by someone watching you train.


Edit: Added phrase "so you will have to actually use potions and leave,"

Edited by Ryuku, 16 November 2007 - 07:27 AM.

#2 Angelus

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 01:13 AM

Wrong, dotw makes us being able to train without using pots. Sentry spiders down't spawn that fast, and im lvl 30 and still not always kill them on 3 stam. Dotw is what gives us the edge, not the ability of being able to covert.
Angelus ingame.
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#3 Ryuku


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Posted 16 November 2007 - 01:25 AM

Dotw indeed can make it to where you can't use pots, but that's in almost every situation, which you paid a decent ammount of gold for.

The reason you don't click them is because you're using a 20 bd dagger, although it regains hp, an ivory, especially a DoS, makes it worthless in this case since you wouldn't lose hp anyway.

Yes, DotW gives you an advantage, which you paid for. Although in this case, using a cheaper yet stronger dagger will give better results. Being able to stay anywhere for a long time without a hp absorb weapon.

Having a DoS in spider tunnels, you might as well have a cobalt, which is why I feel covert is too powerful in certain locations.

Edited by Ryuku, 16 November 2007 - 01:53 AM.

#4 EvilDognapot

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 03:37 AM

To do this you have to be able 1-click the monster; that means it has to be below your optimal difficulty for your present level. Therefore you not only waste time waiting for the respawn, you also waste time killing monsters below your skill level.

So if you're stupid enuogh to see an advantage in training this way, you should have every right waste your own time.
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#5 Ryuku


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Posted 16 November 2007 - 04:19 AM

Maybe you play Rev too much, since when does difficulty of a monster determine the exp you get?

Sentry spiders are 65 pod, and are very easy. Not to mention you get killshot exp each attack aswell.
Demonics are way harder and only 55 pod.

So..k, lets train off the monster that takes more power..wtf I'm gaining less exp, WHY GOD WHY.

The exp you get from monsters in this game is not balanced compared to difficulty, so your arguement really falls apart quickly (I wish it was, boss monsters would be giving like 1000 pod :ph34r:)

Waiting for respawn? Pretty sure that's why I said "fast" spawning. Learn to read.

Edit: + Not to mention you get killshot exp each attack aswell.

Edited by Ryuku, 16 November 2007 - 04:22 AM.

#6 EvilDognapot

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 05:29 AM

Maybe you play Rev too much, since when does difficulty of a monster determine the exp you get?

Sentry spiders are 65 pod, and are very easy. Not to mention you get killshot exp each attack aswell.
Demonics are way harder and only 55 pod.

So..k, lets train off the monster that takes more power..wtf I'm gaining less exp, WHY GOD WHY.

The exp you get from monsters in this game is not balanced compared to difficulty, so your arguement really falls apart quickly (I wish it was, boss monsters would be giving like 1000 pod :ph34r:)

Waiting for respawn? Pretty sure that's why I said "fast" spawning. Learn to read.

Edit: + Not to mention you get killshot exp each attack aswell.

The only advantages of what you describe is the relative security of being covert. Aside from that you miss out on more gold from other monsters, better exp from other monsters, and all the while you waste you stamina waiting for respawns. There is no monster that respawns in 10 seconds or less every time, and sentry spiders are not the richest in gold or exp in the entire game.

If you train conventionally you won't waste any stamina, you'll get better exp, you'll earn more gold, and advance faster. You would be doing yourself a disservice to one click spiders for 238 million exp.
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#7 Ryuku


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Posted 16 November 2007 - 07:26 AM

Okay, before I present my arguement further, which would be pretty easy if you said everything knowing this.

This is for 1a only..

Edit: Sorry for not making that clear earlier.

Edited by Ryuku, 16 November 2007 - 07:27 AM.

#8 Angelus

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 08:31 AM

Oke then to take apart your arguments fairly quickly. I'm lvl 30 and I don't kill sentry's in one shot all the time. 3 stam, there's enough times i do 115-125 damage only. Which means sentry lives another round, besides that there's a change you'd miss.

Then, sentry spiders down't spawn that fast, not like giant spiders do for instance. Go try it out.

So in the end this type of training takes longer then it would if you would just train normally like most chars. Trust me i know, seeing as i just started playing since 25 days ago and just reached arch (check my gametime before you go say it's too easy). And i trained in both ways.
Covert and clicking might be safe but it's slow as hell.

Edited by Angelus, 16 November 2007 - 08:31 AM.

Angelus ingame.
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#9 ChiliPepper

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 12:35 PM

I think that your being petty, find the strength of a class on 1a which gives them the ability to truely go solo, then try to take it away.

NB: I do not own a dotw, nor can I afford one.

OT: Why can't fighters equip any weapon?
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#10 EvilDognapot

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 03:35 PM

Okay, before I present my arguement further, which would be pretty easy if you said everything knowing this.

This is for 1a only..

Edit: Sorry for not making that clear earlier.

I figured. You're still a moron to train that way though. You give theives too much credit, they don't hit that hard until lvl 26, and miss alot before then too. You'd be wasting your time. Even if you stick to the noob monsters you list in the OP, you would be hitting to low, or missing often enough that you would be visible more often than not until lvl 26.
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#11 Lord_Poseidon

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 03:40 PM

If you're training on sentry spiders like that, you won't be able to afford a DOTW any time soon. Saying it unbalances the game gold wise is laughable. It is a way to gain exp. and few k gold when you don't have friendlies online to train with. When you are fairly new and bigger clans won't let you in, you gotta get your foothold somehow. Also, giving people a way to train some solo keeps them online until more log on. Otherwise, people log on and see nobody and go to an alternative game or entertainment. If ur solo training ur fellow clanmate/friend can message you and you can find more efficient ways of getting gold, exp, and drops. Not many cool drops off of sentry spiders. :ph34r: One good thing about spiders is it is somewhat safe and another place to train when you get bored somewhere else.

As for being too powerful, when will this end? First clerics were too powerful and then healers got dealt a stiff obstacle. Especially paladins. Druids took a hit on camo. Then everyone cried about mages. Let me tell ya.......mage training in the hedges will rack up far more gold than you will ever get on sentry spiders. Now there's spell absorb and no hit and running from Silversail and a whole host of people whining about mages. In fact, it is probably the mages getting clicked in the Hedges that really are thinking thieves are too strong. Evidently, a certain thief is starting fires and really burning down those hedges. Good for him.

Who will be too powerful next? Zerks? When you get to a high level they can click most classes. How about we cry about rangers. They can use hypno which can in certain spots mirror the hit and runnnig. Truly that must be unfair!! Maybe the unfair lobby will go back to druids. Afterall, a pimped druid will have great armor, good wis., and spell absorb trinkets all over him. His camo still lasts too long and high level druids can dish out heavy damage while morphed. Tracking.....that must be cheating right?

I think the best solution is to add another class of crit or race. Necromancer? Lizardman? Then we could all cry about them being too strong. Clearly, we will run out of classes to whine about eventually. Why not start new ones now while there's still time. ROFL!

#12 ChiliPepper

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 03:48 PM

I was going to say something along those lines about other crits finding the best way to train in certain situations, IE mages in hedges, Spelled druids in forests etc but decided to hold back from an arguement I wasn't yet involved in.
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#13 Throwback

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 05:15 PM

i however beg to differ. The point of alex's arguement, is a thief simply needs food and water, and can go literally farm gold w/o risk of being pk'd without a very unlucky miss or poor fail, or a cleric spamming vision in a very large area. He is not argueing that this is the best technique, the only technique, or even that every thief uses it. 65 POD is on the better end of the spectrum, gnoll archers and wolves are the only thing i can think of outside dessy/faravar/vamp bats that are higher. So yes, sitting covert clicking away 60 gold a round and at 65 POD and a 200 damage 3 stam attack 13k exp isnt that shabby either. No other class has the unique ability to kill w/o being seen. I say it's completely fair, it is one of their abilities and i don't see it as a completely unreal advantage. I would gladly take my expansive choice of targets and train elsewhere, than simply tapping my macro ( and yes tapping macro is all u need because they do respawn almost instantly, just find a square with more than one and by the time u kill second one first has respawned, its a vicious cycle)

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#14 Ryuku


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Posted 16 November 2007 - 05:45 PM

Pssh, Corey debating for me, I'm not weak ;p

We're looking at 1a situations here, since this nightmist solo. More than likely, you'll be training alone.

That practically takes out swamps, dessy, and well, alot of places, since their hnr damage with normal attack is extreme crap and they don't have a healer. That's why it's powerful, you don't get the exp of being in the party, but you get basically get the healing aspect since you can last so long, and since moving is minimal (not like there isn't a sentry spider every single square for 20 in a row, every other one having 2) the exp is more constant.

#15 Angelus

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 06:08 PM

First of, props to Lord_Poseidon, you nailed it <3

I could take on most arguments here fairly easy, like 3 stam won't hit for 200 damage as corey said. Alex you're always on other peoples char and none of em are thieves prolly, so first train your own stuff then complain. By the time you killed it it doesnt respawn just like that, it's not how it works. All monsters go in loops, like say sentry spider spawns every 30 sec, if on the 30th sec there is already a monster active it wont spawn, so when u kill it right then u have to wait 30 sec.

Nice knowing the people who actually know nuts have the most arguments against it. You just keep swinging and missing every one of em.

Still im guilty of juicing things up, cuz we all know it won't go nowhere with these ideas, yet i try to school you about it.

Ah and on a side note, cuz i only said it about 10 times already. Covert isn't the thing that benefits us much on training, it's something else. You would know this if you've actually walked the path yourself.

Edited by Angelus, 16 November 2007 - 06:11 PM.

Angelus ingame.
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#16 EvilDognapot

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 06:12 PM

you still need a thief that's good enough to hit everytime, and hit high enough every time, and by the time you have that theif you're only selling yourself short.

edit to include: lvl 13-21 small snakes
You attempted to assassinate a Small Snake but failed and caused 81 points of damage.
lvl 15, 21 str, 3 stamina, and a bronze dagger. It's a little known phenomenon, but theives spend most of their covert time bumbling around in plain sight pretending that ryuku's secret invisible training plan is feasible.

Edited by EvilDognapot, 16 November 2007 - 07:06 PM.

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#17 Throwback

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 09:07 PM

ur right 200 is a stretch i was just looking for an ez # to multiply with. Anyways the arguement is being able to train covert, and im sure the arguement mostly applies to lvl 26 plus in which case one can wait for all 5 stam and assassinate covert all day.....im just going to quit posting

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#18 EvilDognapot

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Posted 17 November 2007 - 10:41 PM

even at 26+ you're assassinating crappy monsters all day while the other thives leave you in the dust.
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#19 Gaddy

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Posted 18 November 2007 - 12:19 AM

As Doggy said, things that you can 1-click are not even close to the best exp you could be getting.
This also requires the thief to solo or play with only other thieves.

Other characters are much more powerful than a thief can be without teamwork.
Druids and mages are far above thieves in almost every aspect, so why worry about thieves having a way to train that is pretty poor----a mage or druid can hit, hit, invis---wait---hit, hit, invis---on the top monster exp in game.

Muchless, the best way to train is in groups. There is no other way to come close. So a thief willing to train like this deserves his/her exp.
Otherwise---how will players who are not wanted by the groups even be able to train at all?
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#20 Freek

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 01:58 AM

As Doggy said, things that you can 1-click are not even close to the best exp you could be getting.
This also requires the thief to solo or play with only other thieves.

Other characters are much more powerful than a thief can be without teamwork.
Druids and mages are far above thieves in almost every aspect, so why worry about thieves having a way to train that is pretty poor----a mage or druid can hit, hit, invis---wait---hit, hit, invis---on the top monster exp in game.

Muchless, the best way to train is in groups. There is no other way to come close. So a thief willing to train like this deserves his/her exp.
Otherwise---how will players who are not wanted by the groups even be able to train at all?

To be honest I don't really care. But my two cents.

1.) 65 pod is actually alot more then you think on 1a most mages train on what? Hedges that equals... 60 pod. Druids? Bears 55 pod. Clerics? Demonics 55 pod.

2.) Alex is getting at that thieves can sit in the same area without leaving and no one will know for hours. True, Mages/Druids can hit hit invis but thats what? 60 mana for 2 hits good game. You go broke in desert trying to hit and invis monsters because they would take so long to kill that you would have to refresh or buy mana every 10 seconds just to kill 1 monster. As thieves can click and if dotw then no pots needed anyways.

If ya'll are fighing over covert is to much because thieves can easily click 65 pod monster without being seen therefore getting exp with no real threat then think about this. I got a funny page today out of the blue no reason quoteing lethal_dose it go's something like this. "HAHAHA you will NEVER find me killing Ettins again because now I can fight master thiefs solo." Just a thought but thieves train what 1-5 Arena? Then SDG? Then Swamps till 26? Then Sentry spiders till when ever? Then lvl 31 they go do Thief only area where they can't be pk'd except by other thieves? Lets recap that 1-5 Arena Nopk, Scarlet Dagger lol pk someone in there so funny. Swamps yeah be lucky enough to go in there find someone and pk them solo yeah right. Sentry spiders find a thief uncovert lol!? Malok area.. oh wait I can't go in!

This is thieves compared to every other class in general. I mean sure theres lots of places to find 55-60 pod monsters all over the map but does any other class get to sit in that spot for hours without anyone knowing of it? Clerics/Mages/Druids/Pallys - Have to leave for mana. Fighters/Zerks - Pots always. Thieves - DotW and Covert and im good game. Not to mention staff just had to fix something because certian thieves would sit on a ktp square and click as people tried to kill it. And wouldn't come out if they clicked the person there.

I mean covert to me isn't that bad if you choose to sit on a square covert and wait for someone for that long go ahead I do that on a mage I just spend 2.8k every so often.

The only thing that covert is bad for like alex said is being able to click a monster and not being able to be seen when you do. His hole argument is that a thief can click 55-65 pod monsters without being seen that every other class trains on because those are the only pod monsters you can solo on 1a without the risk of dieing to the monster without being seen.

Like I said I don't care im just trying to show ya'll what alex is getting at that thieves can train on the same pod's as every other class without having to buy pots and only being seen by people who are really determined to sit on every square and see if a monster dissapears as they are there and wait for the thief to fail or misclick to pk them, when there might not even been someone there in the first place. Or happend to have failed right as someone walked by before you got 1 stam back to covert.

Freek ingame.

#21 EvilDognapot

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 02:21 AM

Dude, what alex is getting at is that he doesn't know what he's talking about. Thieves assassinate varies too much, and too often to train that way and still be productive.

At lvl 28 you could 1-click sentry spiders w/3 stamina, but most of the time you'll come up short and take two rounds. So most of the time you lose the covert status that ryuku is talking about. Once you lose that covert, you may as well be in the garden/desert/zeum etc. where your level can benefit the most.
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#22 Gaddy

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 02:48 AM

There is no argument in saying they can train in thieves only or NOPK areas...
The game isn't designed so that you, or any player, can hunt down anyone whenever you want.

Any class can train in the arenas.
Any class can train in the swamps---though it is not as productive for most as it is for zerks and thieves.

Not any class can simply go invis whenever it is in great danger, and only two classes can cast up ac spells to make them invunerable to 2/3rds of other classes....
So I wouldn't suggest complaining as a mage/druid user; those are by far the more overpowered classes.
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#23 Ryuku


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Posted 20 November 2007 - 03:15 AM

Okay, since you all don't listen to facts, I had an experiment. I went to a spot in sentries, and started watching this new anime called Death Note while the NM window was open on the side, just enough to where I can see the monster and watch the anime non stop, except when briefly clicking a link to watch the next episode.

I watched anime for about..6 hours I think, randomly clicking every 8-12 seconds a few times and coverting when needed too. The arguement you need to be lvl 26 to completely benefit from this, yes, but that only stops you from getting pk'd any longer since you'll rarely be uncovered. It doesn't stop the fact a lvl 21-25 can train there as easily, only watching for pks. Furthermore, does that makes it okay for lvl 26+, or even 28+, to train with complete ease?

Anyway, the results of my experiment. Wow, look at that, was capped for lvl 24 and made 63k, and had 4 advanced potions remaining (keep in mind I took 3 foods and 3 waters with me, showing that even if you miss or don't click them, requirements for being able to stay and train are so minimal compared to other classes.

Might as well have had an autotrainer since I was practically doing nothing but watching TV?

Compared to effort of other classes use to train, even if they do hit and run, being able to do this, is what's laughable.

Don't change it if you wish, I'll benefit either way. Just letting the facts be known.

Edit: To Gaddys Post

No, we shouldn't be able to hunt down everyone we wish, I agree with that. That's why arenas and (to an extent) class restricted areas exist.

Although you grasp the main concept and debated against it, that's a very foolish flaw in debating, you need details of it aswell. I'll even help you with it. We are not talking about arenas, or (in this case) class restricted areas, we're talking about places that are out of town, a monster a thief can click, and stay without needing any means of healing, just food/water. In the specified place (don't think it's the only place, just the most popular) the exp is fairly decent, infact, better than most places so close to Nightmist.

Mages and Druids are overpowered, what leads you to think this? A lvl 34 mage/druid killing off lvl 28-31s pretty easily? Isn't that kind of to be expected with the level difference, especially when between those levels, they get their first leap at lvl 33, attaining 6stam? In another case, "My lvl 26 mage/driud got killed by a 30 zerk, ohhh, zerks are overpowered, blah blah", but isn't that also to be expected?

Now, if it were something like, a lvl 27 zerk, clicking a lvl 34 mage, THEN, you can see, something is wrong, especially when the lvl 34 mage can't easily round the zerk. Don't say foolish things like mages/druids are overpowered just because they're the only ones who've lvl'd above 32 (besides Corinne, first lvl 33 or higher that isn't a mage/druid).

Again, I like rambling, and sharing my ideas, don't hate me for it :ph34r:

Edited by Ryuku, 20 November 2007 - 03:44 AM.

#24 Gaddy

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 04:08 AM

Dear ickle Ryuku,
Please, do not try to imply I don't know Nightmist. That is just going to annoy me into not bothering to read what you have to say.
It isn't as if every post I make is pointed straight to you simply because you made the post---mainly the prior one was in response to the things Freek said; he is often bias towards mages and his own style of gameplay.
I don't need you to nit pick about trying to undercut what I say.

Mages and druids become overpowered on a 1-alt game for many reasons, none of them revolve around a level 34 killing a level 28. I didn't even say anything about ease of training or bring up the levels of characters in 1-alt.
You cannot simply put words in my mouth and argue against your own thoughts.

Try not to pretend like some classes do not have huge advantages---it isn't as if JLH is going to recode the class system just because they are not all even stevens in the full aspect.
Most real play requires some diversity of character---so it really doesn't matter that much.

The problem here arises from a few things that have been done to stop players from cheating, which now help them train-
1. Thieves being covert on the square allows the moster to come back while the player is still there.
2. Sentry Spiders are too high of exp, and a check needs to be put on monsters like them, which can be clicked by players of any class---since never being attacked will always make training too easy.

These are the real problems, not thieves simply being able to covert how they always have.
Making it take 1 stam to covert would seem to not matter in the way you've explained it either...since they don't covert when they click a monster, and don't need to hit every single stam gain.

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#25 Freek

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 08:10 AM

This is just what im getting from you reply please tell me if I read it rong.

What Im getting at is that you think this post is about player vs player?

No we are saying that a thief can sit in the same spot forever and not move no one knows of this they farm mass gold and kill things most classes have to get less pod on in 1 hit. And if your getting to the point where your saying thieves should get to train like this because a mage/druid rape any other class pvp then I would hate to see another post of adding somthing to weaken mages/druids because if you didnt notice from this post a mage/druid has only a few areas where they can train and do anygood in either exp or gold. Mage more then druid. So since mages/druids are more difficult/dangerous to train they should excel in pvp. So please refrain from talking about mages/druids are overpowerd when what it takes to train them compared to certian classes is upsurd. Especially a mage who dont get to power lvl in swamps all those lvls like every other class. Especially later on in the game when a 6 stam thief clicks anything with less then 300 hp no matter what the ac is and an arch zerk clicks anything with 320 hp when that could be a mage 3 lvls higher. Sure a mage/druid can cast an armor spell but I mean what mage/druid other then myself actually keep it on 24/7 because of the mana usage.?

By the way I would like you to look at all the Arch Thieves deaths by players compared to everyother arch classes death by players and you'll see what we mean.

You must be trying to annoy me...people suggest I don't understand the game, and now you seem to think I cannot read, and then you go about trying to explain something that I understand plenty well...only rom your complete slanted point of view, and with awful grammar and structure to the explanation itself.

Not trying to turn this thread into a bashing thread It's looking to me though that you are comparing pvp instead of pvm witch is the goal here.

Edited by Gaddy, 20 November 2007 - 05:14 PM.

Freek ingame.

#26 Ryuku


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Posted 20 November 2007 - 08:49 AM

Stadius is not dealing with insults on Nightmist.
You will not be posting for a while.

At least I don't have to feel any care for locking you, since you've managed to get a warn level of 100% beforehand anyway.
Also makes anything you have to say negative towards me not matter much, obviously your opinion has been poor enough before.

Edited by Gaddy, 20 November 2007 - 05:17 PM.

#27 Angelus

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 08:52 AM

I should make a thread "Mages ability to hit and invis too powerfull?" Why do people always want to tweak the class they don't really play?

And we don't have much pks on us cause for starters we don't train in the obvious. Lol we don't even train in tunnels for that matter unless we were below 24 or something. And we couldn't click sentries then (still can't but that's besides the point).

Next to that I don't have pk's on me as well, I killed about seven and died twice.

So focused on the tunnels when I can't even name anyone who trains there on 24+ lvl thieves.

And Freek weren't you suggesting the SS refresh be lowered just so you can train of ktp. Way to bash other classes and suggest for your own benefit.

Conclusion: You are basing this on one point and one point only, we lvling from sentry spiders while staying covert, no one i know even does that. You have no idea what you're talking about.

On a side note your suggestion will take effect in pking as well, as well as other times you're being covert for something. So stop with the load of bull already and go play the game.

Edited by Angelus, 20 November 2007 - 08:55 AM.

Angelus ingame.
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#28 Freek

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 09:16 AM

Lol you are my new favorite person.

1.) Mages ability to hit and invis. = 60 Mana every 2 hits = 4 rounds then need mana = No good?

2.) "Why do people always want to tweak the class they don't really play?" This is a good question seeing how everyone who didnt use a mage wanted them to be lowerd.. Hmm?

3.)SS rate being lowerd would benifit everyone mainly party trips. Clerics hance and rf a party boom out of mana. And yes when the clan does go on trips I find it easier refreshing then buying mana because belive it or not you get more out of paying 300gold to get 500mana then 200gold to get 100 mana gg.

4.) "Conclusion: You are basing this on one point and one point only, we lvling from sentry spiders while staying covert, no one i know even does that. You have no idea what you're talking about." You looked on the top thieves senty kill list? Its insane. Not only that its not just tunnles that was just a big example. If you did not read my first post I said there are thieves who go to spots where there are bears and other such clickable monsters and they walk around without being in the open forever.

5.) How will losing 1stam while your covert after each assassinate be worse for pking reason? Right now thieves who pk are already covert and when click if they fail they come out anyways and if they click you they are still hidden they will just have to wait 20 secs for more stam then usual.

6.) If you want to start about "Way to bash other classes and suggest for your own benefit." Look at the history of the post of this section and tell me how many have been about "Mages are unfair" Compared to other people who look at classes and say well this could be changed. If anything about me wanting SS lowerd to 100 is to hard for you to understand i'll point it out. Ss was changed from 100 to 300 because of the main gate training. They could sit there kill monsters without getting pk'd and make gold as they did it and hit 80-90 pod monsters. Now because of Ktp and Nopk on main I see no reason it needs to stay 300 gold other then it would be unfair for mages if thats what your trying to say witch i dont get because im pretty sure I just said thats 60 mana a round to hit hit invis and even me with 505 mp thats only 8-9 rounds before i have to pay 100 gold to get my mana back and 8-9 3 stam rounds wont kill me a scorp, not to mention most mages dont hit hit invis because they are afraid to fizzle and get stuck k?

7.) This post is the training advantage thieves have over other classes the easiest way to fix this isnt even the covert problem to me even tho that is one way. If you really wanted to make it fair as in the farm gold and never buying pots/mana give fighters/pallys/zerks Vamp weapons. And let mages/druids/cleric have a spell that makes it to where they cant move nor invis and as this spell is on it regens mana as long as u dont move aka "Freek cast mediate. Freek enterd a trance of deep thought" everytime stam regen it would take each stam i got back and trance form it into lets say 50 mana? so i would sit there until i cancled the spell or untill my mana filled all the way up (Hard to code so will never happen) and if this did come into play make it not work in town so i couldnt run to town and do it for free since 100 gold is just so crybabyish.

Now please if there is something else you would like to comment on I advise you to think real hard before you post.

Edited by Freek, 20 November 2007 - 09:16 AM.

Freek ingame.

#29 Defeat

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 09:16 AM

Saying this post is about training off of Sentry Spiders alone is wrong. If you go back and read, when he made this thread he did say a small variety of things a thief can sit and click all day long. I know people who sit on worn path clicking snakes all day long. Nice way to hoard gold if you ask me. Learn your facts before you post.

Jµ§t å fîgméñt øf yøµ® îmågîñåtîøñ
1a - Rise/Mythical

#30 Ryuku


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Posted 20 November 2007 - 09:35 AM

To Angelus:

For a fact, I do play a thief, and I do train in spider tunnels, but I guess that isn't enough for you, or you just didn't read my post.

I'll post this in the order is appears in the profile, this is Vietgnome's, the highest level thief in MD, and also has been semi inactive for about a month.

Male Gnome Archmaster Class II Assassin - A gnome, if anyone has such a disadvantage of doing this, he does.

Death by Players - 43 - Considering he pk'd alot with us when we needed him, it doesn't seem all that high.

Game time - 26 days, 9h39 - Compared to yours (Angelus), it's twice as big, compared to Lethals, it's half. It looks funny, cause it's lvl 30, 31, 32, the bigger having double game time. It holds little relevence and reliability for obvious reasons, but I think I'd put it here for you to see so you don't bring up his huge game time.

Overall Rank- 7/1705 - So someone who trains mostly on spiders, don't make much gold? He obviously makes more than the lot of you.

Class Rank - 2/217 - Second only to someone who's saving a large portion of their gold, possibly for a cobalt o.o

Now, this is where we get some nice evidence of what I've said, and even a small list of monsters that are abused this way.

His monster kill list, the top 5 most killed monsters, in order.
Sentry Spider - 8187
Small Snake - 2553
Giant Leech - 2040
Giant Spider - 1981
Giant Rat - 1096
And just for the hell of it, I'll put his next one cause it's funny.
Crystal Formations - 768

Is that a good enough example for you?

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